The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1722 The succubus and the target!

Just go with your feelings!

There must be problems in reality.

But in the world of heroes, especially the strong, this is absolutely true.

So Zhao Hao decisively entered this 'tavern' located in the cave of an extinct volcano.

Even though there was no signboard, the strong smell of alcohol filled the entire camp, which was more obvious than any signboard.

"At that time, the flame lizard rushed towards me, and I made a sliding shovel!"


"That bastard from Moria dares to swallow up the ruins of Dudu. Don't let him find it, or I will peel off his skin!"

The noise is coming

At the same time, the temperature seemed to have dropped a lot.

Although the temperature is still higher than normal, compared to the blazing heat outside, it feels like going from midsummer to cool autumn, which is not a good feeling.

The layout of the tavern is extremely simple, mainly made of stones and metal, giving it a feeling of wasteland style.

The hundreds of guests were of various races.

There are humans, lizardmen covered with scales, orcs with beastly features, demons with magic patterns... and so on.

In addition, you can also see a group of maids and dancers wearing "cool" clothes, with sheep horns on their heads and soft tails passing through.


Zhao Hao recognized at a glance that these were not human beings.

At least they are demons with succubus blood, or even pure-blood succubi.

If it were any other place, non-main plane creatures like demons would definitely be rejected.

Just like the summons will be expelled back to the abyss of hell sooner or later.

But Nigon is different!

The ubiquitous volcanoes are equivalent to providing a permanent BUFF, which greatly weakens the repulsion of demons and enables them to stay in the main plane for a long time.

Therefore, this island is a mixture of demons and devils.

Meeting a demon is completely normal.

The race of succubi is a very special race of demons.

The frontal combat ability is not as good as that of demons of the same level, and his talents are spells and wisdom.

Compared with other demons who only know how to be reckless, they rely more on their brains to survive, and they also like to be attached to powerful forces.

It’s totally up to whoever forces him to mess with whom!

So this race has a lot of influence in Negon.

Succubus girls like these from "poor families" appear here to work, not only because they are spies sent by the caravan cooperation demon forces, but also because of their special needs.

I understand everything!

Succubi have special ways to increase their strength.

Coupled with the fact that they can earn profits, they will naturally not refuse to come to 'work'.

As for why no girls from other races came? .

It's not that they don't want to come, it's that they can't come.

This is Negon!

A place where the environment is harsh and dangers are everywhere.

If those young ladies with delicate bodies come, it will be no different than coming to die.

But Zhao Hao felt something was wrong.

Because a purple-haired succubus girl in skimpy clothing who was almost sitting in the arms of an orc adventurer caught his eye.

Well, it's not beauty.

In terms of beauty, with Anluosi, the ceiling of pure desire, by his side, no matter how charming the other party is, it is impossible for him to be like this.

Although the succubus has the racial passive of 'charm', it is useless to those with a strong will. If it is used actively, it is impossible to break through his natural defense.

Therefore, it can only be that there is something that attracts me.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hao withdrew his gaze and came to sit down at a rough red and black stone table in the corner of the tavern.

Step, step!

A succubus girl in cool clothes walked over with a drink order.

The feet like sheep's hooves indicate their own race, but they also have inexplicable charm. No wonder they can attract countless males.

Many players originally chose the hell camp because of the succubus lady.

"What would the guest want to order?"

The succubus's magnetic voice is soft and sweet, and it is definitely unmatched by professionals. It is a natural talent.

“Just a normal set meal that can make people full!”

As a veteran, Zhao Hao would certainly not look at the drink list handed over by the other party.

If you really follow the above points, you are guaranteed to be slaughtered without explanation, just give the request directly.

A normal set meal that will keep you full!

This can also make the other party understand that he is not some fool or someone who has been taken advantage of.


The succubus girl simply turned around and left without taking the opportunity to introduce her other businesses.

There was no way, Zhao Hao was using a part-time status at this time, and he was wearing a shabby robe, looking a little shabby.

However, no one is willing to provoke him.

Everyone is very discerning.

I know that a lone wolf like him will either be killed or have special means.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to survive!

So even those drunk guys didn't come to cause trouble.

The kind of plot that likes to cause trouble for people in taverns is still possible in a safe city.

In the extremely dangerous wilderness, it really rarely exists.

Because he was almost dead a long time ago.

If you offend a strong person, they will block you outside even if you don't have an attack on the spot, preventing you from seeing the sun the next day at all.

It's so dangerous in the wilderness.

Soon, the set meal ordered by Zhao Hao was delivered, but he paid first and then got the goods, not after eating.

10 gold coins!

Well, the price makes you want to kill.

Even though Zhao Hao's territory has a transaction volume of hundreds or hundreds of billions of gold coins, he would think that gold coins are worthless.

First of all, you have to think about it. The Storm Territory is now a 'quasi-empire' level force. In a while, even the word 'quasi' will be removed.

Only such a powerful force can have so many gold coins.

Personally speaking, the gold coins are still not many.

After all, gold coins are not only currency, but also a consumable item, and their value is certainly strong.

While eating, Zhao Hao silently collected information with his ears.


A large number of figures crowded into the tavern.

Many people even had dark red blood stains on their bodies, proving that they had rushed back.

"XX, a natural disaster has broken out again!"

"Yeah, luckily we're not far from the camp this time, otherwise we'd be in trouble!"

“Boss, bring me a bottle of good wine!”

The men were shouting loudly.

Natural disaster!

The coverage area is naturally not small, covering hundreds of kilometers nearby.

This is also the reason why Zhao Hao doesn't want to take a detour.

And this kind of natural disaster is related to space. If someone dares to use teleportation spells at this time... he will definitely win.

It's not that it can't be used, but teleportation-related spells may teleport people to unknown dimensions.

The tavern located in the cave is very large, and it must be more than enough in normal times.

But during a natural disaster, when everyone rushes back to the camp to take shelter, it becomes a bit crowded.

Therefore, Zhao Hao was a little conspicuous sitting at a table alone.

It's just that there's no pretentiousness or slap in the face.

An adventuring team came over to discuss the matter, expressing their desire to join the table and willing to treat him to a drink.


Zhao Hao nodded.

Of course it's not for the sake of the other party's invitation to drink.

It's because he has already guessed why this place attracts him, and he wants to find out the news through a few people.

If it was just a feeling, I would definitely not figure it out so quickly.

But the fact that the succubus lady who made him feel a little wary was also sitting next to the orc adventurer who caught his eye was a clear indication of the problem.

In other words, it is related to the other party.

That's why we have to find out the other party's information.

What could be safer than trying to find out from this team? .

Talk to the succubi!

Believe it or not, the succubus girl on the back foot will know as soon as you ask.


After the adventurers of this team sat down, Zhao Hao took out a bottle of wine, opened it and asked at the same time.

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