The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1737 High-level undead appear!

"Summoning of the Dead!"

Zhao Hao used summon again.



The magic value consumed is not one tube, but an integer.

And his summons caused a stir.

"what is that!!"

"very scary!"

"Think of a solution quickly!"

The guards behind the encirclement felt a chill in their hearts.

Because in their field of vision, eight fifty-meter-tall humanoid stone statues composed of bright red stones appeared on the battlefield.

Talk about humanoid!

It's because the other side grows horizontally like the stone element, but looks vaguely like a human.

Blood stone demon!

These 'red stone giants' appearing on the battlefield are naturally such legendary undead.

It also has two racial attributes: undead/elemental.

Although it has been summoned before.

However, it was used once in the Silver Federation and once in the Diya Civil War. It was used only a few times, and the information was not yet known to everyone.

The point is quantity!

In the past, only a few could be summoned at most.

But now a full 8 of them were summoned at once.

"Summoning of the Dead!"

And not only that, under Zhao Hao's cold shout, he extracted the magic value from the Well of Stars and started summoning again.


Another eight bright red stone giants stood on the battlefield.

A total of 16 blood stone demons!

If a strong man fights one on one, these guys can only interfere and act as human shields when summoned.

But on the battlefield, these undead are even more terrifying than the powerful demigods. A casual draw is equivalent to a big move.

The blood soaked into the ground, together with the stones, gathered together with the Korean Blood Stone Demon.

Remember how the Blood Golem grows, right?


As long as there is blood, it can grow quickly.

So Zhao Hao has been collecting blood to cultivate the blood stone demon.

Even though the size hasn't changed much, the original Blood Stone Demon has almost reached the demigod level.

Once promoted to the demigod level, it is a super killer weapon that is not inferior to the frost dragon.

Although the Blood Stone Demon does not have the ability to fly, resulting in extremely poor mobility, it is replaced by super powerful recovery and defense capabilities.

After summoning the Blood Stone Demon, Zhao Hao did not stop. He continued to draw the magic value stored in the Well of Stars, and then summoned it frantically.

"Summoning of the Dead!"

"Summoning of the Dead!"



It's just that this time it consumes a tube of magic points instead of an integer.

Because only 16 Blood Stone Demons were contracted.

This rare undead is extremely rare.

Being able to gain so much is because Mia mobilized the power of the Eternal Sleep Council to help. If it were an individual, he would not be able to find so much.

So the one summoned later is the Bone Hound.

Lines of dog-like undead, the size of buses, made of white bones appeared on the battlefield.

Each tube of magic value can summon hundreds of them.

Starting from the ace level, his strength is extremely amazing, and he is also led by White Fang, a king of the same level whose combat power is comparable to that of a demigod.

No matter how amazing Zhao Hao's magic value was, he couldn't summon all the Bone Hounds at once.

Too much!

Two years ago, Zhao Hao contracted several thousand bone hounds, and many more were added later, resulting in an astonishing total number.

5024 items!

And this number refers to the number of trained ace level and above, Zhao Hao below is not counted at all.

Each one summoned requires more than a hundred magic points. Even if Zhao Hao consumes all the magic points including the Well of Stars reserves, he can only summon more than two thousand.

Among them are the blood demon conversion and potions, ghouls, and self-recovery.

Not to mention the Blood Demon conversion.

Once every minute, one tube is restored each time, which will definitely make any high-level spellcaster jealous until the wall is separated.

As for the potion, it was specially refined by Turing, and the recovery speed is not low.

Ghoul Retreat Zhao Hao uses the ability of the epic piece of equipment, Bone Bite, to summon 10 ghouls to crawl into the mountain of corpses to restore his own magic value.

As long as no one opens the mountain of corpses for inspection, the ghoul will naturally not be found.

What's more, even if it is discovered, there will not be much association.

After all, with so many undead around, no one would take the ten ghouls seriously.

The final natural recovery was due to Zhao Hao's extremely high intelligence attribute, coupled with the aura of death brought by the killings around him, which made his own recovery speed not too slow.

With multiple superpositions, his current magic value replenishes extremely quickly.

That is to say, he has some scruples and has other plans at the same time, otherwise he would have launched a natural disaster of the undead.

Once you activate the Undead Scourge, you will gain a huge advantage.

The prerequisite is that the other party cannot interrupt.

After a few minutes of chanting, as long as the opponent is not dead, it is impossible to let him cast spells.

"Crush them!"

After Zhao Hao's magic value was exhausted, he issued an attack order.

After receiving the order, the blood stone demons began to move forward.

However, in comparison, the Bone Hounds were faster and turned into white shadows to pounce like lightning.

Note that it is impossible to make room in the crowded battlefield, so the bone hounds stepped on the vampires and rushed forward.

The vampire itself is cannon fodder, so Zhao Hao will naturally not feel heartbroken.

And why only summon these two types of high-level undead? .

Of course it’s because of the flames!

No matter the Bone Hound or the Blood Stone Demon, although they are both undead, they will not be restrained by flames.

At the same time, it can also break through the siege!

Stone elements and fire elements can stop vampires, but there is no way to stop these two undead.


White-bone hounds jumped high and jumped over the fire elements, not fighting with these elements at all.

It's not that it can't be beaten, but it's not necessary.

If the other party is too difficult to deal with, it would be a waste of time if you don't tell them.

The Bone Hound has the energy to find trouble for the opponent, so it is better to deal with the guards behind it.


However, the White Bone Hound has the advantage and naturally will not give up this advantage to attack the enemy head-on.

That is the mission of the Blood Stone Demon.

Facing the Bone Hound, the guards couldn't stand it.

With its bus-like size and terrifying speed, the Bone Hound can easily kill several in and out of the guards.

Moreover, the opponent's defensive formation is meaningless to the Bone Hound.

The rear was harassed, and long-range firepower was instantly reduced.

It was at this time.

Boom, boom!

The sound of shaking ground echoed through the battlefield.

16 legendary level blood stone demons came to the edge of the encirclement.

The fifty-meter-tall body develops horizontally, and one can imagine how heavy it is.

This is real!

Therefore, even if it is a solid ground, it can easily leave "footprints" several meters deep.

That is, in the fortress.

If the battlefield is Greenham, unless it is a special area, summoning the Blood Stone Demon will cause it to sink, let alone fight.

The blood stone demon does not have the "earth affinity" ability of the stone element, which allows its own weight to have little impact on the ground.

After walking in front of the stone element, the contrast was extremely strong.

The nearly ten-meter-high stone element stood in front of the vampires, looking like an insurmountable mountain.

But when he stood in front of the blood stone demon, he was only as high as the latter's calf.

From this we can understand how exaggerated the size of the Blood Stone Demon is.

As expected, Zhao Hao mobilized the power of the Eternal Sleep Council and only found this small number of rare undead. It was indeed extremely powerful.

The bigger it is, the more effective it is on the battlefield.

A blood stone demon brings far greater effects than a hundred demigod elf swordsmen.

But in a one-on-one fight, a demigod elf swordsman can kill the blood stone demon.

The relationship between the two parties is so restrained.

Now, it's the Blood Golem's turn to show off.

Played twice before.

Once he was restrained by the giant snake-like alchemical puppet of the Silver Federation, and once he was restrained and trapped, he had no chance to perform.

Now is your chance to show the world your own horror.

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