The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1773 The dragon tide gathers!

Dragon Heart City!

It is also the capital of the new underground army.

The city is located east of the swamp and is surrounded by a large area of ​​soft but solid land.

There are no specialty resources here like other main cities.

But it is the core of the new underground army, so it naturally has special advantages.

Underground passage!

There are thousands of passages connecting the underground world near the city.

These are the greatest advantages of Dragon Heart City.

In order to guard these passages, a large number of dragon troops were stationed around them, and arrow towers were even built to ensure that no one could reach the surface world without permission from Dragon Heart City.

But today is a bit weird.

The arrow tower, which had never been crowded with people before, was completely empty, with no guards at all.


A feeling of oppression that seemed to be suffocating was getting stronger and stronger.

Boom, boom!

The ground is shaking.

A huge dragon head poked out from an underground passage, and then a jet-black dragon body appeared.

The appearance of this giant dragon seemed to be a signal.

Giant dragons emerged from it.

The big ones are as tall as mountains, and even the smallest ones are more than ten meters tall.

There are giant dragons pouring out of most of the thousands of passages, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

If it were an ordinary creature, it would definitely not have much impact.

But if it's a ceiling race like dragon, that's another matter.

More and more dragons gathered into a tide.

Under normal circumstances, with the dragon's unruly character, he might have started fighting among himself.

But now they are all quiet and docile, as if they have a different personality.

If it's just one or two, forget it.

But when there are tens of thousands of people, there is only one ability that can do this.

The Lord of Dragons!

Now that the Dragon Queen has completely fallen, the only one with this innate ability is Zhao Hao.

Yes, these giant dragons are the dragon tide he gathered.

When awakening these sleeping dragons, no matter how violent they are, they will be respectful, docile, and extremely well-behaved after seeing him.

However, because there were so many places to run to, it took him a lot of time to even be able to fly.

Half a month!

It took him so long just to gather the dragon tide.

And it's already pretty fast.

Because the quantity this time is different from before, it takes so much time.

One hundred thousand!

The number of dragon tides far exceeds any previous one.

When the number reaches a certain level, there will be a qualitative change, so this time he wanted to gather so many dragons.

A world war can't just be like playing house, and just dispatching tens of thousands of giant dragons is enough, right? .

One thing needs to be understood.

The consumption of one giant dragon is enough to support dozens of archangels, archdevils... and other small bodies of the same level.

Therefore, it is not surprising that champions such as Archangel and others would gather hundreds of thousands to attack.

But with the existence of giant dragons, it is already very difficult for thousands of them (non-army types) to gather together.

Now, Zhao Hao has gathered 100,000 giant dragons, which is indeed an exaggeration.

Only those with the 'Lord of the Dragon' talent can do this.


Not even those Dragon Kings, Ancient Dragons, Dragon Gods and the like.

Zhao Hao, wearing the Demon Court uniform and carrying the Death Scythe on his back, stood on the back of the shadow dragon, Black Light, with his hands behind his back.

Soon, the dragon tide came to an area where a large amount of dried and lean meat was placed.

The pieces of meat didn't look very good, but the dragons' throats twitched slightly as if they saw something super delicious.

"Eat it!"

Zhao Hao's voice was not loud, but it was heard by all the giant dragons.

Dragon Lord comes with tricks!

When he is allowed to control the dragon tide, he feels like commanding troops.

Like a spiritual network!

This will only happen when the number of collections reaches a certain level.

If there were only hundreds or thousands of giant dragons around, I wouldn't feel it at all.

The Dragon Queen also relied on this spiritual network to command the dragon tide, otherwise there would be no way to command the 100,000 dragons.

At the same time, the Dragon Lord also has various functions, but they only need the blessing of the dragon to use them.

Just like the ability to transform, strength is related to the number of dragons around you.

At the beginning, if Zhao Hao hadn't used the phantom shooter to severely damage Dragon Chao first, allowing the Dragon Queen to receive complete blessings, he might have been able to tear him alive.

With hundreds of thousands of dragon tides in hand, even the Pope is confident that he can transform and defeat them.

He is not the Dragon Queen who has been severely injured. Although he is also a peak demigod, the opponent definitely has a lot of water.

After the part-time transformation, he becomes the true Lord of Dragons.

While thinking about this, the dragons were already spreading out to eat quickly.

Giant dragons usually fight for food, but because of his dominance, this kind of thing is naturally impossible.

If it were ordinary flesh and blood.

It might take more than a ton to satisfy a champion-level dragon. If he eats like crazy, it wouldn't be surprising to eat more than a dozen tons at a time.

After eating like crazy, the dragon can remain active for more than ten days.

The consumption level of the active dragon and the sleeping dragon are completely different.

But the dragons stopped eating only a few hundred kilograms of this dry and lean meat.

Giant sea monster meat!

These dry and lean pieces of meat are all made from giant sea monsters hunted in the deep sea and dried.

The energy contained in meat is amazing.

Even if it is the size of a palm, it is not weaker than the energy contained in the flesh and blood of a bison.

It is precisely because he has the sea at his back that Zhao Hao has the confidence to maintain the dragon tide activities.

Otherwise, like the Dragon Queen, in order to maintain the dragon tide, you can only rely on the dungeon lords, and in the end you will just work for others.

Soon, the dragons all finished eating.

Normally it would take a lot of time to eat, but now that I am eating sea monster meat, most of the time is naturally saved.

"Set off!"

Zhao Hao lightly stepped on the black light under his feet.


Shadow Dragon Black Light unfolds its jet-black dragon wings and accelerates forward.

This action was like a signal, and the dragons behind him spread their wings and rushed forward.

The dragon relies on its wings to fly, and its body is heavy, so don't even think about spreading its wings and directly taking off into the air.

It needs acceleration space to fly.

Shadow Dragon Ascension is quickly racially determined.

Because the dragon's body is slightly 'slender', it looks like a sophisticated combat machine.

"Let everyone recall the power of the Sky Overlord again!"

Zhao Hao used the spiritual network to convey this sentence.

Roar! !

The black light beneath his feet roared.

Roar! !


Behind him, countless dragons roared in response.

The roars of countless giant dragons gathered into a wave that swept across the earth.

All the creatures around were trembling and lying on the ground.

This is the power of the Sky Overlord!

Each giant dragon, even the smallest one, has a wingspan of tens of meters, and when gathered together, they can completely cover the sky.

Dragon Tide!

Officially launched.

In the past, the Dragon Queen relied on the dragon tide to defeat Graham.

The most that the dungeon lords could do was to clear out stragglers and occupy fortresses. Most of the real battles were with dragon tides, which showed how exaggerated their combat power was.

Although Greenham's 'empire' is too watery and has too many shortcomings.

But it is still an empire after all, and it is stronger than the seven of the eight principalities except Falcon.

Even so, they were wiped out by a wave of 100,000 dragons.

Now that Zhao Hao is controlling so many giant dragons again, he naturally wants to do something big, not just a test or something else.

When he rides the dragon tide and enters the scene, the world war will officially begin.

In the end, when Mia leads Dia to set off a wave of undead, it will be the peak moment.

There's no rush now.

The Storm Territory is sucking the blood of the alliance, and it would be better for Diya not to end so soon.

Leading the dragon tide, they rushed towards the Bucks Border Fortress.

It's also time for the alliance to taste the power of the Dragon Tide.

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