The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 179 The arrival and departure of battleships!


Amidst the sound of breaking waves, huge warships appeared from a distance, hoisting skull pirate flags one after another.

Crossbows, trebuchets, artillery... and other war machinery are all over the deck.

Each battleship can easily wipe out a small city.

If there had been these battleships just now, Archimonde and his knights would have been bombarded to nothing, so they said the pirates were 'weakened'.

The slender hull layout of the battleship makes it obvious at a glance that it is a type focused on speed.

And some of them have weird shapes.

Of course, it's not because of 'art' that it's like this, but because these battleships have something special.

Ordinary pirates naturally own ordinary pirate ships, but the ships of top pirate groups are different. They are either modified or have special abilities.

Just like the pirate ship that is as big as an island, at least a few hundred meters long and hundreds of meters wide, with the one-eyed symbol, it is the ship belonging to the one-eyed pirate king Tolan.

One-eyed number!

A ship with terrifying abilities.

To put it bluntly, when meeting someone on the sea, even a giant dragon has no choice but to turn around and run away.

Because these ships are so huge, they can only stop a few hundred meters away from the shore, allowing pirates to row boats to pick up people.

"I'll take my leave first!"

Zhao Hao was very smart and prepared to leave.

If you don't leave, you might not be able to leave.

Before the warships arrived, he still had a chance to flip the table.

But when the battleship arrives, with his strength, any top pirate group can easily crush him.

"What are you in a hurry for, adventurer? Why don't you come to our ship as a guest?"

The shark-faced sea shark is holding the anchor, with an expression that seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Although Zhao Hao had a life-saving grace for them and reached a contract.

But the pirate is not someone who repays a debt of gratitude, but a promise he owes. If he can be forced to cancel it...

I understand everything!

So the pirates who had been looking friendly just now changed their faces.

"No, I still have things to deal with. Let's talk about it another day. Besides, Mingyue City won't give up easily, right?"

Zhao Hao slowly backed away while speaking.

Freya and Ellie on both sides also retreated, not giving each other a chance to make a move.

There is even Green Claw's huge body blocking the back, so there is no need to worry about someone attacking from behind.

More importantly, Memphira commanded the Shadow Swordsman, Silver Pegasus, and Unicorn to protect the Phantom Archer as he walked out of the woods, with the long bow in his hand fully drawn.

Threat means fullness!

In other words, whoever dares to take action now will definitely receive a full blow from the Storm Leader.

If the pirates worked together, this deterrent would be completely meaningless.

But this is completely unlikely to happen.

Although the pirates attacked Mingyue City at the same time this time, it was because they had common interests, and they usually wanted each other to die.

Now if anyone is impulsive, others will be eager to watch the show.

Such things as sacrificing oneself for others cannot happen to pirates.

Therefore, until Zhao Hao and his men retreated into the woods, no one really took action.

the reason is simple.

Whoever takes action first will have to bear the full force of the Storm Leader's counterattack, and will definitely suffer heavy losses, and the force may be directly annexed.

Why work so hard for a promise you don't know whether it needs to be fulfilled or not?

Well, that's the key.

Zhao Hao's conditions are not excessive, at least not worth the desperate efforts of these pirates.

If something is really impossible or too difficult, then what the pirates are thinking about is not internal strife, but a concerted effort.

Soon, Zhao Hao led the team to disappear into the forest.

"I really didn't expect to be rescued by an adventurer!" Tolan muttered to himself with a dangerous look: "Griffin Principality, Archimonde!"

Even his hatred for Mingyue City was far weaker than that of the guy who stabbed him in the back.

The other pirates also left silently, and the plan to cover the moon naturally came to an end.

Their most important task now is to consolidate their position.

Losing so many elites and high-level officials in one battle was a huge weakening for the pirates, and it was also a reshuffle, so they had to go back and deal with it quickly.

the other side!

"Lord, the other party is not chasing you!"

Green Claw kept looking behind him and made a judgment.

After hearing this, Zhao Hao, who had been tense, breathed a sigh of relief.

The dragon's powerful five senses allow it to easily detect things that others cannot. Green Claw said this, proving that the pirates really had no intention of chasing him.

It’s easy to get paid too!

Well, the pirates have already obtained the benefits. After the pirates fulfill their promises, they can sell these guys to Mingyue City to earn another sum.

Eat both ends, he is serious about it.

I believe that Mingyue City will not refuse the opportunity to eliminate pirates, even if there is a price to pay.

As for this loss, the pirates will also pay for it.

Of course, you don't give him military units directly.

Not to mention that the opponent does not have troops under his command, even if he does, it cannot be a barrier camp.

So I gave him a token and asked him to recruit in the main city of the barrier.

As a big pirate, it is normal for him to have friendship with the main cities that want them, right? .

"We have to leave quickly, Mingyue City is not... peaceful right now!"

Meng Feila reminded Zhao Hao.

At this time, Mingyue City was not only calm, it was already in a state of chaos.

The plan that has been laid out for several years has failed. How can we accept this result?

Without solving Tolan and the leaders of the top pirate groups, no matter how many pirates were killed, it would not be considered a success.

After all, as long as there are these "famous" big pirates around, there will be an endless stream of pirates joining the other party's group, and the losses will be made up sooner or later.

The only consolation is that so many pirates have been lost. In the next period of time, these pirate captains will not dare to take the lead easily.

At the same time, the gryphon principality also increased the hatred value a lot.

"Yes, it's too dangerous here!"

Ellie also strongly agrees with Memphis's proposal.

Continue to stay here, and once the furious Mingyue City discovers them, an archangel will come to send them warmth.

"Let's go!"

Of course Zhao Hao will not be discouraged.

Facing the army of Mingyue City, even the pirates did not dare to defeat them head-on. With my small body, I could just beat a sap, but if I faced them head-on, I would be seeking death.

Bear with it for now, and wait until that incident breaks out, which is when this trouble will be solved.

Lead the team towards a hidden coast not far from the side.

Transport ship!

All three are hidden here.

This is preparation for running away with the bucket.

If he really encounters Mingyue City who does not respect martial ethics and directly takes advantage of the Angel Legion, then he will definitely abandon the pirates and leave on the boat with a few subordinates without saying a word.

The transport ship is placed here to ensure concealment and closeness, so that it can run as fast as possible.

After boarding the ship, Zhao Hao issued orders loudly.

"Let's go to Tree Heart City!"

Yes, next they did not go back to Broken Star Islands, but set off directly to Tree Heart City.

That is the main city of the barrier camp.

At the same time, we have to replenish the lost troops.

Because of the route map obtained from the pirates and the guidance of the Naga Siren, it is naturally possible to pass without hindrance.

Two days later (game time)!

The three transport ships arrived at the coastline covered with towering ancient trees.

From a distance, you can see the giant umbrella-shaped tree at the end of the field of vision.

Ancient tree of life!

It is also the most important thing for the elves.

Of course, Tree Heart City is only a ‘main city-level’ territory of the Barrier camp and does not belong to the elven empire of Ellolan. Naturally, there is no eternal ancient tree that is a level above the ancient tree of life.

It is said that above the eternal ancient tree, there is even a world tree that can support a world, but until Zhao Hao was reborn, he only heard about it.

"very scary!"

Freya withdrew her scrutinizing gaze and felt the power of the ancient tree of life.

"Of course it's scary. The Ancient Tree of Life has protected Tree Heart City for more than a thousand years. Otherwise, do you think the elves can protect Tree Heart City with their strength?"

Zhao Hao nodded in agreement.

Yes, the Ancient Tree of Life is alive.

The barrier camp is composed of races close to nature, including plant life.

The Deadwood Guards are one of them. They are only famous because the opponent is a template for the barrier army, but it does not mean that the barrier camp only has plant creatures like the Deadwood Guards.

Such as the Ancient Tree of Life, Ancient Tree of War, Tree Spirits, etc., they are all extremely powerful plant life, but they are not as famous as the Deadwood Guards because they are not in large numbers.

The relationship between the Ancient Tree of Life and the elves is extremely complex and can be called a 'companion' relationship.

The former shelters the latter, and the latter takes care of the former, and both parties help each other.

Even though Tree Heart City looks far inferior to Mingyue City in terms of population and strength, it is more dangerous than Mingyue City.

It is precisely because the Ancient Tree of Life exists!

Plants that are thousands of meters high can cause natural disasters if they move at all.

Although the elves will not awaken the Ancient Tree of Life until the moment of life and death, when that time comes, no matter how powerful the attacker is, they will be wiped out.

However, success is also an ancient tree, and failure is also an ancient tree.

It is precisely because of the protection of various plant creatures that the elves have lost their aggressiveness and aggressiveness.

The three giants of the Justice League, castle, rampart, and fortress!

In the past, the barrier camp could compete with the castle camp for the top position.

But it is because their lives are so safe that the elves are addicted to art and enjoyment.

Just as Zhao Hao was thinking about the information about the elves, the transport ship also sailed into a wide river several hundred meters wide, with towering trees on both sides, and their roots were entangled into a wide river like smooth wooden walls.

As long as you follow this river, you can enter the tree heart city.

If you don't enter through these public roads, then countless plant life will make people understand what "terror" is.

Along the way.

The fresh and natural air, the gentle breeze mixed with the fragrance of flowers, is refreshing and refreshing.

No wonder a large number of players like to stay in Tree Heart City. This scenery is truly amazing.

Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with the good looks of the elves and the handsome men and beautiful women!

After driving for almost half an hour, we finally arrived at Shuxin City.

This very special city.

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