The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1796 The killer move and the appearance!


The first card Mia played was naturally the transformed undead.

Of course, it refers to hatred above the extraordinary level.

Elite hate is everywhere.

Judging from its height of only a few meters, it has no hindrance at all when facing the charging knights.

Only the mountain-like violent hatred and tyrannosaurus hatred can have an interception effect.

Tyrannosaurus hates!

Sixteen meters tall and still growing horizontally, it is definitely quite substantial.

It's really appropriate to let it intercept.


Boom, boom!

A mountain of hatred, facing the charging knight, was smashed like a balloon.

The knight in charging state is terrifying.

However, after smashing these meaty abominations, the speed will be slightly affected.

A knight in charge is invincible.

But when the speed slows down, it's another story.

"For the Holy Light!"

When they were less than two kilometers away from the altar, the knights actually took the initiative to slow down.


Zhao Hao suddenly came to the front.

His 'ally' relationship with Mia is not a secret, so no one would find it strange even if he appeared at the Altar of Bones.

At most, they thought that he, as an ally, was here to 'help in the battle'.

"Crush them!"

Even without Zhao Hao's reminder, Mia knew something was wrong.

The charging cavalry slows down on its own, which is no different from committing suicide.

There is only one possibility for something so strange.

has a problem!

At this time, if the problem cannot be solved, then the person who caused the problem will be solved.

Therefore, the best way is to deal with these tens of thousands of cavalry.

Death knights shot out from both sides, all with their left hands empty.

Death grip!

It can be called the signature control ability of the Death Knight.

Since it is half a 'force field' skill, it is not weakened or restrained by the Holy Light.

Although the control is not too strong.

But when the number is tens of thousands, that's another story.

The terrifying force field control blocked the knights who were originally intercepted by Abomination and slowed down, making it impossible for them to charge forward.

"For the Holy Light!"

The cavalrymen who had slowed down also used their trump card.

Short golden spears as thick as an egg and as long as a mile were taken out from the saddle.

These golden short spears looked familiar to Zhao Hao.

Do you still remember what the first adventure team used to deal with him when he was helping the hell army attract firepower in Yunfeng City? .

Spear of Heaven!

That thing felt somewhat similar to these short metal spears.

Not the same thing, but definitely related.

At least the properties are the same.

Those kinds of heavenly spears can nail even the peak demigods, but there is absolutely no way these can have that kind of power.

The knights who took out the golden short spears, the golden light on their bodies seemed to 'ignite' the short spears in their hands.


The short spears burning with golden flames gave the undead an extremely dangerous aura.

Just like wild animals fear fire.

Not waiting for the undead army to react.


Short spears burning with golden flames were thrown directly by the knights.


Seeing this scene, the senior executives of Undead, including Zhao Hao, were confused.

Because the opponent's target is not the surrounding undead.


The short spears burning with golden flames were aimed at the bone altar where they were.

But at a distance of about two kilometers, it would be impossible for the short spear to even have wings...


Zhao Hao felt a sense of crisis, so he reminded Mia in a low voice.

"Be careful, there's something wrong with the short spear!"

Now it's his turn to tell the truth.

The reason for not showing up before was to give Mia a chance to practice.

But now if the Holy Church wants to take action, it will be its turn.

Give her a chance to practice, but not let her fight to the end with this ultimate enemy.


Zhao Hao didn't need to speak, the undead army started to do its thing.


Multiple layers of shields rose above the Bone Altar.

"Shield Disintegration Technique!"

The war spells of the Holy Light Mage Group hit.

This is a personal spell specifically for shields.

However, when cast by the mage group, it naturally becomes a war spell.

Specially designed to counteract shields.

It is extremely powerless when faced with other spells and will only consume magic power and energy in vain, but it is a natural killer when faced with shields.

The Holy Light Mage Group had already planned this spell and prepared it in advance.


The several layers of shields surrounding the Bone Altar dissipated like waves of water.

Come to cheat, come to sneak attack!

The alliance used exquisite cooperation and sacrifice to strike a critical blow.

"Blood Angel..."

Mia subconsciously wanted to command the Blood Angel to take off to intercept.

With the Blood Angel's agility, stopping these flying short spears was no problem at all.


Zhao Hao stopped Mia.

The latter naturally canceled the order immediately.

"Death Realm!"

Zhao Hao expanded his field.


A pale light emerged, covering a large area nearby, including the short spears burning with golden flames in front.

After entering the realm, those golden flames quickly dimmed as if the invisible force was melting away.


A look of surprise flashed in Zhao Hao's eyes.

Because he guessed correctly, there was indeed something wrong with these thrown holy fire short spears.

The holy light flame attached to it serves as flight power, which is enough for it to fly over a distance of two kilometers and reach the sky above the Bone Altar.

Target, the Altar of Bones!

In other words, the top management and the Eternal Sleeping Mage Group.

Ambitions are big enough.

Once the higher-ups or the mage group are eliminated, the Holy Church will be able to achieve crushing results.

At least it can defeat the undead army.

The only surprise was that I didn't expect Zhao Hao to appear here.

If you don't know the inside story.

You will definitely feel that after the ghost car escapes from danger, he will immediately return to Greenham, the place controlled by the new underground army.

How could he come to the border of Wolf Principality?

The golden flames burning on the first wave of short spears were quickly extinguished in the death realm, causing them to fall to the ground.


Zhao Hao drank a bottle of god-level magic potion.

The burning golden flame on the short spear is pure holy light, and if you want to consume it, you need the breath of death.

The breath of death is either replenished from the surroundings, or the magic value is converted.

There is not much death aura around now, naturally only the magic value is converted.

The water pump is not that cruel!

Half of the magic value in the Well of Stars was consumed.

To know.

During the battle in the Buck Principality, he gained a lot of hatred.

After all, leading the dragon tide to destroy those cities, strongholds, etc. Although they are not large cities or fortresses, they can gain a lot.

Gain hundreds of attribute points!

The improvement of spellcasting attributes will bring about the increase of magic value.

Most of the magic points were consumed, which shows how fierce the draw was.

And this is only the first wave!

No wonder he drank the medicine in a hurry and used the blood demon transformation.


15034 HP

+45100 mana

Just as he regained his magic value.

"what is that!"

Hruf's voice sounded.

In mid-air in front of the altar.

Those short spears that had lost their golden flames had changed.

Boom, boom!

Amidst the continuous explosions, the short metal spears as thick as eggs and as long as a meter turned into golden liquid and exploded.

"It's holy water!"

Anlos spoke up immediately.

Her special talent allows her to immediately identify what the golden liquid is.

The spilled golden liquid flooded the battlefield below like a heavy rain.

Whether it is Abomination, Blood Angel... or Death Knight, as long as it touches the golden liquid, it will melt like being hit by sulfuric acid.

After a wave of golden liquid, a large area was directly 'purified'.

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