The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 182 Underground ruins!

The edge area of ​​Shuxin City!

In front of a blackened tree stump the size of a mound.

"Is this the goal?"

After taking the wood elf back to the transport ship, Ellie asked in a low voice when she came to join them.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there are any artifact components here, right? .


Zhao Hao nodded hesitantly.

Because he had only read the information and was not personally involved, so he was not sure.

He walked forward slowly and began to recall the information in his memory.

Before this place was destroyed, it should have belonged to an elf noble, but he died on the spot due to an experiment accident. What he wanted should be here.

He wouldn't dare come if he wasn't strong enough.

Being so close to Tree Heart City, it was impossible to bring troops.

Don’t make too much noise! .

If he alerts too many people, not only will he lose this last component, but he will also have to think about how to escape.

Therefore, their three-person team appeared here without bringing troops and green claws.

Freya and Ellie followed carefully.

The withered tree stump used to be a giant tree, and the elf noble lived in a tree house on this giant tree during his lifetime.

Kind tips!

The elves' "treehouse" and the player's "treehouse" are two different things.

In terms of luxury and exquisiteness, the elves are no weaker than the human nobles, they are only more luxurious.

Even the human nobles are on par with the elves in this regard.

According to the original history, the components of Mingyue City were released first, and then the components of Tree Heart City were obtained by players.

As for the Mane of the Divine Beast that he obtained from the beginning, no one knew how to obtain it. They only knew that it ended up in the hands of the strongest hero in the barrier camp, who combined it to create the combined treasure.

This was also the reason why he was ecstatic when he obtained the Mane of the Divine Beast.

He got the component that he was least sure of at the beginning, and he knew the location and information of the remaining two components. It was equivalent to having an artifact in his pocket. How could he not be ecstatic.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Zhao Hao's eyes moved and he saw a pattern. If he hadn't observed it carefully, he might have thought that it was just an ordinary pattern that could be seen everywhere.

Carefully turn it three times with your hands and press it firmly.


There was the sound of something beating.

It turned out that there was a door-like crack on the tree stump not far from the side.

The secret door is open!

It is impossible to open a secret door if you don't know the correct way to open it.

Even though Zhao Hao could open the secret door so easily, it was because he was a reborn person and cheated directly.

If you switch to the original adventure team, you will have to go through a lot of hardships, face many tests, and decipher the secrets before you can finally find this place.

Reborn people are so unreasonable.

Now Zhao Hao should be lucky that he skipped the previous steps that required professional knowledge, otherwise he would be driven crazy if he had to slowly investigate based on clues.

After all, there is no problem with his IQ, but compared with those guys who are not human beings, he is no different from a mentally retarded person.

"Be careful, Freya, go to the front!"

Zhao Hao made adjustments and let his pets walk at the forefront.

In this way, if it really encounters danger, its humanoid dragon's defense and health will definitely be able to withstand it.

And in the original history, that player team was able to get the components successfully, so there is no reason why they can't get them with their current configuration, right? .

There is no need to consider anything else in this last step, just combat effectiveness.

For them, they may be lacking in other aspects, but they definitely will not lack ‘combat power’.

Zhao Hao touched the cloth bag on his waist. There were a large number of seeds the size of rice grains inside. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, looking extremely confident.

Natural Boundary He developed a new version of the ship.

Manipulate plants!

This is the only and most core rule, and all other abilities are derived from this rule.

The effects of manipulating ordinary plants and special plants are also different.

In the heroic world, the difference between plants is even greater than that between people.

After all, ordinary trees, dead wood guards, tree spirits... are all plants, but the difference is as big as a world of difference.

If the toughness of ordinary vines is regarded as the standard 1, then the toughness of the man-eating vine around Zhao Hao's waist is 3 or above.

By consuming the same health points, the toughness of the vines can be increased several times. The choice is obvious.

Well, for these man-eating vine seeds, Zhao Hao asked Feng Yu to give him a few bags.

But each bag contains thousands of seeds, which is enough for him to use for a while.

Moreover, cannibal vines are just 'ordinary vines' in the heroic world. There are countless more powerful vines and plants. He has asked the Wind Whisper Society to help collect them, and they will be continuously sent to him in the future.

Powerful plant seeds + natural enchantment!

This is the correct way to open up skills in this field.

Ship to the new world!

With this discovery, coupled with the superposition of many aspects, Zhao Hao now has the confidence to fight against the champion level in a short time.

If you encounter a restrained champion class, you might be able to defeat them.

Of course, this does not mean that he is a champion.

Just like a child kills a lion with a gun, it does not mean that he is stronger than the lion.


At this time, Zhao Hao was really inflated.

It had only been a few months since the Heroic World began, but my personal combat power had increased to this level, which was many times stronger than what I had before my rebirth.

‘I really hope my goal can be stronger this time! ’

He actually had this idea.

Step, step!

The sound of footsteps sounded in the ears in an orderly manner.

After entering the secret door, the ground is not the soil as imagined, but solid stones.

Artificial construction!

Anyone with a good IQ can think of this.

After all, there is a giant tree above, and whatever is below cannot be rocks, it can only be an artificially constructed passage.

The dark environment had little impact on them.

Among the three.

Freya at the front is a giant dragon, and her night vision ability is almost standard.

Ellie’s race at the back is the ‘Moon Elf’. Just from the name, you can tell that it is related to the night, and there is no problem with dark vision.

Only Zhao Hao, although he is a dragonborn, does not have the five senses of a giant dragon, so his eyes are completely dark. However, because he is walking in the middle of the team, he does not need to worry about danger.

So sloppy!

He sighed in his heart.

Before coming, you should prepare torches, ropes, and other adventure tools.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this idea to come to mind before a change came.

The space ahead becomes larger and a dim light lights up, indicating that we have reached the target point.

A huge underground space!

This is obviously a workshop or laboratory, and you can see the outline of broken instruments covered in dust.

The area is almost the size of two football fields, with a pile of sparkling crystals in the center.

"grown ups!"

Freya noticed a corpse in front of her, so she called out a warning.

It would be fine if it were just corpses.

The key points are a wooden bow with a handle and a fist-sized Pegasus statue next to the bones.

One look here shows how an ordinary wooden bow can still be intact after an unknown amount of time, so it is certain that this wooden bow is Zhao Hao's target this time.

Tree Elf Bow!

It is the final component of the fifth-level combination treasure.

This treasure, coupled with the mane of the divine beast and the heavenly feather arrows on his body, can be combined into a fifth-level artifact.

The thing he was looking for was right in front of him. Zhao Hao stopped just as he was about to step forward.

It’s not that he doesn’t want this component, it’s because some ‘people’ disagree.

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