The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 190: A sneak attack without martial ethics (thank you for the bridge and the reward from Mr.

"There are only a few thousand Bloodrage Orcs, but they raise a few behemoths and have many allies. In addition to several ogre clans, Thunderbirds, and a Cyclops family!"

Vague intelligence, terrifying strength.

Adult orcs are the main level (Level 3-4) race.

The reason why orcs are one level lower than elves is not because of their fighting power, but because of their wisdom.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the orcs are no weaker than the elves, which are the backbone race.


As the name implies, it is a race formed by the fusion of beasts and humans.

Originally created by alchemists as tools of war, they were freed after a rebellion.

And also formed a neutral camp called a stronghold.

Monsters such as thunderbirds, giant beasts, etc. are all the creatures it feeds.

Well, neutral camp!

This is not to say that the orcs are neutral, but because they treat everyone equally regardless of the Justice League or the Evil League.

Although he often cooperates with the Evil League to plunder the giants of the Justice League, his stance is indeed neutral.

Like that sentence, I drink, I fight, I get tattoos...but I'm a good girl, so are the orcs.

Even if they often invade the territory of humans and elves, plunder and kill them, it is really not a matter of stance, it is just a matter of survival.

If you don’t rob humans and elves, you can’t rob demons, undead, and dark elves, right? .

None of the major factions of the Dark Alliance have a lot of money. Of course, it is impossible for the orcs to rob each other, so they focus on humans and elves.

Tough bones!

After listening to Ellie's introduction, Zhao Hao understood that it would not be easy to win Endless Hills.

If his strength hadn't exploded now, and he even had the phantom bow in hand, he wouldn't have dared to pursue the idea of ​​Endless Hills.

Of course, another reason is that the Storm Territory has entered the orcs' field of vision, which Ellie has already reported.

Some time ago, the orc scouts appeared, but they were eliminated by the shadow swordsmen. If not, the orc army might have killed them long ago.

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

If there were no slaves and farmland, Zhao Hao would naturally prefer to wait for the opponent to attack, which would have a higher winning rate.

But not now.

The orcs are absolutely not allowed to destroy the workshops, wooden houses, and farmland outside the fortress, so they can only attack them.

"Cyclops, Behemoth..."

Zhao Hao muttered these two names.

The orcs of the Bloodrage tribe are not as powerful as the Bethatos clan. It is not difficult to solve them. The difficulty is the Behemoth and the Cyclops.

The former is invincible in hand-to-hand combat, while the latter is terrifying in long-range attacks, and would be completely unstoppable if encountered on the battlefield.

Especially the Cyclops!

When I ventured to Endless Hills to get money before, I knew how terrifying the other party was.

The long-range attack is a few hundred meters away, comparable to a war machine, and it is not as weak as ordinary long-range troops in close combat.

It’s hard to resist!

Now their only advantage is that they can strike first.

"Ellie, you lead the Shadow Swordsmen to set off first and prepare to ambush the opponent while they are hunting. Freya and I will arrive soon!"

Zhao Hao had a plan in mind.

On the battlefield, the opponent's combination is too domineering.

But defeating each one is different.

Kill Duyan first, then Behemoth!

As long as these two difficult targets are solved, there is no need to worry about the remaining orcs, ogres, thunderbirds, etc.


Ellie led the Shadow Swordsmen to leave first.

After increasing her number by 200 units, her strength is now unprecedentedly powerful. Even if she goes alone, she can definitely defeat the Cyclops. What she worries about is the casualties.

The Shadow Swordsman is an assassin-type unit with high attack and low defense.

Facing normal long-range targets, it can definitely be easily solved, but the Cyclops is not a normal target! .

It's powerful at long range and not weak at close combat either!

Even if the Shadow Swordsman can solve the problem in a surprise attack, he will pay a high price.

It was precisely with this in mind that Zhao Hao did not let the Shadow Swordsman deal with the Cyclops alone, but asked Ellie to wait for him and Freya to ambush the opponent.

After Ellie left, he looked at Memphira and said:

"When we deal with the Cyclops and Behemoth, you are responsible for intercepting the orc support. Is there any problem?"

When an ally is attacked, the orcs will definitely go to support them. At that time, they need to stop the other party and not allow them to join together.

"no problem!"

Memphis nodded calmly.

Leading the troops to defend is no problem for her. The strength of the epic hero is not the slightest bit watery.

The battle plan is simple and crude!

The more complex the plan, the greater the chance of accidents.

A few hours later!


Green Claw's huge dragon body landed on the edge of the endless hills, smashing a big crater into the dirt ground.

"Sir, when I see the signal later, I will arrive as quickly as possible!"

Greenpaw's dull voice sounded.

With its size, it will be discovered once it enters the endless hills. Those thunderbirds that occupy the sky are the orcs' 'early warning system'.

Of course, discovery does not mean that the orcs will take action, but they will definitely be on guard.

But this time they were preparing for a surprise attack, so how could they give the orcs a chance to prepare in advance.

As soon as they entered the Endless Hills, a shadow swordsman appeared in front of the two of them.

"grown ups!"

This was sent by Ellie to lead the way.

If you're here for an adventure, of course you don't need to lead the way, but if you're here for a sneak attack, you naturally can't alert the other party in advance.

When following the Shadow Swordsman forward, you can occasionally see outstanding red blood residue on the ground, but there are no bodies.

Obviously, this is the Shadow Swordsmen clearing the place in advance.

The combat effectiveness of more than two hundred units of Shadow Swordsmen is extremely terrifying, and they can be easily dealt with as long as they do not encounter restrained monsters.

Following this 'road of death', Zhao Hao came to the ambush point.

A cave halfway up a hill.

In addition to Ellie, there are a hundred silent shadow swordsmen.

Relying on the lord's sense of the troops under his command, he knew that the remaining shadow swordsmen were scattered and hidden in the surrounding hills, and they could kill them as soon as the prey appeared.

Cyclops are flesh and blood creatures, which means they need to hunt, so they are given the opportunity to ambush and raid.

If you attack directly into the opponent's lair, you are likely to be discovered in advance.

Seeing the arrival of Zhao Hao and Freya, Ellie nodded slightly and remained silent. This was to conserve her energy for the upcoming battle.

Tens of minutes later!


A shadow swordsman came to report.


Several people who had closed their eyes to relax opened their eyes at the same time and began to prepare for battle.

In order not to alarm each other, they did not even observe each other.

Just like Freya, if someone keeps staring at her, she will be noticed. Cyclops is an ace-level creature and can naturally do it, so they huddle in the cave to avoid being discovered by the opponent in advance.

Boom, boom!

The ground trembled slightly. This was caused by the running and fighting of the Cyclops during the hunt. With the opponent's heavy and huge body, he could locate the opponent just by listening.

Wait until the movement calms down.


With murderous intent flashing in Ellie's eyes, she rushed out of the cave first with her long sword in hand, followed by the other shadow swordsmen like a pack of hunting wolves.

After looking at Freya, Zhao Hao followed.

The two of them were here to suppress the formation and reduce the casualties of the Shadow Swordsmen. They were not the main force, so the action was left to Ellie.

After climbing over the hills, we also had a clear view of the situation below.

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