The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 195 Orc Slaves and Endless Fortress!

The process of dealing with the Bloodraging Orcs is so simple.

There is a chance of victory even if faced head-on, let alone defeating them all.

Herein lies the advantage of wisdom.

After dealing with the Bloodwrath Orcs, the next thing to do is to build a fortress where the Bloodwrath Orcs are.

After all, from the Whispering Forest to here, the troops can arrive in less than a day, but it is a bit too far for the citizens.

Endless hills and mines!

In addition to the scattered resources that are constantly refreshed, there are many mines in the mines. It is definitely a piece of fat that cannot be fatter.

Well, the prerequisite for swallowing it is to be able to deal with almost endless dangers.

Before Zhao Hao was reborn, this area was not only a gold mining area, but also a mine for major lords.

Of course he must give full play to such a valuable place.

Once you have the mines, you can build weapons and equipment.

Food and weapons!

There is no shortage of market for these two things in the hero world, and there will never be enough of them.

In terms of food, there is no need to worry because there is ‘Devil Brand’ fertilizer. Now that we have captured the Endless Mining Area, we can develop it as long as we have enough manpower.

With these two pillar industries, it would be difficult for the Storm Leader not to rise.

Well, mining is a high-risk profession in the heroic world. In addition to normal mine collapses and the like, more importantly, there are also various monsters and disasters.

The soldiers cannot mine, so we can only slowly find ways to find some races that are good at mining to help.

Anyway, using slaves to fill the mines, no matter how many there are, is not enough. Zhao Hao will never do this kind of thing. His slaves cost several times the market price to buy them. Using slaves to mine could even kill him.

'etc! ’

Standing among the tribe of blood-wrathed orcs surrounded by mountains on three sides, looking at the hundreds of young orcs huddled together in front of him, Zhao Hao suddenly had a bold idea.

Can orcs be used as miners? .

Although the opponent's intelligence is low, mining does not require much intelligence, otherwise those kobolds who are not as intelligent as even orcs would not be able to be miners.


Thinking of this, he stopped Ellie who was commanding the Shadow Swordsmen and was about to perform a "cutting off the grass and roots" scene.

This kind of thing is not an uncommon occurrence in the hero world.

As for whether he feels pity or not, that's a complete joke.

Orcs usually kill a lot of people, especially when they attack a city, they kill almost all living creatures.

Ogres are allies of the orcs, so they know the orcs' style.

I understand everything!

Therefore, Zhao Hao killed the orcs without any psychological pressure, and now he stopped because of other plans.

"If we let the orcs dig mines for us, and if we dig a certain amount, we will let them join the fighting force, will it be successful?"

Zhao Hao turned around and asked Meng Feila.

The other party has rich experience, so asking them about this matter is the best option.

Although he was somewhat famous before his rebirth, he was still considered a low-level person and did not know much about this aspect.

Meng Feila did not answer immediately, but thought carefully before saying:

"Orcs are warlike by nature, so if you work as a miner for a long time, it will definitely not work. In the short term, it should be fine. If you incorporate it into a combat unit, your combat effectiveness will be fine, but there is no need to count on discipline!"

Orcs are fighting tools created by alchemists, and their production is a complete nightmare. This is why orcs will only plunder.

Because there is no way to farm like humans!

However, orcs can barely do unskilled work such as mining.

The most important thing is that Zhao Hao won't feel any heartache when the orc dies.

First he worked as a miner, and if he was lucky enough to survive, he was included in the combat troops as cannon fodder. It can be said that the arrangements were in place, from entry to burial.

"That's good!"

Zhao Hao nodded, stopped discussing the matter, and clicked on the lord interface to select the fortress.

The fortress construction site was naturally chosen by the Bloodwrath Beast. The opponent naturally chose this place for a reason. He did not need to spend extra energy to re-select the site.

That is to say, only by controlling enough resource points can the Storm Territory be qualified to build a second fortress.

The first is to choose the fortress camp.

Fortress patterns representing the nine major camps appeared in front of Zhao Hao's eyes.

I haven’t mentioned it yet. As a player in the barrier camp, of course I choose….


Endless Hills is a hilly area, and most of the lairs are stronghold camps.

If you build a barrier fortress, you won't be able to build corresponding nests, so you can recruit those nest units in the wild directly in the fortress.

At the same time, advanced lairs cannot be built.

Therefore, the only option is the stronghold fortress. Although it is far less comfortable to live in than the barrier fortress, it doesn't matter. This is not a major fortress, and he will not be stationed here for a long time.

[System prompt: Would you like to spend 1,000,000 gold coins, 100 units of ore, and 100 units of wood to build a stronghold and fortress? 】

Well, the lord's first fortress is free.

But starting from the second fortress, there will naturally be a fee.


As Zhao Hao confirmed, the light of data lit up out of thin air, and a meeting hall made of khaki stones was woven in front of him.

Assembly Hall [Core Building]: allows you to purchase town buildings and provides you with 500 gold coins every day.

The attributes are no different from Storm Fortress, but the appearance and style are completely different.

If the fortress is made of exquisite and natural wood, then the stronghold is made of primitive, rough stone.

It cost millions of gold coins, 100 units of wood and 100 units of ore, and only had one meeting hall.

Not to mention the city wall, not even a house is provided.

The walls of Storm Fortress are provided with the base camp. If you build them yourself, the price will be...

Anyway, the stronghold and fortress will not be able to have a city wall in a short time.

"From now on, this will be the second fortress of the Storm Territory, and it will also be the Endless Fortress!"

Zhao Hao decided on the name directly.


Ellie and Memphis will naturally have no objections.

"Memphela will be in charge, while Ellie and I will each lead an army to expand around us!"

Zhao Hao explained the future tasks.

Memphela's own heroic characteristics make her most suitable for defensive and garrison missions.

Although the Shadow Swordsmen under Ellie have suffered some losses, their number is still as high as 224 units, which is most suitable for activities in the endless mining area.

It's just that the Endless Hills side is of course impossible to completely control and occupy like the Whispering Forest.

Let alone him, not even hundreds of lords in the future can do anything about it.

Because resources and unit guards will be refreshed at any time, and dangerous monsters will appear in the mines, it is completely impossible to completely master them.

Therefore, when Zhao Hao talks about expansion, he means roughly occupying resources and lairs, and focusing on operating a few mines.

If the last time it was a risk to make money, this time it was for the long-term interests of the territory.

Unlike the Whispering Forest, which has the most sawmills, Endless Hills is just the opposite. Resource points like mines are more likely to appear than sawmills.

That’s why it is said that resource points, nests and the environment have a great relationship.

The following period of time was considered to be the calmest day since Zhao Hao entered the world of heroes.

Fight every day, occupy resource points and lairs, and occasionally go offline to browse information on the forum.

Two months (in the game, 12 days in reality)!

It took two full months, and it took such a long time for Zhao Hao to roughly scan the resource points and nests in Endless Hills.


Because of manpower and special circumstances, there will definitely be a lot of omissions.

But at least on the surface, this extremely dangerous area is under control.

Why explain noodles?

This is because most of the drawn map of endless hills is red, with some areas being black, and other areas being mostly yellow, with only a small area being green.

Green means in hand, yellow means in trouble, red means extreme danger, and black means restricted area!

The price of blood!

In order to capture the Endless Hills, the Storm Territory lost a large number of troops.

If it hadn't been for the rich profits from the expansion process, coupled with the huge profits from transactions with the underground world, it might have gone bankrupt long ago.

But paying such a high price is certainly worth it.

I found two iron mines alone.

All of them can be mined by just hitting them with a mining pick.

Even...a gem mine was discovered.

The gems collected can be used as magic materials.

Hmm...haven't taken it yet.

Because the mine is in the black restricted area, it will become the target of the next strategy.

In addition, there are a large number of resource points and a small number of nests, which are enough for Zhao Hao to ignore the losses in the process of taking them.

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