The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 203 Coveting and the Gem Mine (Thanks to book friend 201906 for the tip)

Chapter 203 Coveting and the Gem Mine (Thanks to book friend 201906... for the reward)

With the contract guarantee, Zhao Hao is not worried about the other party causing trouble for him in a short time.

Although the other party will find ways to bypass the contract.

But this will take time. By then, the question will be whether the Griffin Principality still has the energy to cause trouble.


Looking at the fleet disappearing into the sea, Zhao Hao turned around and asked.

Hearing the inquiry, Ellie nodded slightly, indicating that the things she had been told had been completed.

Zhao Hao felt very good after seeing the response.

When 'sending' the other party away, he asked Ellie to mix in with the Shadow Swordsmen and sprinkle something on Mia.

Cold smelly pollen!

Do you still remember how the invitation to the Pirate King came? .

It was snatched from a small pirate group. The other party was able to track them in the vast sea because it was cold-smelling pyrene.

This plant has been cultivated in the Broken Star Islands with fertile soil, and there are already many of them.

Grinding the flowers into powder is not only more effective, but also more secretive.

Even a dragon with keen senses can't smell the problem.

Even if the other party has taken a bath, the smell will not dissipate within a few months, allowing the stink-seeking rats to track the other party within a range of dozens of kilometers.

In other words, Zhao Hao is eyeing the opponent.

That's right, how could he not be greedy for such a super killer weapon?

As a reborn person, if you don't dare to take action when you encounter such a God-given opportunity, then what kind of reborn person can you just lie down and hug someone's lap?

He has a mission to get a part-time certificate, and he has already made plans for his second career.


Since his talent can avoid the risks of this strongest profession, it is definitely the most suitable profession for him.

The Necromancer is qualified to become a super giant in the cemetery camp.

Before his rebirth, because Filial Son Sword was so popular, his growth process was discovered by those 'fans' and posted on the forum. Zhao Hao could completely copy it. With the advantages of rebirth, his future achievements would definitely not be any weaker than his counterpart in the original history.

Alas, I just hope those female fans of Hyoko Sword will not blame themselves in the future (laughing wildly).

With the means to track Mia, in the upcoming scene, he has the opportunity to kidnap and take away the other party.

This is the top talent in the entire heroic world. If compared with real celebrities, it is equivalent to an enhanced version of war such as Einstein + Edison...

And the world of heroes is a world where great power belongs to itself.

The value of a genius far exceeds that of countless talents. It does not require the assistance of a large number of scientific researchers to produce any results, as in reality.

How could Zhao Hao not keep an eye on such a talent with the power to change the world.

That is to say, the time is not right now, otherwise he will keep the other party even if he suffers heavy losses.

After all, the Naga Siren's backhand sneak attack, coupled with the three giant dragons riding on the face, does not mean that there is no chance of annihilating the fleet.

Yes, Zhao Hao was right, there were indeed ‘three’ giant dragons, not just two, Freya and Green Claw.

Dragon Cliff!

The Storm Leader owns this champion lair and can refresh its recruitment quota every seven weeks. During this period, a new green dragon is naturally recruited.

Hoo, ho!

The strong wind caused by the flapping of the dragon's wings blew over, and the two green dragons slowly fell behind Zhao Hao and the others.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

Two voices sounded at the same time.

One of the voices was naturally Green Claw, and the other slightly slender voice was the newly recruited thirteenth-level green dragon named Green Wing.

The point is gender!

The newly recruited green dragon is a female dragon.

The attributes are the same as the Green Claw. After all, the military template is solidified, so there can be no difference.

But the same attributes do not mean the same combat effectiveness. Anyway, Green Claw was beaten several times by Green Wing during this period.

Zhao Hao waved back gently, saying hello to the two giant dragons.

If it had been anyone else who had done this, the giant dragon would have been so arrogant that he would have made a lot of mistakes.

But it was Zhao Hao's words. Not only did the two giant dragons not feel neglected, but they crawled behind him very obediently, as if being close was the biggest reward.

Well, it's like licking like crazy...a dragon.

"Let's go, let's go and get the gem mine. Ellie, you and Memphira will head to the Griffin Principality first as planned!"

Zhao Hao ordered at the same time, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

The upcoming drama can be regarded as the prelude to chaos in the heroic world. From now on, the war will continue.

At the same time, the heroic world will usher in the best and cruelest era.


More than an hour later!

In the endless hills, over a circular mining area about several kilometers in diameter, two giant green dragons slowly flapped their wings and landed on the edge.

Looking down from the air, this mining area is shining with all kinds of lights.

That's a gem reflecting the sky and shining sunlight!

Open pit mines.

This is a rare large-scale gem mine. The difficulty and risk of mining are pitifully small. It is no wonder that Zhao Hao will always think about it.

If it hadn't been for not having much time before, I might have taken action long ago.


This is a proper strategic material.

Not only can it be used as currency itself, but it can also be used as a spell and alchemy material.

There is a reason why this place is marked as a black restricted area on the map.


It's not a military guard.

Although because there is a building in the wild, unit guards are often spawned, but they are often eliminated by the mine guards as soon as they appear.

Fighter Academy [Reward Building]: Pay 1,000 gold coins to choose to add 1 attack or 1 defense.

Wow, wow!

Amidst the continuous collisions, huge figures stood up from the mining area.

[Earth Element]: Ninth-level elemental creature, level 92.

[Stone Element]: Tenth-level elemental creature. Level 109

Yes, the guards of this gem mine are elemental creatures.

Clay and stone figures that are at least six to seven meters tall can be easily flattened by even steel, and are immune to most attacks.

Just like Freya's Dragon Breath can also cause damage, but the ignition effect is completely useless. At the same time, for elemental creatures, the damage of Dragon Breath is not that good.

As for physical attacks... with the opponent's size and weight, he is completely at the pace of a humanoid Gundam. Even if the Deadwood Guard comes, he will still be beaten to his death.

Among the extraordinary creatures, although the earth element cannot be ranked first, it is the opponent that everyone least wants to encounter.

After all, it is immune to a large number of spells and abilities, and its physical attack and defense are extremely terrifying. It is already somewhat like a crystal dragon.

The point is quantity!

There are more than a few hundred, and only the undead know how many there are underground.

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder why this place is marked as a black restricted area.

A frontal attack would be a surefire way to die, and even if the storm led the entire army, there would be no chance of victory.

These are not units with solidified abilities, but real elemental creatures.

But for non-army guards, although their abilities are stronger and more versatile, they also have weaknesses.


Once killed, it will not be refreshed instantly as long as it is not resolved when leaving the battle, unlike the unit guards.

As long as it is killed, new earth elements will not be refreshed.

Zhao Hao only brought two green dragons and his own pets this time, just to slowly polish these elemental creatures and win this gem mine.

Because it will take a long time, I have to wait until the Endless Hills have been roughly opened and expanded before starting.

As for the 1 attribute point provided by the Fighter Academy, it is really not the primary goal for him, it is just a convenience.

"Let's get weird!"

After jumping off the back of the dragon, Zhao Hao looked at Freya beside him.

In human form, she is indeed the most suitable candidate for attracting monsters. Otherwise, who knows how many earth elements will come out from under her feet when she enters the mining area.

Therefore, drawing it out to fight is the safest way to fight.


Freya nodded and rushed towards the gem mining area.

Zhao Hao, on the other hand, was sowing seeds around, preparing for a long-term war of attrition.

In fact, the best choice for dealing with these earth elements is Cyclops or Beamon. The former can threaten the opponent with long-range attacks, while the latter can ignore the opponent's defense, both of which are extremely restrained.

But the Storm Leader didn't have either, so they had no choice but to use the giant dragon to defeat them.

The gem mine strategy battle has officially begun! .

Thanks to book friend 20190612210256173 for the tip. The chapter name is too long and cannot be fully stated!

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