The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 209 Command and the festival begins! (Thanks to the boss for the reward and monthly ticket)

The plan is big and simple!

Just attack the palace warehouse of the Griffin Principality, rob it and run away.

There will definitely be a lord's heart there, maybe even more than one.

Of course, Zhao Hao didn't say the details of the plan. Of course he understood the truth that if a king doesn't keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, and if a minister doesn't keep secrets, he will lose himself.

Don’t take too many lessons from the countless plans that will fail due to leaks in the future.

"Do you think there is any hope of success with our strength?"

After listening, the War King frowned and asked.

With their strength, they have a chance of success against ordinary small lords.

But even if he were a hundred times stronger, if he dared to enter the Griffin Palace, he would definitely have to kneel before he could even enter the door.

Don’t forget, the Griffin Principality is only called a ‘principal’ in name, and its strength is completely that of a kingdom, much stronger than a main city like Mingyue City.

And just one main city can easily solve all players.

Even if the player's strength is greatly improved by giving up the identity of a hero, it is impossible to challenge NPC forces so quickly.

"If we go according to plan, I guarantee there is a half chance of success!"

Zhao Hao sincerely made a guarantee.

He had made a lot of preparations for this plan, and the probability of success was at least 90%. The remaining 10% was completely due to various accidents and changes. However, to be on the safe side, he only said that there was a half chance of success.

What he means is that if you follow his instructions, you will have a guaranteed half chance of success. If you don't obey, the success rate will not be guaranteed.

He wanted to take command.


Ice and Snow Bear took a deep look at Zhao Hao and decided to take a gamble.

After thinking about it, the others nodded, handing over the command to him.

In this operation, they will disguise it first and then take action.

Today we are all free men.

The players participating in this operation are all members of the Freedom Front.

Zhao Hao, the leader of the Freedom Front, nodded and admitted, who dared not believe it? .

After being a scapegoat for such a long time, I haven’t reaped the slightest benefit. It’s not too much to add more people, right? .

"Let's start taking action!" Zhao Hao stood up, "Next, let's witness the beginning of the legend!"

The premise of the plan is that the Griffin Principality has no energy to pay attention to them. If it takes action now, it is guaranteed to die in a rhythmic manner.

Therefore, these people will not take action before there is even the slightest chance of success.

Precisely because he knew this, Zhao Hao did not ask them to give a guarantee or sign a contract now.

In this invitation, regardless of whether the individual is strong or the guild has a good reputation, as long as they see hope, they will definitely proceed as promised. Otherwise, the loss of reputation will be more serious than the loss of a failed plan.

Just like Zhao Hao, even if his plan fails, there will still be people willing to take a gamble on his next plan, but if he proves to be a lie, no one will believe him next time.

Credibility, or reputation, can really be monetized in the hero world.

"I hope it's like you said!"

The angry dragon shook his head slightly and followed. He was worried that if he didn't do what Zhao Hao said later, he would be in trouble.

Everyone else left to prepare.

Only Zhao Hao and Freya led the Furious Dragon, War King, Snow Bear, Rose Knight and others towards the Griffin Square.

They would not come to such an event without an invitation.

Time is so tight!

For those of them, that's time to take part in an 'NPC' festival.

"Happy Griffin Festival!"

Along the way, what I heard most were these words and the shouts of the vendors.

The entire Griffin City was in a state of carnival. Even beggars could receive free bread. How could they not be happy?

Except for some special people.

At this time, some figures in dark red robes were busy in a remote corner near Griffin Square, and at their feet lay the corpses of patrolling guards.

On the other side, Zhao Hao and the others came to the huge Griffin Square, which was paved with blue steel stone.

Not far away are the landmark buildings of Griffin City such as the Royal Palace and the Cathedral.

Even after such a long time, the green steel stone on the ground still has not left any traces, which shows its solidity.

You know, this square is not without championship level battles. On the contrary, many competitions have been held here.

In other words, even if you are a champion, unless you are of Behemoth's type, you will not be able to cause damage to the square.

At this time, a high platform with an altar was built on the edge of Griffin Square near the palace.

If you want to enter the square, you must first go through double inspection by the church and the guards.

The Holy Church is responsible for checking whether there are people with evil forces.

Guards are responsible for confirming identities and checking for prohibited items.

Dangerous items such as weapons, alchemy bombs, etc. are naturally not allowed to be carried.

In other words, if the player wants to enter the Griffin Square, he must first put the weapons and dangerous goods on his body into the inventory.

Inventory and space items cannot be used in the square.

For the sake of safety, the Griffin Principality has put in a lot of effort. After all, this is a world of heroes, a world where this great power belongs to itself.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem!

Assassination is a completely basic operation in the heroic world, so preventive measures are essential.

Even if the gryphon's heart suppresses it, it doesn't mean it's foolproof.

There are also many weak people in the royal family.

Zhao Hao and the others put away their weapons. Their camp was not an evil camp such as the cemetery, dungeon, or hell, so of course they would not fail the inspection.

After entering the Griffin Square, the inventory is directly locked, and there is no way to take out the weapon before leaving, unless...

Well, Zhao Hao knew that something like ‘unless’ would definitely happen.

Although he missed the beginning of this turbulent era in the heroic world before his rebirth.

But who knows so many fans of Duozi Sword Girl that they even know the color of his underwear? Naturally, this major event that changed the trajectory of his life is also included in his information.

That's right, "underwear" is not an adjective here, but a female player actually posted an investigation mission...

Really. I know all the colors of my underwearJPG

"Are you sure there is hope for the success of the plan here?"

Guinevere looked around curiously.

A few of them were specially invited here to witness the 'hope' for the success of the plan.

“You’ll see it soon!”

Zhao Hao saw the team coming from the palace.

At the same time, a palm-sized long-nosed mouse jumped out of Freya's arms and sniffed it excitedly, as if it had discovered something.

Nose-seeking rat!

This plan will naturally involve the other party.

Without the other party, in the ensuing chaos, there would be no way to accurately lock on to the inevitable target.

"The Griffin Festival begins!"

A voice blessed by magic sounded, causing the people in the square to cheer.

In addition to the gryphon royal family, the other groups watching the ceremony also took their seats one by one. Finally, the red archbishop of the Holy Church announced that the gryphon festival had officially begun.

I don’t know whether various links are useful, but there must be a sense of ritual.

Because only in this way can people know the background and history of the Griffin Principality, and other things are unimportant.

At the same time, the high platform that was half the size of a football field was also shrouded in a thin light curtain.

The defensive power of this light curtain is extremely terrifying. Even the giant dragon cannot break through it in a short time. Many measures have been taken to ensure that the festival can proceed smoothly.

"The drama has begun, it's time for the protagonist to appear!"

Zhao Hao murmured to himself.

"What's the meaning?"

The angry dragon heard the implication.

At this time, the Grand Duke Griffin stood up on the altar and announced loudly:

"Today, I have one more thing to announce!"

The Griffin Festival is also the perfect occasion to announce some important events.

But this was the beginning of the tragedy that followed.

After the griffon made the public announcement, the people in the square gradually became quiet, staring at the griffon on the altar.

A tall, handsome young man with black hair and red eyes walked up to the Grand Duke Griffin.

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