The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 219 Storm Leader Target!

Harvest counting is complete.

Two hundred million gold coins, 1,500 units of crystal, 1,000 units of gems, 300 units of sulfur, and 300 units of mercury.

There are two boxes of magic crystals, ten boxes of gems, several tons of materials, 2,000 sets of armor, 4,000 long swords, and 1,000 bows and arrows.

200 enchanted equipment, 2 treasures, and a lord's heart.

Such a terrifying harvest, if only given to one force, would definitely make it spiral into the sky in an instant and grow into a giant force.

But it is not too exaggerated to divide it between dozens of forces and some powerful lone warriors.

There is only this number, not because there are only so many in the treasure house, but because only so much can be stored in two hours.

Just like the gold coins, most of them were not taken away, and the basic resources were not touched.

one tenth!

They took away about one-tenth of the things, but the value was almost one-third, which shows how "incorruptible" the Finance Minister Marquis Sauron is.

Calculated based on price, this batch of things is worth more than one billion gold coins even if the Lord's Heart is not included.

Note that it is the minimum, and even if you have money, there is no place to buy these things.

So much money!

As long as these things can be brought out of the Griffin Principality, everyone will be able to eat with their mouths full of oil.

Twenty full wagons were filled.

The carriage, which is 1.5 meters wide and 3 meters long, has a heavy load capacity. At the same time, the material of the carriage is not ordinary wood, which ensures that the carriage will not be damaged at will.

Not to mention that the two draft horses in each carriage are strong and taller than ordinary horses.

Although it is far from being comparable to top camel beasts such as Basilisks and Kodo Behemoths, it is still much stronger than ordinary horses.

As long as there is this fleet, transportation capacity will change qualitatively.

Li Keke also thought of this, so she and a dozen girls from the business group were busy taking care of the horses. At the same time, she also tried to talk to Zhao Hao several times.

As for what he wanted to say, Zhao Hao could think of it with his feet. He must have wanted to discuss whether he could spend money to buy these carriages.

And he never gave her a chance to communicate, all for the other's benefit.

Let’s talk about the price of wool!

The car was rented by the Star Talk Business Group.

For this reason, he also asked him to pay for the rental, without even saying "advance payment", which means that the carriage is not a "trophy", but something that the Star Language Merchant Group spends money to rent, and naturally does not need to be distributed.

It can only be said that in order to give this piece of pie to the Star Language Business Group, Zhao Hao has thought through it all.

Of course, he personally carried the two treasures and the Lord's Heart.

First of all, several items are small and can be carried around.

The second is to ensure that it will not be robbed.

The last thing is to prevent it from being 'lost'. If you put it on a carriage and find that it is missing when you leave the Griffin Principality, no one can bear it.

After several considerations, it is true that only leaving it to Zhao Hao for safekeeping can make people feel at ease.

In fact, angry dragons will work too.

After all, as the leader of Xia Guo Guild, his credibility is definitely reassuring.

It's a pity that the strength is a bit weak.

Although he can be considered a 'strong man', he is still ranked among the top 1,000 in the Hero Competition. This is because he can obtain skills and equipment with the help of the guild, otherwise he would not even have this strength.

Being weak doesn't matter at other times, but it will be extremely fatal during the subsequent breakout process.

So Zhao Hao, who is the most powerful player and has Freya as a powerful pet, is naturally the best and only candidate.

Sorry, if you have strength, you can do whatever you want.JPG


The convoy moved slowly.

Next, they have to march for a long distance, during which they have to deal with all those who stand in the way, and only after leaving the Griffin Principality can they swallow the spoils.

As for finding a place to hide the loot and pick it up later, it must have not been beaten by magic.

Because if you hide it, people can find it in minutes.

Only after it is determined to belong to the player, it will not be easily found by the natives using spells.

If players hadn't tried this method a long time ago, would they really think they couldn't even think of this method? .

Birds from all major forces are constantly flying out, which will cause a large number of players to gather on the road, and what will follow will be a bloody battle.

At this time, the sky had turned into a gray dark sky, making the field of vision somewhat dim and visibility greatly reduced.

At the same time, the air is also a bit 'cold'.

If you use a thermometer to measure it, the temperature is actually normal.

But any flesh and blood creature can feel this coldness coming from the soul.

Because this is not caused by temperature, but by the 'breath of the undead', 'magic power of the undead'... this kind of power exclusive to the undead.

Just like the "power of nature" and "breath of life" of the barrier, the "power of holy light" of the Holy Church... when the power is strong, corresponding phenomena will also appear.

As long as they are in this environment, the dead will 100% "lift up the coffin".

The land also began to change.

The green grass withered and the creatures retreated, as if they were in a dead cemetery.

Yes, Griffin City and the Phenasia Valley Plain where it is located are now being eroded by the breath of the undead, transforming towards the 'land of the dead' that is most suitable for the existence of the undead.

Countless corpses lifted up their coffins under the erosion of the undead aura, and instinctively attacked the living beings.

And dead creatures will speed up the erosion and transformation.

This is also the reason why the undead are feared by living beings.

It can grow like a snowball.

At this time, Zhao Hao and the others encountered some troubles.

"Cover the convoy and don't get entangled with the undead!"

Zhao Hao lay on the top of the carriage to remind the players who were fighting around him.

The influx of countless bones, sticks and corpses made their team feel like they were stuck in a quagmire, and their progress was getting slower and slower.

Many player teams are killing and forgetting what the mission is.

The war king raised his sword and said:

"We take turns opening the way!"

The undead that came were not very strong, but they were very disgusting.

After all, there is no upper limit on the number.

If you think about how many corpses have been buried in this land, you can know how many undead there are, so it is completely a dream to kill them all.


Zhao Hao agreed to this suggestion.

With a top player opening the way in front of the team, it will naturally increase the speed of the team a lot, and he has no reason to object.

Especially if he doesn't need to take action.

As the initiator and commander of the plan, can't he enjoy it? .

You can't let him only get one salary but have to work several jobs. It doesn't make sense.

Initiating plans, providing intelligence, assisting on the battlefield, and commanding the team, even the donkeys in the production team are not as capable as him.

So while other players were fighting, Zhao Hao was lying on the top of the carriage.

However, he only pretended to be bad on the surface, but in fact, his mind was on the back.

In his perception, the two heroes and troops under his command were in that direction. If he wasn't afraid of arousing suspicion, he would have wanted to go over and help.

But this thought was quickly suppressed by him.

Compared to that side's fighting strength, my side is not even considered a scumbag. If this side can withstand it, there will naturally be no problem there.

Two kilometers away from the rear!

That is, not far from the south gate of Griffin City.

A huge team is gearing up and setting off.

4,000 centaur and half-horse second-level centaur leaders armed with spears patrolled the periphery, killing all the undead that came close.

Its strong mobility is enough to ensure that there will not be any low-level undead around the team.

Then there were 1,300 strong fourth-level combat dwarves wearing horn helmets, carrying hammers, and light armor.

600 An eighth-level phantom archer wearing a green cloak and holding a huge longbow followed the fighting dwarf.

100 eighth-level silver pegasus hovered in the sky to ensure that the team could detect the undead appearing around them in advance.

430 shadow-like eighth-level shadow swordsmen wearing black cloaks and carrying long swords were scattered around the team, acting as a mobile force. If the undead broke through the centaur leader's defense line, they would be dealt with.

Six snow-white unicorns with half-meter-long horns growing from their foreheads walked in front of the group, two of which carried people.

Behind the troops, there is a refugee team of nearly 10,000 people with their families.

There are also dozens of rented four-wheel carriages filled with food, tents... and other supplies.

"This harvest will definitely satisfy the lord!"

Ellie, who was riding on the unicorn, looked at the huge group of refugees behind her with a very proud tone.

Because the harvest this time is indeed amazing.

No matter how much I thought beforehand, I could never have expected such an exaggerated gain.

“I don’t know how many people will leave alive in the end!”

Memphela, who was also riding on the back of the unicorn, didn't look excited.

Because if you want to leave the Griffin Principality with such a team, even if you make a lot of preparations in advance, you may not be able to succeed.

"Since the Lord has a plan, there will definitely be no problem!"

Ai Li has long since become a fan of Zhao Hao, and her tone is decisive.

Thinking of the other party's methods, even Meng Feila had to admit that this was indeed true.

"Set off!"

She gave the order to set off.

Of course, there are nearly 10,000 people under the protection of the troops, but there are many more people following behind the team, trying to 'take advantage of the car'.

After all, there are undead all around, and if you leave without the strength, you will only end up dead.

For these people, Memphis and Ellie simply ignored them.

In other words, they won't drive them away, but they won't help either. Whether they can leave alive depends on their appearance.

As for the dead wood guards and dragons missing from the arms?

Naturally, because they were too big, they couldn't get to the vicinity of Griffin City, so they had to meet up halfway.

The larger the size of the soldiers, the more advantages they have. At the same time, they also have inconveniences.

This huge team began to move forward slowly.

If you look at the forward route, you will find that it is along the route where the player team in front passes.

Thanks to book friend 20190612210256173 for the tip. The name is too long and exceeds the chapter name.

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