The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 224 The shame of the championship appears!

The income is directly proportional to the effort!

These are the rules of the heroic world.

In the past, Zhao Hao occupied Broken Star Islands and Dragon Cliff, but he paid the price in blood.

Although the wealth currently harvested from the Griffin Principality is precious, it can only be obtained by a finance minister at most. With the current strength, it stands to reason that it can definitely be obtained.

But it would be different if the team behind them and the people in the carriage were included.

Difficulty stacking!

Now you know why Zhao Hao finds it difficult to kill Maplewood City, right? .

Now the players are helping him carry the thunder, that's why he works so hard, otherwise it will definitely be a failure.


Freya took the lead and rushed forward, easily killing the undead that occasionally slipped through the net.

Soon, the team entered Maplewood City.


The wheels rolled on the solid stone slabs, and a layer of gray-white mist emerged, limiting the visibility to only a few hundred meters at most.


Zhao Hao, who was standing on guard on the roof of the car, felt something was wrong.

So quiet!

Before, the sound of fighting on the other side of the city had never stopped, but now nothing could be heard, and no undead souls were seen anymore.

Not even the angry dragon, which led tens of thousands of players, made any movement.

There are so many things wrong that anyone who is not blind can see them.

"Did you find it?"

A cold voice sounded from the front.

Step, step!

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and a team of undead walked out of the fog a few hundred meters ahead and walked along the only main road in the city.

At the front were a dozen figures on horses, and behind them were countless undead souls that were overwhelming.

The team is led by a guy with long snow-white hair and a handsome face.

Against the background of the undead that are so ugly that you have nightmares around, even a 60-point appearance can easily become an 80-point or above. If the original appearance is good, it can be described with an idiom.

Shocked as an immortal!

This is what it feels like.

Zhao Hao stood on the roof of the car and stared at him coldly.

What a bad fate!

Because it was Archimonde who came, the famous filial swordsman.

The two parties have been dealing with each other for a long time, so they really have a bad relationship.

Compared with the current state of the opponent during the Griffin Festival, his appearance has not changed much. In other words, his hair color and pupils have changed, which is equivalent to dyeing his hair and wearing colored contact lenses.

But the temperament has changed so much!

From vibrant life to waveless stagnant water.

Not only the opponent's body, but also his spirit was completely transformed into an undead.

Just like a newly born blank soul, seeing all the memories of another person from birth to death does not mean that it will become that person.

This is also the reason why after becoming undead, even if they have complete memories, they will look different.

"It's you, you dirty bug!"

Xiao Zijian's tone was calm, but what he said was not flat. At the same time, his eyes were looking at one of the carriages, and he felt the smell of blood connection.


This last bloodline of the gryphon royal family is also the reason why Xiaozijian appears here in person, otherwise at most he would have his high-level undead intercept him.

Coming in person is precisely to welcome the last ‘relative’.

But before taking back your loved ones, you need to stamp out some bugs that don't overestimate your capabilities.

"You can really pretend!"

Zhao Hao looked at the dozen dark knights around him.

The other party's knights had just recovered this amount of strength, and it was not that they were without the strength to fight.

But before he could take the initiative to attack, he noticed movement on both sides and behind.

One after another, the undead surrounded their team in the center.


Zhao Hao frowned slightly.

The most disgusting thing about Filial Son Sword is that even though they have all turned into undead, their tactics are not like those of other undead lords, who are directly overwhelmed by the tide of undead when they encounter enemies. Instead, they like to command the undead to deal with the enemies.

The originally terrifying undead wave, combined with the opponent's command ability, was insurmountable.

Today's commander must be the other party, otherwise it would be impossible to take down Furious Dragon and others silently.

Hoo, ho!

There seemed to be something huge flying in the sky, but it was obscured by the fog and could not see its appearance clearly.

Soon, the other party appeared.

The huge white bone body is like a giant dragon that has lost its flesh and blood.

The opponent is indeed a giant dragon!

It's just the dragon after death.

Bone dragon!

Cemetery camp level 13 champion unit template.

As long as the dragon's body is corroded by the power of the undead, it will eventually turn into a bone dragon and resurrect. Because there is no wisdom, the undead strong people like to use it as mounts and pets.

How can the dragons endure this? .

Arrogance is engraved in the dragon's bloodline, but now it is used as a pet and a mount. It did not directly enter Diya to spread the ashes of the Eternal Sleep Parliament. This is because the undead are a special race.

The combat effectiveness of the Bone Dragon ranks first among the champion levels.


The opponent's opponent has the title of 'Champion's Shame'. The green dragon of the same level can definitely fight against two, but only needs to escape when fighting against three.

Do you understand? .

The Bone Dragon is completely a disgrace to the giant dragon, so it’s no wonder that he wants to ‘clean up the door’.

But Bone Dragon also has benefits.

The strength is indeed the weakest at the same level, but being an undead is not without its benefits.

No consumption, obedient, these alone are enough to be worth the price of admission, not to mention the number is more than other champion units.

Generally speaking, the bone dragon is really capable, much easier than the giant dragon.

You can appreciate the difference with a number.

The number of players who have ridden the giant dragon is less than three digits, but the number of players who have ridden the bone dragon is completely countless, and it has even been used as a means of transportation.


Terrible in capital letters!

The prouder the dragons are, the angrier they become when they see the bone dragon.

However, this also shows the horror of the cemetery. If it were not for its own strength, how could the giant dragon tolerate the appearance of the bone dragon.

Boom, boom!

The four-headed bone dragon landed, bringing a terrifying sense of oppression.

"This is... a bone dragon?"

"++, there is simply no way to survive!"

"Yes, a giant champion-level undead, do you want to be so awesome?"

"We're surrounded all around, and there's no place to escape."

Seeing the appearance of the Bone Dragon, the players were shocked.

No one is a rookie. After such a long time, they understand what championship level means and what giant size means.

Morale collapsed!

This is the only way to describe the players.

"Howl, insect, this is the price you pay for being a 'thief'!"

Archimonde waved his hand, and the undead attacked from all sides like a tide.

The term "thief" refers to snatching Mia from him, while the term "bug" refers to the fact that he did not take Zhao Hao seriously at all.

How arrogant!

The character of the other party is a plus point for the fan girl, but for me it is an inducement to arouse anger.

Even though I, a reborn person, am living in fear, why is the other party so arrogant? .

Just because you have a few dads? .

Since you want yourself to die, it's better to let the other person die first.

Ignoring the undead around him, Zhao Hao looked at each other with arms crossed and said word by word:

"You will pay the price for your arrogance!"

There is definitely no chance of overthrowing the nine major camps now, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't dare to face a future cemetery super giant.

So what if he is really a super giant? .

He was preparing to overthrow the nine major camps, so how could he be timid?

A call comes from my mind!

With such a close distance, as a lord, he can naturally summon his heroes.

"A mere ant!"

Archimonde didn't even look at Zhao Hao, even though the other party had stopped him twice.

Players around the convoy faced the undead army and were forced to fight back.

Fortunately, the team was assigned in advance and no one needed to direct them. They just had to kill the undead with all their might.

As for Freya and War King, Zhao Hao stood on the roof of the car with his hands folded, looking down at Archmonk surrounded by dark knights.

One of the two parties is on top, one is on the bottom, one is on the horse, and the other is on the roof of the car!

World famous paintings.JPG.

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