The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 244 Mouth Escape Technique!

They say they are treasures, but they are actually people.


This White Knight will be the future leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

But at this time, she was just a young girl huddled in a corner and crying sadly.

If he didn't know how terrible the other party's future achievements would be, who would have thought that the white knight who was feared by countless creatures would look like this.

Don't judge people by their appearance!

This example illustrates this sentence very well.

"Why, will you just huddle in a dark corner like a mouse, hating your own incompetence?"

Looking at the other party's appearance, Zhao Hao turned on the verbal attack mode.

With his experience and knowledge,, it should be said that enlightening and guiding an immature girl is too much punishment.

Hearing Zhao Hao's voice, Mia, who was huddled in the corner of the wooden house, with her loved ones lying on the blood-red high platform in her mind, raised her head.

It's him!

The adventurer who threatened him and then saved him, making him swear to follow him in the name of his family.

"What, don't you recognize me?"

Zhao Hao teased and sat down on the chair at the same time, while Freya stood outside the wooden house and did not come in.

Perhaps because of the importance of the other party, this separate cabin was prepared for her instead of being crowded together like the others.

Mia raised her head, stared at Zhao Hao with red and slightly swollen eyes and asked:

"Will you really help me get revenge?"

At this time, revenge was the only pillar in her heart. At least it could make her forget that nightmare scene.

"I am an adventurer. From this perspective, we are natural accomplices!"

Zhao Hao threw out a point first.

That's the stance.

The other party has many targets for revenge.

The Falcon Principality, the Undead Archon, the Demon's Head, and the Filial Son Sword are all not easy to mess with, and the scope also includes multiple camps.

Only the players, a group that is suppressed and excluded by the indigenous people, will naturally oppose these forces.

That’s why Zhao Hao said they were ‘accomplices’.

The conflict between players and aborigines is very simple to put it bluntly.

Just like a divided interest circle, when outsiders suddenly appear, they will naturally be squeezed out and suppressed by the interest circles.

From this point of view, their positions are indeed consistent.

Perhaps after thinking about this, Mia's eyes showed a little more recognition.

Because this is a fact!

Between the player and the aboriginal people, they must either act like dogs, or use their strength to win "respect" in order to integrate into the heroic world.

I won't talk about the former, but the latter must beat up the indigenous forces, which is destined to have conflicts, and during this conflict, she will naturally have the opportunity to take revenge.

"You know the Storm Leader, right?" After the other party nodded slightly, Zhao Hao continued: "I came to the heroic world for about half a year (game time), and I have the current strength. Now I really don't have the strength to help you revenge, but the potential You should have seen it too, right?"


Directly avoiding the present and talking about the future is the best way to persuade.

Even Zhao Hao himself didn't believe it if he could help the other party get revenge now, let alone the other party.

Several forces are extremely troublesome, so they can only use "potential" to convince each other, believing that sooner or later they will have the strength to avenge them.

If he cannot be allowed to sincerely join the Storm Territory, there may be trouble in the future, which is why we have this conversation.

Forget about ordinary subordinates. If a super talent like Mia is not of the same mind as him, he will definitely be a fatal poison in the future.

Obviously, Zhao Hao's sudden explanation of his position and potential had an effect.

Although Mia's eyes were still sad, they had gained some life and vitality and were no longer lifeless.

"Did you save me specifically because there's something in me that interests you?"

She was not stupid, and she understood that Zhao Hao must have ulterior motives for taking the risk to save her. Not only was she not angry about this, but she was very happy about it.

It is precisely because of his own value that he survived and had the opportunity for revenge.

"Yes, both your ability and identity are very important to me."

Zhao Hao directly showed his cards.

He just likes the other person's body, he is despicable.

"As long as it is useful for revenge, you can use everything I have, but if I find that you have no intention of revenge for me..."

Mia showed her willingness to pay for revenge and also made threats.

The two sides are showing off their cards to each other, rather than engaging in intrigues like Werewolf.

"Get ready, I will find an alchemist teacher for you!"

Zhao Hao knew that the other party's terrifying aspects were transformation and pharmaceuticals.

But I don’t know what the opponent’s growth trajectory was like on the original historical line.

I asked him to learn alchemy because he wanted to see if the opponent's talent was all about undead, or whether it was just about transformation and potions.

Otherwise, he would not be able to bear it if he were to follow the original path of the undead.

too ugly!

Although the undead are not without good looks, for example, a certain long-legged royal lady has fascinated countless players and is known as the million-licking dog guard group.

There is also the Filial Son Sword.

But those are the minority after all!

Although the other party's appearance is not that of a king, she is still a little beauty. Compared with the future white knight, her appearance is completely different.

Whether you are strong or not is a temporary matter, and whether you are beautiful or not is a lifelong matter.


Mia murmured to herself,

As a member of the griffin royal family, she naturally knows this profession.

The alchemist is a special profession, powerful and magical, with a very special status.

Races such as orcs, centaurs, griffins... and crystal dragons are his creations. Magic props, magic potions, enchantments, scrolls... are all from his hands.

Alchemists are equivalent to scientists + engineers in reality, and one person can defeat a group.

In this case, it is not surprising why Zhao Hao has been plotting against Mia since he knew that he was a white knight.

"Yes, the alchemist is what you are working towards, and from now on you will be called Mia, a commoner who has nothing to do with Eastalon. Everything about the Griffin royal family has nothing to do with you!"

Zhao Hao reminded the other party.

Now she really can't reveal her identity as the "Gryphon Royal Family". Just having a filial son's sword and keeping it in mind is enough to make her head grow bigger. If she openly uses this identity again, does she think her life is too safe? ? .

"Um!", it was Mia whose eyes darkened slightly.

This means that the Eastalon family will disappear, how can she not be lost.

"When the strength of the Storm Leader grows enough to compete with those guys, you can use the surname Eastalon and inherit the family's glory!"

Zhao Haoyin implanted a formula into the opponent.

Improving the strength of the Storm Leader = speeding up revenge time = regaining family glory!

As long as this formula is deeply ingrained in his mind, the other party will try his best to lead the Storm Leader away without any urging.

With such thighs, it is natural to be tied to them.

If possible, it is best to use a welding gun to weld them together so that they cannot be broken apart.

Next, Zhao Hao continued to introduce the advantages of the Storm Leader, making the opponent feel that the hope of revenge was close at hand.

After all, the special advantages of Dragon Cliff and Broken Star Islands allow the Storm Territory to fully realize its potential. As long as these potentials are realized, revenge will no longer be a castle in the air.

Full of confidence!

At this time, after Zhao Hao deceived and solved her problem, she completely lost her previous confusion, and her face was full of determination.

After dealing with the opponent, Zhao Hao also discovered something from the report from Tata Kai who arrived.

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