The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 287 Underground World!

After reaching level 3, the biggest change is naturally... health value.

It is 750 points at level 1, and after two levels.

HP: 2250

It's so exaggerated.

And this is only the basic growth that comes with upgrading, not a career bonus.

If you are a tank-type profession, you will get extra health bonus when you upgrade. This is also the reason why tank-type professions have high health points.

If he hadn't known that the future of the human shield profession was not good, and if he didn't have the talent in this area (before rebirth, he only had extraordinary combat power, which means he was not good at melee combat), maybe Zhao Hao would have chosen the human shield profession.

Attribute points are still precious, and you also get one point every 5 levels. However, in addition to the fixed 1 point that cannot be assigned attributes, you can also get 1 free attribute point.

After losing the hero template, although the loss is not small, it can also be exchanged for personal and professional strength.

Therefore, many players know the importance of hero identity, but still choose to give up this identity.

keep going!

Only after walking there in person did Zhao Hao understand how difficult it was to walk through the underground passage.

In addition to the uneven roads, there are all kinds of troubles.

Once I walked down, everyone was numb and a lot of monsters were killed.

The good news is that these monsters are extremely weak and were killed by the skeleton soldiers.

Level 10!

This is the level that Zhao Hao was at when he entered the underground world.

Directly improve the attributes qualitatively.

HP: 2250→7500

Magic value: 30→50

Intelligence: 3→5

Knowledge: 3→5

This is the property change after the upgrade.

In particular, the health value is simply ruthless. Now Zhao Hao can completely play the role of human shield.

Magic value increases due to increased intelligence.

At level 10, he can gain 2 fixed attribute points to the main attribute of knowledge, leaving 2 free attribute points, which Zhao Hao focused entirely on intelligence.

Anyway, intelligence and knowledge are spellcasting attributes, so there is no need to worry about making mistakes if the attributes are directed towards these two aspects.

Along the way, even if he didn't encounter any powerful monsters, if it weren't for the Source of Life suit and his amazing health, Zhao Hao might have died.

Routes that are frequently cleared are so dangerous. You can imagine how dangerous it would be if they were not cleared.

It took most of a day in total.

This speed is already a qualitative leap compared to the initial time of more than a few days.


After exiting the underground passage, the field of vision suddenly widened, and another scene appeared in front of him.

The boundless space comes into view, like stars twinkling from the cave above and light falling from the cave above. Everything seems quiet and profound, making people experience a different style from the surface world.


A world that is said to be no smaller than the surface world, or even larger.

Countless exiles, wanted criminals, races...are everywhere.

Compared with the large forces in the surface world, the forces in the underground world are ruled by "city" as a unit.

Dungeon Lord!

This is the ruler of the underworld.

In the past, the Bethatos clan was equivalent to a dungeon lord without a fortress.

Swish, swish!

Several black shadows rushed towards him like lightning.

Call of the dead!

Casting this spell instinctively, three skeleton soldiers crawled out from the ground.


As soon as the skeleton soldier stood up, he collided with the guy who rushed towards him.

When the other party gets closer, you can see clearly.

The appearance is similar to the real anteater, except that it is many times larger and has a body like a calf without eyes.

[Dark Butterfly Eater]: A second-level creature, level 26.

In the underground world, many organs will degenerate.

Just like cavemen did not have eyes as an organ, so did a large number of creatures.

Call of the dead!

After seeing that the number of monsters was almost in double digits, Zhao Hao decisively chose to use the Summon of the Undead again.

The six skeleton soldiers are still passively strengthened types. There is no reason to be unfair, right? .

And he kept moving and dodging to reduce the number of attacks he received.




Occasionally, he would not lose much health when he was attacked, and it was completely painless compared to his health.

If it were a real spell caster, the body would be cold.

Therefore, it is completely a dream for the caster to think about solo farming in the early stage.

Spellcasting players from major guilds need to arrange for a team to bring upgrades in the early stage. If they want to fight monsters alone to upgrade, they are guaranteed to die faster than they upgrade.

A few minutes later!

Summoned skeleton soldiers turn into bones and dissipate.

"System prompt: You have gained 480 experience points!"

As soon as the battle ended, Zhao Hao got experience points from the prompt and discovered an interesting pattern.

Different killing targets will affect the amount of experience gained.

For example, if he kills cavemen, he will gain more experience points than monsters of the same level.

You know, in terms of combat effectiveness, monsters of the same level are stronger than cavemen.

Zhao Hao had already vaguely guessed the reason.


This is the difference between intelligent creatures and monsters.

It's just strange, it's strange why no players said anything before the rebirth? .

Such a clear difference is easy to see.

At the same time, the cemetery camp has a reason to cause trouble at every turn.

"The water is really deep!"

Zhao Hao said something unhappy.

The more he realizes this, the more he feels that the world of heroes is too deep.

The environment in the underground world is extremely dangerous.

If it weren't for the underground race, it would be difficult to survive in a place like this.

Because you never know whether the plants around you are poisonous or whether the animals are deadly.

No wonder dark elves are good at poison.

In this kind of poisonous and dangerous place, if you weren't good at it, everyone would have died a long time ago.

Suddenly, Zhao Hao felt a chill emerging from behind.

Well, his keen spirit allowed him to discover it in advance, but...

Brain: There is danger, hide quickly.

Body: I'm too slow, too late.

It's like the brain reacts, but the body doesn't have time to react.


A dagger penetrated the body along the gap in the dragon skin suit.





The heart-wrenching pain made Zhao Hao slow down his spell casting movements.

Call of the dead!

Fortunately, this spell didn't take long to cast, so it was used even if it was affected.


There was a soft cry behind him.

Obviously, the other party did not expect that Zhao Hao would still be "alive and alive" after being stabbed with a dagger, so he was naturally surprised.

The dagger quickly moved toward Zhao Hao's throat.

Obviously, the other party felt that since stabbing him wouldn't work, he would just cut his throat.

Zhao Hao tried his best to dodge, and even prepared to use his signature skills.

Tactical roll!

Unfortunately, his agility was not at the same level as his opponent's, so he was a step slower.


Amidst the sound of sharp weapons tearing flesh and blood, Zhao Hao once again experienced the pain of close combat, and his throat was slashed.

It hurts so much.

It’s no wonder that most people who enter the world of heroes choose to be casual and lifestyle players.

After all, killing monsters and upgrading is a bit too painful. They are here to enjoy and relax, not to suffer.





The health value dropped crazily. If it were an ordinary player, several lives would be gone.

But Zhao Hao was still in pain. He took a look at his health points and found that losing this little health points was nothing to worry about.

Who would have thought that a necromancer could have as much as 7,500 health points? .

Absolutely inappropriate!

There is no fatal weakness in the digitized player's body. At most, attacking these places can cause the highest damage.

If not for this, Zhao Hao would have died several times no matter how high his health was.


The three skeleton soldiers waved their swords, finally forcing the guy behind them back, giving him a chance to turn around and see them.

But after seeing the other party's appearance clearly, Zhao Hao's expression was a little subtle.

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