The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 290 Camp detection and entering plane fragments! (A lot of votes today, thank you guys)

"Brother, are you okay?"

An archer carrying a whiteboard (ordinary quality) longbow asked Zhao Hao in a low voice.

Others are concerned about this issue, too.

There is no way, the profession of necromancer is either a human problem or a mental problem.


Zhao Hao answered decisively that he did not want to enjoy 'care'.

After hearing this answer, Zhao Hao felt that the players around him were relieved and a little excited at the same time.

After all, although the profession of necromancer is not a human being, there is no doubt about its strength.

"Which route will your brother take?"

the archer asked curiously.

The three major schools of necromancers are not secret, they have been on the forum for a long time.

Whether it is the Bones system of the turret style, the Summoning system that is good at large-scale battles, or the insidious curse, they are all extremely useful.

If you can raise your level to above level 55 (any player who participates in the action will be above this level by default), the route will definitely take shape.

"Summoning system!"

Zhao Hao did not explain his skill configuration, but only indicated his route.

If you can summon the undead, you are qualified to call yourself a summoner.

Skeletons will do too!

Not to mention serving as the main output force, at least serving as a human shield and cannon fodder is absolutely useless.

Subconsciously, the surrounding players vaguely protected him in the center.

This is not to give him preferential treatment, but the default rule when players form a team. Spellcasting professions such as long-range and healers have the highest priority to protect targets.

"Whether I can get more benefits this time and get good equipment depends entirely on you!"

Niu Batian patted Zhao Hao on the shoulder.

It’s not surprising that he took it seriously, because in their small group of more than a dozen players, he was the only spell caster.

I understand everything!

If it weren't for the guild training, players who are determined to choose the spellcasting profession would have deleted their accounts and started over.

Without money, talent, and guild training, the spellcasting profession is just a drag.

There are many people who cannot even earn basic spell exchange contributions within a few years, which is extremely discouraging. It is rare to meet a spell caster, so naturally you must protect him well, and at the same time, you are looking forward to his performance.

After the team advanced for more than ten kilometers, they entered a valley.

"This is the entrance to the Dark Secret Realm. The assembled monsters are taken care of by the army, but the scattered monsters have to be cleaned up by us players. The loot is distributed according to DKP. Is there any problem?"

Classmate Niu Batian is indeed a patient with social anxiety syndrome and has already obtained the leadership of the team.

Of course, this kind of power to break up a group is of little use. Unfair distribution will make you step down in seconds, so it all depends on ability. Whoever is stronger will be the group leader.

The ability mentioned here not only refers to combat effectiveness, but also includes leadership. Niu Batian naturally has no opponent in this regard. He was elected unanimously after talking and talking along the way.

Don’t accept it!

Being able to talk is also an advantage in the game. At least he is invincible in forming groups, trading, and building relationships.

"no problem!"



The team members agreed.

After advancing a little distance in the valley, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The originally dim vision decreased again, and a large number of figures suddenly appeared blocking the front.

Anyone with no problem with their IQ will know that they have entered the plane fragment.

Yes, there will be an intersection area between the hero world and the plane fragments, and it is also the entrance and exit passage. As long as you control it, you can obtain an absolutely safe logistics base.

It is natural that there would be no troops stationed in such an important place.

A large number of dark elf warriors and cold-blooded cavalry surrounded the entrance, and a large number of players lined up to enter.

There are several female dark elf priests on the side of the team, sitting on giant spider mounts the size of round tables, casting spells to cast a glow on the players.

A very common reconnaissance spell.

Camp detection!

Yes, the effect of this spell is very simple, it is to display the target camp.

Among the players queuing up in front of Zhao Hao and the others, there was a male player emitting golden light.


In an instant, black and red light emitted from the surroundings, and the player distanced himself from the opponent.

the reason is simple.

Each of the nine camps has a corresponding color, and the golden light indicates that the opponent is a player from the castle camp.

"I...I'm just here to download the copy, there's no other meaning!"

This player's face was stiff, probably because he didn't expect that he would be found out if he was so good at disguising himself.


Before the other dark elves could take action, the giant spider sprayed out a stream of fist-thick webbing that instantly entangled it, and then slowly dragged it back.


"I'm really just passing by!"

"No, sister-in-law!"

Amidst the screams, the player was directly bitten to death by the spider.

Although it was not a real death, one-tenth of the pain and the blow to the spirit were enough to make the other party 'memory' deeply.

Although the remaining players looked ugly, no one stopped them.

If she were the Holy Mother, she would not be able to survive in any of the three major camps of the Dark Alliance.

If anyone dared to accuse or plead for mercy just now, they would end up in the same fate as the other party.

This is the rule of the evil camp, cruel and direct.

Of course, if you have the strength to solve everyone, then you can do whatever you want, no one dares to say anything.

Among the players in the queue, most of them light up with black light, which means they belong to the dungeon camp, and occasionally there are pale and red lights.

Pale represents the cemetery and red represents hell.

These two camps are superficial allies with the dungeon, and the chance of appearing here is small, but not impossible.

Of course, Zhao Hao was the only one in the cemetery camp, so he received some attention.

After the inspection, each person will receive a spider silk badge.

With this thing that is equivalent to a 'proof of identity', you will not be treated as an enemy by the dark elf army, and you can also count the results of the battle.

Although the Hero World does not have electronic equipment to count the results of battles, it does have various 'alchemy props' and 'enchanted items'. It is completely idealistic flow, the kind that just works.

Calculating the results is really not difficult.

After inspecting the portal, the team continued deeper into the fragment of the plane.

It's just that the corners of Zhao Hao's mouth curled up slightly as he moved forward, because he felt a familiar breath.

Soul contract!

After signing the contract, you can sense the other party if you get close to a certain distance.


The other party's appearance here was completely expected and unreasonable.

Expected means that the other party came here naturally to investigate the plane fragments, and unreasonable means that the other party was able to break through such a tight defense line and enter here.

Led by Niu Batian, their team avoided the wide passage and headed towards the narrow passage with no trace of passing.

Several players holding shields walked in front, followed by those with weapons. Two archers and Zhao Hao were at the back of the team.

The standard battle formation ensures that you can fight monsters as soon as you encounter them.


A threatening growl sounded.

Several monsters that were somewhat similar to cats but many times larger came out of the darkness.

[Dark Cat]: Seventh-level creature, level 79.

"Let's get weird!"

Niu Batian took off the battle ax from his back and walked to the front.

None of us are rookies, and we don’t need anyone to direct us.

"Grandson, come here if you dare!"

The player at the front who is wearing armor and holding a heavy shield is the first to start 'taunting'.

Note that the taunt here is not a skill, but a provocation in a taunting tone.

Even words can irritate monsters. The other party can't understand the words, but they can feel it from their attitude. This is much more useful than skills. The important thing is that it is not consumed yet.

Call of the dead!

Seeing the battle begin, Zhao Hao used skills.

This is a summoning skill, not an attack skill, and there is no need to worry about hatred and chaos.


Amidst the cat-like meows, several dark cats nimbly and silently pounced on the human shield player at the front with incredible speed.

Boom, boom!

Claws and teeth kept hitting the armor and shield, and several human shield players kept counterattacking with their shields, accumulating hatred.

It was just that after the shield was smashed for a while, the player in the front row found that no one was helping, which made him angry.

The hatred has been stabilized but it is still not there. Do you want to collect the corpse for yourself? .

But when they turned around and saw what was going on behind them, they instantly no longer thought of blaming them.

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