The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 31 Wooden House and Witch Cottage!

Log cabin!

Wooden House [Level 5 Lair]: After occupying it, wood elves can be recruited.

In addition to the regular fifth-level wood elves, the military guards also include sixth-level great elves.

The Great Elf is a unit of the sixth-level barrier camp. Its output is twice as strong as that of the Wood Elf.

The basic attributes haven't changed much, except for the addition of an ability.

Double shot!

The effect is that two arrows can be shot every time a shot is fired, while the ammunition consumption is still one shot.

Practical ranged capabilities.

Doubling the output on the battlefield will more than double the value.

Because you can quickly destroy enemies and reduce pressure on other troops, every increase in output will increase the value.

Two seats!

There are two wooden houses close together, which means it is quite difficult to take them down.

There are also a lot of guards.

200 units of wood elves and 100 units of big elves, together they are a large group.

Note that the rules for guarding the nest's troops are generally 10 times the output, plus 5 times the advanced troops, but that refers to the minimum number, which does not mean that it will be the same every time, and it is not the case this time.

In addition to these nest guards, there are 120 metal dolls under a tree house not far away.

iron Man!

Among the nine camps, the tower camp is the sixth-level unit.

The tower is a camp formed by alchemists, lanterns, and naga. It is also a holy place for spellcasters. It is a neutral camp, which means that it does not favor justice, but it does not favor evil either.

The Iron Man is an extreme unit.


This is the extreme point of the other party.

Both defense and health are amazing, and it also comes with 75% spell damage reduction. It can be called a sixth-level human shield, and it is at the forefront of the sixth-level arms that countless heroes least want to encounter.

There's nothing I can do about it, it's frighteningly fleshy and its attack power isn't weak, so no one really wants to encounter it.

When encountering Iron Man in the wild, most heroes will turn away.

The premise is that it is unprofitable.

But the tree house behind the other party made Zhao Hao's eyes a little red.

Witch Hut [Functional Building]: You can learn a campaign skill after visiting it. PS: It will disappear after learning.

That's right, after visiting, you can learn battle skills.

As for the rarity of battle skills, even when Zhao Hao was reborn, most heroes did not have them, which shows how precious they are.

The value of the witch's hut is even higher than the building that improves attributes.

Witch cabin + log cabin!

It must be taken.

Zhao Hao made the decision without hesitation. At the same time, he was not in a hurry to take action, but was also waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

Not long after, the waiting reinforcements arrived.


At the same time, there was one more troop behind her. .

There are still 10 Shadow Swordsmen. After all, the ability to save lives is too strong. As long as they don't seek death or encounter an ambush, it will not be difficult to retreat even if they are defeated.

The extra ones are 60 units of first-order centaurs.

These centaurs were rewards she received for completing tasks, and were not recruited from the lair.

There are various rewards for field missions, and 60 centaur units should be the bottom-level reward.

The top rewards can even include championship-level troops, but the task difficulty must also be championship-level.

After regrouping, redistribute troop command.

Zhao Hao transferred 144 units of dwarves under his command to Ellie.

There was nothing she could do. She was a blue elite template hero, and the Dwarf King's Shield was given to her, not to mention the battle skills. All in all, she was more than half stronger under her than when she was under her own.

Attack 4, Defense 5

Even with the level 4 Ellie attribute bonus, even if there are 4 points of defense brought by the Dwarf King's Shield, it is still very strong.

And Zhao Hao's own is.

Attack 2, Defense 1.

And this is because there is a mercenary camp that adds 1 point of attack, otherwise the gap would be even greater.

Such allocation of troops will not affect Zhao Hao's command.

Anyway, Ellie is a hero under his command. He has higher authority over the troops, so commanding them is not a problem.

Well, command authority, the water here is very deep, players will be able to understand it in the future.

After allocating unit commanders, the next step is to deploy tactics.

"I'll let Freya, the centaurs, and the dwarves attract firepower later, and you can command the shadow swordsmen to find an opportunity to attack me =!"

Zhao Hao's plan sounds as simple as a brainless charge.

But the tactics are simple but difficult to execute.

Because this is not one person's business, how to get all our troops to complete the plan is the biggest difficulty.

Even if there are orders and prohibitions for the troops, you still have to take everything into consideration when commanding.

If something is not considered, the plan may collapse.

It's like if you ask the dwarves to intercept the enemy's outflanking troops, but you don't take the short legs of the dwarves into consideration, then they will naturally be easily defeated from the side by the opponent.

Therefore, command ability is really important, especially when the number of troops under your command increases, the more important it becomes.


Freya spread her wings and took off into the sky. She always obeyed Zhao Hao's orders.

60 units of centaurs also began to increase their speed.


Of course not letting it charge.

If these centaurs were to charge directly, no matter where they attacked, they would be dead ends.

There are a full 120 units of sixth-level iron men, which cannot be charged by this number of centaurs.

As for the wood elves, they are even seeking death.

The opponent only needs one round of long-range firepower to make Centaur GG unable to explain.

Therefore, the centaur's task is to contain the opponent's energy.

As long as they haven't entered the arena, the opponent cannot fight with all their strength, especially the wood elves, and they must be careful about the centaurs charging at any time as their speed increases.

Lead but not send!

The effect is much more useful than pure offense.


The dwarves from Unit 144 came forward with wooden hammers, their shoes rustling on the grass. .

Advance forward.

With the speed of the dwarves, don't even think about using tactics such as surprise attack or surprise attack.

Short Legs!

This is a common problem among all tank types.

Just like the sixth-level Iron Man, the ninth-level Deadwood Guard, etc., they are all human shield types, and they also have the disadvantage of being overwhelmed by speed.

As the troops under the command of Zhao Hao launched an attack, the guards at the front also made some movement.

Cah! Cah!

Amidst the sound of metal clashing, the iron men left footprints on the ground and stopped towards the dwarves. The wood elves and big elves carrying bows and arrows also moved towards the iron men, and the two sides prepared to fight together.

The field guard units have linkage methods with each other.

This is why Zhao Hao found it difficult. He had to recruit all the dwarf soldiers and recall Ellie before he could confidently take action.

If he was alone, the risk would be too great unless Freya was willing to fight to the death.

Now, he is absolutely confident that he will win, and he is not sure how much loss he will suffer.

However, no matter how great the loss is, we must capture it. Whether it is two wooden houses or a witch's cabin, it is worth going all out. Even if the centaurs and dwarves are all wiped out, capturing it will still be a bloody gain.

Although there are only two wooden houses, even with the blessing of the base camp, you can only recruit 20 units of wood elves, which seems like a loss.

After all, it is possible to replace them with 60 units of centaurs and 144 units of dwarves. The combat effectiveness of the two sides is too different.

However, 20 units of wood elves can be trained into shadow swordsmen by Ellie at the cost of gold coins, and their combat effectiveness will be compensated.

Not to mention the existence of a witch's cabin.

Commanding high-level troops is always much better than mid- to low-level troops. Replacing a large number of low-level troops with a smaller number of high-level troops is definitely the most cost-effective exchange.

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