The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 330 Bear Clan!

The orc tribes on the Lannar Plateau are as numerous as gravel.

There are thousands of orcs in small orc tribes, tens of thousands in medium ones, more than 100,000 in large ones, and millions of orcs in giant ones.

A tribe with less than a thousand people cannot survive for a few days before being submerged on the plateau where dangers are everywhere.

A tribe of thousands of people can barely survive, but it is still as fragile as a candle in the wind, and may dissipate at any time due to an accident.

Large tribe!

This means that there are one hundred thousand light orcs, plus some allies and raised war beasts, it is not surprising how many there are.

That's why Zhao Hao couldn't believe that he was so lucky that he could meet large tribes at random. There were not many orc tribes of this level even in Rannar.

However, accidents were accidents. He did not have the slightest doubt about the reconnaissance results of Silver Pegasus and directly gave the order.

"Stand on alert!"

If there is a large orc tribe, Silver Pegasus will definitely not be able to escape the opponent's eyes. It is very likely that his side has been discovered. In terms of reconnaissance methods, there are many such large orc tribes.

The facts proved that Zhao Hao was right. Just when he set up his defensive formation, traces of orcs appeared at the end of his field of vision.

The extremely strong green body, which is more than two meters tall, is carrying a wooden stick as thick as a thigh. With one blow of the stick, it can easily smash the skull of a flesh and blood body.


To break it down, it’s the bear orcs.

As mentioned before, orcs are created by alchemists from humans and various animals, so they will have different branches and talents.

For example, the wolf orcs I encountered before were good at throwing nets and hunting.

As for the bear orcs, they have extremely terrifying bodies and can even stand up to ogres head-on.

Orcs are the main race. This means that the average starting level is third level after adulthood, but it does not mean that all orcs are third level. Some special branches will be more than third level after adulthood.

Bearmen, a branch of orcs, mostly start at the core level when they reach adulthood, which is the fifth level.

The extremely cruel Lannar Plateau constantly forces the orcs to grow and evolve.

It is impossible for the degraded orcs to survive in this cruel plateau, so the level of life is constantly improving, and it is impossible to degrade.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there are many female orcs among them, and there are even some childish-looking orcs.

All the people are soldiers!

This is also the scary thing about orcs.

The number of orcs is far less than that of humans, but they are able to gain a foothold in the nine major camps because they are naturally powerful, brave and warlike, and all the people are soldiers.

Among these orcs, there was a bear-man troop that was more than a head taller than its fellow tribesmen, and its weapons were heavy weapons such as war hammers and maces.

Ursine warrior!

Among the orcs, there are naturally those who specialize in fighting.

Usually only responsible for combat-related matters, this force is usually controlled by the clan leader. At this time, the opponent's appearance here means that the bear clan leader has arrived.

On both sides of these bear-men, a large number of green-skinned orcs with big ears and nearly human height poured out, screaming strangely and rushing towards the spearmen's defense line.

In addition to these, there are also more than a dozen giant bears with brown hair of amazing size.

Although the giant bear is not as big as the giant dragon, the gap is not big. Just looking at its strong body and long claws, you can tell that its combat power is definitely not weak.

"Bear of the Earth!"

Standing among the phantom shooters, archers...ballistas, supply trucks and other long-range troops, Zhao Hao saw clearly the appearance of more than a dozen giant bears, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect that the other party had such a big killer weapon.

On the battlefield, the effect of an Earth Bear is extremely terrifying. Soldiers such as the Bone Dragon will be easily torn apart by it. Even the non-army champion-level Bone Dragon is no match in close combat.

Because his talent is the body-protecting stone skin, which is enough to be immune to a large number of physical attacks, and his endurance is endless as long as he stands on the earth, so he is called the Earth Bear.

Special for cooking!

The talent to improve defense and the endurance will not be exhausted. These two points combined with the huge size, if there is no way to stop the Earth Bear on the battlefield, it can really destroy an army.

How could such a powerful monster not be feared by others?

If Green Wings and others are still Green Dragons, then in a melee fight on the ground, one-on-one might be a draw, but one-on-two would definitely lose.

Of course it's not a problem now.

The strength of the golden dragon is naturally much higher than that of the green dragon. Coupled with the blessing of Zhao Hao's expertise, its combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. One-on-one is not a problem at all.

"I'll go first!"

A figure was ready to rush out.


Zhao Hao stopped Freya.

Faced with this situation, not only was she not afraid, but she was eager to fight out single-handedly.


Freya turned back in confusion, not understanding why she was being pulled.

"Don't forget what our goal is?"

Zhao Hao reminded helplessly.

They are not here to kill and exterminate the orcs, their real mission is to trade and open up business channels.

Freya, who was full of fighting spirit, was instantly discouraged when she thought of this.

"But don't be too disappointed, there will never be a shortage of enemies in Lannar!"

Seeing his pet's disappointed expression, Zhao Hao comforted him.

The Rannar Plateau may indeed lack everything, but it will definitely not lack fighting.

If they can't reach an agreement, they will still fight.

"Green Wing, go and say hello to each other, and be careful about throwing spears!"

Zhao Hao ordered the four golden dragons waiting at the rear.


After receiving the order, the four golden dragons spread their wings and took off directly.

Although I don't understand why they are only allowed to attack, as long as Zhao Hao gives the order, no matter whether there is a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​fire ahead, they will not look back.

After taking off, the four golden dragons accelerated forward and pounced towards the bearman...the big-eared monster in front of them.

Big-Eared Monster, an orc whose vitality is comparable to that of goblins, has an extremely delicate status.

On the one hand, the orcs look down on the other party, are unwilling to admit the other party's identity as an 'orc', and even disdain to associate with the other party.

But on the other hand, we cannot live without each other.

After all, the number of orcs is not large, and cannon fodder is needed when going to the battlefield, so big-eared monsters that are born in a litter and mature in one or two years are naturally the best choice.

Therefore, these green-skinned big-eared monsters that are charging forward are also cannon fodder used by the bear people to test.

Hoo, ho!

Green Wings flapped its wings and accelerated its dive, followed by three golden dragons following behind.

Even though Green Wing is a female dragon, she is one of the most capable dragons in terms of combat effectiveness and IQ. She heard the implication of Zhao Hao's words.

Show strength, but don't cause an all-out fight.

Then attacking the big-eared monster is the best way.

After all, even if these guys are killed all, the bear tribe will not be too angry, but they can show their strength.

The golden dragon that covered the sky and the sun swooped down. Even without the power of the dragon, it made the big-eared monsters who were rushing forward feel bad, and they all raised their heads.


The extremely hot flame dragon breath falls from the sky, 'evaporating' the big-eared monster that hits it.

The movements of the four golden dragons were almost synchronized. They swooped close to a certain distance, breathed out dragon breath, and then turned sideways and flew through the air.

Using the dragon's breath as a pen and the earth as a cloth, an amazing landscape is drawn on the ground.

The 'one'-shaped ravine that is more than ten meters wide and several hundred meters long fully illustrates the exaggerated lethality of the golden dragon on the battlefield.

The charging big ears turned thousands of units into ashes.

So scary!

After a round of dragon breath, four golden dragons landed in front of the big-eared monster.

Roar! !

The powerful roar, coupled with the terrifying results of the dragon's breath, made even the remaining big-eared monsters afraid to move forward.

There is no way, the big-eared monster is not a machine without any emotions, and it will naturally be afraid when facing a terrifying enemy like the golden dragon.

The program is very effective!

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