The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 346 Transformation and Asking for Help!

Magic Storm [Green Excellent]: Magic value increased by +300, casting speed +3, skill: Magic Storm (recovers 10 magic points per second, lasts for one minute, can only be used once per hour, PS: My magic power is endless, imitation An inferior product made from a certain artifact)

Requirements: Spellcasting profession

The suit is only of green quality, but in terms of attributes and effects, it is not inferior to the Source of Life suit worn by Zhao Hao.

When this happens, it can only be said that this set of equipment has a story, which can be seen from the equipment prompts.

Made from imitation artifacts.

This alone is enough to qualify this set of equipment to rival or even surpass the blue quality set.


Several attributes are very strong.

The magic power increases by 300. Since this attribute is a fixed value, it will definitely not be able to keep up with the growth rate in the future, but it is absolutely terrifying in the early stage.

After all, the mainstream level of magic values ​​​​for players who take the spell casting route is only about two to three hundred.

In other words, this attribute alone is enough to make up for the weak magic value. If the magic value is already high, it can even enhance the advantage.

Casting speed +3

This means that the speed of casting spells is increased by 30%.

It doesn't sound as powerful as attributes such as increased power, reduced consumption, etc.

But this is a good combat attribute. In combat, the casting speed can really determine life or death in an instant.

Moreover, the suit is only of green excellent quality. If it really improves attributes such as spell power by 30%, it must at least be of silver fantasy quality.

After all, the epic equipment of the Staff of Nature only improves the effect of natural spells by 50%. Does it really treat the green quality as an epic? .

Not to mention the magic storm, a set skill that restores 10 magic points per second and lasts for one minute.

Equivalent to 600 magic points!

Even if it is far less than the epic ability of nature's gift, it is still terrifying.

Early artifact!

This can definitely be said about this set of equipment.

It may only have a terrible effect in the early stage, and the quality will only be green and excellent.

If it can keep up with the mid-to-late game, it might be Silver Fantasy or even Epic Set.

Strong is just one word!

With this set of equipment, coupled with the Blood Demon Transformation Skill Book, the trumpet's combat power explodes instantly.

Even stronger than the main professional tuba!

After preparation, Zhao Hao had this confidence.

He quickly left the church with excitement and walked out of the city.

Now he wants to find a place where there is no one to switch careers.

After all, both skill books and equipment are all prepared for the part-time job of the Necromancer.

Since the team won't be ready for two days, he has time to try out a personal career change.

Mick also stayed in Crow Fortress to help Wall handle matters.

After all, he is a hero and is very suitable for doing this.

After leaving Crow Fortress, Zhao Hao and Freya carefully came to an uninhabited place.

Switch careers!

A minute passed.

Zhao Hao's temperament and state suddenly changed, becoming mysterious and cold.

Skills and attributes also change accordingly.

The part-time necromancer not only has a career with incredible potential, but also has an identity that is completely different from the big one.


Click on the properties interface to change the suit.

The requirements for the set are only the 'spellcasting profession', there are no requirements other than that, and the process is naturally smooth.

After switching to Magic Storm, Zhao Hao took out the skill book Blood Demon Transformation.


Without any hesitation, he learned this extremely important skill that would transform his part-time skills.


The skill book disappeared from Zhao Hao's palm, and a new skill appeared on the Necromancer career panel.

Blood Demon Conversion (Proficiency: 0/1000 Beginner): It can be converted into 50% of the magic value by consuming basic life, and the cooling time is ten minutes.

It looks unremarkable.

Because occupations with high health points are generally melee and human shield occupations.

This type of profession does not consume much magic points, or relies more on passiveness and does not have much demand for magic points, so it is a bit useless.

But for Zhao Hao, this skill is almost a 'tailor-made' rhythm.

There may never be another player like him. Although he is a spellcaster, his health points are much higher than those of a human shield, so this skill is completely magical to him.

Because the higher the health value, the more magic value.

As for the conversion ratio and cooling time, as long as the skill proficiency increases, it will increase accordingly.

After changing into the suit, the upper limit of magic value instantly rose to 350 points, six times more than before.

This amount of mana is already a lot, not to mention the set skills and blood magic conversion.

If he goes all out, he can use more than several thousand magic points.

Simply awesome!

Seeing the terrifying effect, Zhao Hao suppressed the thought of trying it.

Using the undead summons here is completely suicidal.

Crow Fortress has gathered a large number of Templar Church troops, and the use of necromancy here is likely to be detected.


Just when he was about to switch his profession back, he found that the Blue Dragon Talisman in the item list sounded with a sound that only he could hear.


This is not a phantom projection reminder, but an emergency signal for help.

Emergency signal for help!

It can allow members of the organization within a range of 300 kilometers to receive their positioning.

Once you use this function, it is almost like saying that you are in trouble and asking for support.

‘Would you like to go over and take a look? ’

This thought came to Zhao Hao's mind.

Because he was really curious, with the strength of the Demon Court members, who could hunt them down.

After some hesitation, he decided to go and have a look.

If you have the chance, save people and gain favors. If you don't have the chance, forget it.

He has no sense of belonging to the mysterious organization Demon Court, and has always had an attitude of taking advantage of it.


Just when he was about to call his pet and set off, he suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

Can I keep two vests? .

No one said that the same organization cannot have two vests, right? .

No matter what you want to do in the Demon Court, two accounts are much better than one.

And if the trumpet also joins, not only can he get a vest, but more importantly, he can get a uniform that will not reveal information. That is the most critical thing.

"Freya, wait a minute..."

He said a few words.

Tens of minutes later!

Zhao Hao rushed to where the signal was.

This is a jungle.

Thick grass and plants cover the ground, and occasionally a few trees more than ten meters high can be seen.

A great place for geeks!

At this time, Zhao Hao also understood why the signal stopped when it reached here.

Maybe they want to use this special terrain to delay time or counterattack.

Murderous intent lurks.

He entered the jungle carefully.

At this time, Zhao Hao's weapons were the Hand of Death and the Book of Death, and he was wearing a magic storm suit. In his inventory was the Shadow Lotus, a special prop that would work just as well.

I am not worried about my own safety.

HP: 7000/7000

Two lives!

The former one is the basic health value, and the latter one is the health value brought by the high-level shadow spell of false life.

With a total of 14,000 health points, unless there is another strong person who uses artillery fire to give him a shot, there is a chance that he will be killed instantly. Otherwise, even a champion strong person will not be able to kill him instantly.

Call of the dead!

Zhao Hao began to cast spells and prepare for battle.

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