The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 352 Tower Army! (You are crazy about spending monthly tickets at the end of the month, you a

Along the way.

The scattered players that had been appearing before now all disappeared.

Obviously, it is no secret that there is an ambush ahead.

Knowing this, the convoy had no intention of taking a detour and slowly entered the basin ahead.

The field of vision suddenly became flat and wide.

The ground turned into a stone land without plants. Only in the edge areas were there undulating soil slopes covered with green plants.

Have you ever seen the Roman Colosseum? .

The basin at this time was just like the Arena, only countless times larger.

Zhao Hao stepped on the solid ground with his foot and complained:

"Tch, you really understand me!"

The stone ground with no soil at all made it difficult for him to use his natural barrier, and his personal combat effectiveness was reduced by more than 90%.

It seems that these player forces also understand the type of terrain where his natural enchantment can best be used.

If fighting in the forest, he would be able to defeat a large number of players with the help of natural barriers. After all, large scale and wide range are what his barriers are good at.

"Master, you won the championship in the hero competition. This is the treatment you deserve!"

Freya, whose eyes were burning with fighting spirit, made a joke.

Zhao Hao also felt that the Hero Competition was to blame.

That was a live broadcast in front of billions of players, so it was not surprising to analyze the relevant information about his abilities.

He looked away from the ground. Looking up at the flags fluttering in the wind on the edge of the basin, Zhao Hao spoke in a playful tone.

"It seems that we are really a 'fat sheep', so many people can't help but take action!"

There were at least a dozen flags, representing the arrival of so many forces, and he even saw the Raging Dragon Flag.


Memphis reminded them.

A troop came slowly from the side.

The number exceeds tens of thousands, including players and units.

There are thousands of players among them.

The reason for the small number is that in this kind of robbery mission, it does not mean that the more players the better, but accidents are more likely to occur, so they are usually either the main force or the elite.

Otherwise, with the strength of these guilds, if the star players roar a few times, they can attract a team of hundreds of thousands of players.

Zhao Hao and the others did not pay too much attention to the players and looked at the army of towers behind them.

Most of the forces that come to block them are stronghold camps, but there are not exceptions.

The army in front of them is an exception, it is the tower camp army.


A neutral camp dominated by alchemists and spellcasters, also known as the Spellcaster Holy Land, specializing in golems and alchemy.

The largest number among the tens of thousands of troops were the humanoid soldiers wearing blue pointed hats and blue cloth robes, and dragging long chains.

The second-level great goblin!

Ahem, the goblin mentioned here is different from the goblin we usually call girls.

He has a bald head, green skin, a pointed nose and an ugly face. He is too ugly to look at.

30,000 units! !

These second-level goblins accounted for most of the soldiers.

As for the hammer ball in the hands of the big goblin, in addition to being used to hit people in close combat, it can also be used for long-range attacks. This is the most difficult part of this second-level unit.

Can attack from a distance!

Normally, few ordinary-level arms have long-range capabilities. Among the ordinary-level arms of the nine major camps, only the big goblin has this ability.

Behind the big goblin are stone statues that look like enlarged bats. There should be 3,000 units in number.

Third level gargoyle!

It is extremely restrained against spellcasters, and has the ability to fly and good physical defense.

Then there are three-meter-tall, iron-like humanoid puppets, numbering 1,000 units.

Level 6 Ironman!

Not only the defense power is maxed out, but also the attack power is extremely strong. Apart from the slow speed, it has no weaknesses.

Behind the Iron Man are 500 units of humans wearing red robes and holding staffs.

Seventh level mage!

An elite unit that uses magic bullets for long-range attacks. The advantage is that the damage type is spell.

Above the team, a squadron of 60 soldiers wearing red hats and red vests were dispersed and suspended. Their upper bodies were human and their lower bodies were whirlwind-like soldiers.

The tenth level master of gods and monsters!

It is also the highest-ranking unit in the army.

Finally, there are several heroes on horseback under the flag in the center of the arms.

As for why there are several heroes? .

Please, please understand the rules of hero command.

Number of units under command = level * template * 100

Just like Memphira, it is now level 63 and the template is epic, so it is 63*4*100=25200 units.

The initial templates of player heroes are all ordinary (inferior and ordinary calculation categories, etc.), and the template coefficient can be regarded as 1.

In other words, even a level 70 player hero can only command 7,000 units of arms.

There are nearly 35,000 units of troops. Unless there are special battle skills or treasures, it is a dream for one player hero to command players. Naturally, they must be commanded by multiple players.

Compared with the number of enemies, Zhao Hao's number was less than one-tenth of the opponent's.

But neither he nor the people under his command were worried at all.

The gap between ranks is too big, and the gap between heroes is even bigger.

Heroic world!

Just by listening to the name, you can tell how powerful the hero is.

Only powerful units + heroes can create an invincible army that sweeps the battlefield. It cannot be achieved with only the number of units.

"It's time to show your strength!"

Zhao Hao, who was riding on the back of the unicorn beast, spoke calmly, but he could hear a hint of excitement in it.

Before his rebirth, he was just an ordinary transparent person on such occasions, and had no right to speak at all, but today he is the well-deserved protagonist C position. He is not a saint, so he will naturally be excited by this opportunity to show his face.

Step, step!

The centaur leader of the 350 unit formed a sagittal charge formation.

The target is of course not the big goblin.

If you really dare to rush over, you will definitely be smashed into pieces. The difference in numbers between the two sides is too exaggerated.


The gap in the number of centaur leaders and players is not that exaggerated.

Thousands of players, facing the steel plate-like Centaur leader, will not take a short time to solve, and with the speed of the Centaur leader, it will not be easy for the opponent to get rid of them.

Hoo, ho!

The four golden dragons, headed by Green Wing, began to spread their wings and take off into the sky.

You can't control the dragon's rage!

If Green Wing came to say such a sentence, it would be the same as when a certain dragon clan boss appeared in his impression.

It's a pity that the opponent doesn't know where to hide now. It's not his turn to come on the court yet, so Zhao Hao can't even hug his thigh in advance.

After taking off, the four golden dragons accelerated towards the enemy's troops.

The big goblin's attack cannot break through the defense!

The second-level big goblin can only deal forced damage when facing a fourteenth-level golden dragon, which is 1 point per unit.

If the golden dragon dares to land on the ground, it will definitely die.

But it would be different if it just passed by.

"Ready to shoot!"

Several heroes commanding the troops in the tower gave the order.

Maybe they have commanded armies and fought for a long time, but they must have never fought against champion-level targets.

Otherwise, the formation would not even be adjusted.

A tight formation has a miraculous effect on enemies that are small in size or have no range-killing means, allowing them to defeat the strong with fewer enemies and more enemies.

But when facing a giant dragon, doing this is simply not enough.

It’s just that Zhao Hao couldn’t remind the other party.

After the two sides got close.

The first person to make a move was not the big goblin, but the lord of gods and monsters wearing a red hat and a red vest, floating above the troops.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these tenth-level extraordinary soldiers may be at the top of the same level.

But in terms of function, it ranks first among the positives. At least it's like sitting back and watching.

Because it has a very special ability.


The gods and monsters opened their arms and shed a burst of light.

Gain status!

Before each battle begins, the God and Monster Lord can randomly cast an auxiliary battle spell.

Zhao Hao is also very concerned about this.

Because the master of gods and monsters really cares about his appearance. Once his luck is unlucky and he finds a combat spell that suppresses his own side, he might be able to turn the tables.

After seeing clearly the buffs exerted by the monster masters, Zhao Hao cursed.

"++ (expletive from Xia Guo)!"

Because this spell is also speechless.

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