The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 355 Teaching and ‘Teacher Killing’!

The number of Storm Legion advancing towards the Raging Dragon Guild army was not at the same level as before.

The Centaur leader only has 52 units left, not even a squadron.

More than half of the combat dwarves were lost, leaving only 359 units.

The Phantom Shooter still has 761 units, and the loss exceeds more than two squadrons, because in previous battles, players occasionally used special means to kill them.

Compared with soldiers, players with various tricks are more difficult to deal with, especially when one's own defense line is not thick enough.

Silver Pegasus and Shadow Swordsman suffered little losses, and they were not allowed to charge into battle.

The Deadwood Warrior suffered no losses at all, and with the blessing of Meng La's attribute, its defense was comparable to that of a champion-level unit.

With such an exaggerated defense, unless there are long-range troops to focus fire, it will be difficult to die, and with the phantom shooter around, it is impossible to give the enemy such a chance.

The nine unicorn beasts are only responsible for providing magic defense. There is no need to fight at all, and of course there will be no losses.

As for the Green Wings and other four golden dragons, as long as they don't deliberately die, it is difficult for any player guild to kill them.

Champion unit, bravely champion the three armies!

This evaluation is not just a boast.

The killing efficiency of the golden dragons during the battle also made these players' guilds understand why it was difficult to obtain the champion unit.

Any hit is a range attack, and the dragon's breath can cause hundreds of casualties. It is a complete killing machine.

Of course, the biggest contributor to the four golden dragons being able to achieve such a good result is the phantom shooter.

Without this unit to suppress the enemy's long-range troops, the golden dragons would have been shot into pieces.

The huge size gives the dragon a terrifying killing efficiency, and it also makes it the most conspicuous target. It is difficult for long-range troops to miss it if they fire.

Dang, Dang!

The army arrived two hundred meters away from where Freya and the War King fought, and the Raging Dragon Guild did the same. The straight-line distance between the two sides was about five hundred meters.

The King of War and Freya fought for almost half an hour!

Of course it's not that they are equal in strength, but that Freya is 'learning'.

Her attributes are stronger, but without opening the Golden Domain, she will be suppressed in close combat. So this time, it is not so much a duel with the King of War as it is more about learning skills from him.

It was Zhao Hao who gave her advice.

It's okay in the form of his own pet dragon. After all, he has a bloodline inheritance and his fighting style doesn't need to be improved.

But in human form, you can only rely on attributes to crush him, which is such a waste.

So he asked him to learn the fighting skills of the King of War.

The opponent's ability to secure the title of 'King of War' was mostly due to his powerful fighting skills.

So as soon as the war started, he asked Freya to rush to the Raging Dragon Guild alone to lure the War King out.

Imitate the opponent's skills during battle, without concealing the purpose of learning at all.

The King of War saw Freya's purpose, but did not hide it. Instead, he quietly showed the key to these skills, which was simply a teaching game.

This is to return a favor!

Zhao Hao had helped them several times before.

It would be unjustifiable to block him now.

Therefore, the War King was naturally happy to see Freya repay the favor by giving him some advice. This was also the reason why the battle between the two lasted for so long.

Of course, after the armies of both sides arrive, there will be no time to continue 'study', but they will face each other to the death.

Then the momentum suddenly changed.

Dang, Dang!

The sound of weapons clashing was as dense as rain, all directed at the fatal position.

‘This talent is too exaggerated! ’

The King of War was extremely shocked.

The opponent is already integrating the skills he taught into the battle, which obviously requires a long period of practice to do.

When the weapons of both sides collide, the King of War will subconsciously release his strength.

Learn about the humanoid dragon!

Freya's strength can confront a monster several meters tall like an ogre head-on. Facing a war king of the same size, Freya will naturally crush it. If the opponent does not release his strength, he will be unable to fight after a few times.


The dragon's breath ignited on the short sword, and her vertical pupils flashed with bloodthirsty fighting intent.

Although she learned a lot of useful things from the other party, fighting is fighting, and she will not be merciful because of this, and the same goes for the other party.


A ray of light lit up on the sword in the hand of the War King.

Naturally, he cannot rely solely on level A to fight. He also has professional skills and ultimate moves, but many of his skills are passive, so he rarely uses skills in battle, but it is not because there are none.

If you fight with the mentality of killing the enemy, it will be a matter of life and death in less than a minute.

Two fanged daggers burning with flame dragon breath were swung out, like a giant dragon opening its mouth and biting it out.

The King of War also used his ultimate move.

Cut through the air!

The name of the move is not as cool as Amaterasu's 'Forbidden Shadow Killing Formation', but its power is above it.

Wherever the long sword was swung, it seemed like an ink pen left a black line in the air.

Freya felt a fatal threat.

Using a short sword, she was just about to trade her injury for her life, and trade her injury for the other person's life.

But now that I feel that my life is in danger, naturally I can only turn it up.


A dazzling golden light lit up, and she disappeared instantly after being slashed by the long sword.


The pain coming from behind made the War King understand that he had lost.

I originally thought that with this move, I would at least be qualified to challenge the other party, but I didn't expect that even someone else's pet wouldn't be able to pass the test.

Movements on both sides stopped.

The King of War did not wave his sword to force away Freya who stabbed her in the waist.

And Freya did not directly ignite the dragon's breath like she did in previous battles, burning the enemy to ashes from the inside.

"Tell Feng Liuyun that I don't owe him anymore!"

The War King spoke calmly.

The techniques he taught were trump cards that he spent a lot of time sorting out, and offsetting favors was not a problem at all.

"I will tell the master!"

Freya ignited the dragon's breath and killed her on the spot.


The fierce dragon's breath ignited from the fang dagger, setting the War King's body on fire.

Even if the pain is reduced to one tenth, not many people can withstand the pain of the dragon's breath igniting their bodies.

But the War King is an extremely tough guy. Not to mention screaming, even his expression does not change. No wonder he will have a high reputation among Xia Kingdom players in the future.

Freya killed the Queen of War and closed the golden realm!

On the battlefield, the golden field is not very useful.

After all, there is no large-scale clearing ability. Even if the defense is invincible and you can teleport infinitely, if you kill one by one, even if your physical strength and energy are exhausted, you won't be able to achieve much results.

"Charge the entire army!"

At the moment of the death of the War King, the angry dragon commanded the army to launch a full-scale attack.

Now it was his turn to fulfill his duties as guild master.


And Zhao Hao did not show weakness and stood upright.

Hoo, ho!

In the sky, four golden dragons flapped their wings and rushed towards the group of thunderbirds ahead.

It’s just that the thunderbirds had no intention of fighting the golden dragon, and scattered around and flew towards the phantom shooter.

After observing for such a long time, the Raging Dragon Guild naturally understands what the core of the Storm Legion is.

Phantom shooter!

This long-range, powerful long-range unit is the key to the Storm Legion's invincibility.

As long as you use Thunderbird to deal with the Phantom Shooter, you will win.

Even though the players have not commanded many large-scale wars, the command level of the Raging Dragon Guild is definitely not weak, and the key to victory or defeat can be seen at a glance.


Green Wing and other golden dragons could only turn around and chase after them, preparing to stop the Thunderbirds.


Arrows were fired at the thunderbirds that came into range.

Even the Thunderbird, an extraordinary unit, suffered dozens of casualties in an instant when faced with long-range attacks from phantom shooters.

The Thunderbird's health is 4,500 points. Facing a phantom shooter that does an average of several hundred damage, it is not surprising that there are so many casualties in one round of long-range attacks.

Flying from the sky, the speed cannot be approved by ground troops.

The remaining Thunderbirds quickly jumped over the phantom shooter, and once it jumped into the formation, everything was over.

The phantom shooters are extremely capable of killing, but they themselves are extremely fragile.

Even if a small team of Thunderbirds successfully breaks into the formation, they can be quickly slaughtered.

The golden dragons are very strong, but the thunderbirds disperse their attacks and there is no way to stop them.

Faced with this desperate situation, Zhao Hao also revealed his trump card.

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