The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 363 Hunting (Thanks to Brother Xiaomao for the reward!)


With roars, the Behemoths rushed towards where the phantom shooters were.

at this time.


The flame dragon's breath fell from the sky and showered on the few Behemoths who stayed in place.

The golden dragons took the opportunity to take action...

Under normal circumstances, with such an obvious attack action as Dragon Breath, it would be completely impossible to hit.

After all, Beamon's agility is not low, and he will not give the dragon a chance to use its dragon breath attack.

It was because of the situation at this time that I was given this opportunity.


In the dragon's breath fire sea, several Behemoths passed through the dragon's breath and jumped towards the golden dragon like cannonballs.

Beamon's jumping ability is so exaggerated.

Although this kind of jump can't be used many times, it is a trump card.

Behemoth himself is more than ten meters tall, and jumping a hundred meters high is only several times his own height. This is something that many creatures in the Hero World can do.

But the first thing you need to know is that Behemoth is a 'giant body'. It's exaggerated to be able to run and jump, let alone jump a hundred meters high.

That’s why it works even more unexpectedly.

"It's exactly what the adults said!"

Green Wing finished breathing the dragon's breath, and the dragon's tail flew towards Behemoth.

If they were suddenly attacked like this by an enemy while breathing dragon breath, most of the dragons might not be able to dodge.

The problem is that Zhao Hao introduced Beamon's abilities and fighting style in advance.

Therefore, even though Green Wing was breathing dragon breath, he was always on guard against Behemoth, so he could react in time.

The three golden dragons, Green Claws, Green Horns, and Golden Eyes, also flapped their wings to change their flight trajectories, causing several jumping Behemoths to fly into the air.

Behemoth, who had no hair at all and even his skin was burnt, was extremely tenacious.

If such an enemy were to enter the formation on the battlefield, it would be a tragedy like a natural disaster. It is no wonder that Zhao Hao would come to surround the opponent in advance.

A breath of dragon's breath can make you think of Behemoth in seconds. Unless it hits the head continuously at close range, don't even think about it.

For champion-level creatures, the improvement of life level will also make the body evolve, and the body's resistance to various injuries will be improved.

Even the dragon's breath cannot instantly turn them into ashes like ordinary enemies.

Behemoth is the overlord of the land!

In a hand-to-hand fight on the ground, Golden Dragon would never last more than a minute.

But the sky is the domain of dragons.

When several Behemoths lost their lift and began to fall to the ground, the four golden dragons showed their fangs.

Boom, boom!

Claw strikes and tail sweeps knocked several Behemoths away as if they were playing baseball.

The purpose is not to attack and damage, but to destroy the opponent's posture.

Behemoth will not be injured if he lands normally.

But it would be different if the posture was wrong.

Just like jumping from a high place, landing with legs and head first means whether you are going to the hospital or the crematorium.

Boom, boom!

The Behemoths who were blown away fell to the ground, as if meteorites hit the ground, creating huge craters.

Although several Behemoths were not dead, they were seriously injured and were temporarily withdrawn.

And on the other side!


The phantom shooters kept shooting, and dense arrows were fired at the charging Behemoths.

Facing an enemy like Beamon, the phantom shooters would not use a tight shooting formation. Instead, they would all spread out their positions, completely denying the opponent a chance to kill.

The terror of the arms is also shown here.

Brave and not afraid of death!

This is the true feeling of facing death.

Even if it is to be torn apart by Beamon's claws in the next second, it can still shoot the last arrow.

Of course, the phantom shooter is not weak in agility. He jumps among the tree canopies like flying. With his light weight, he keeps widening the distance from Beamon, as if he is playing hide-and-seek.

It’s just that Beamon is too fast.

In terms of burst speed, the Phantom Shooter is completely inferior, especially when it attacks, it completely tears apart the tree and the target.

However, the Phantom Shooter was not beaten unilaterally.

Each round of counterattacks yielded results, and the chasing Behemoths were constantly hit by arrows, and their hair was dyed blood.

Unfortunately, Behemoth's weak points are well protected when moving at high speed, and its speed allows it to dodge some shots, making it significantly more difficult to kill.

Just when Beamon focused all his attention on the phantom shooter.

Figures walked out from the shadows on both sides of the phantom shooter's escape route, like ghosts.

Shadow Swordsman!

This troop is not here to see a show.

Although the Phantom Shooter alone can deal with these Behemoths, the losses will definitely be high, so the Shadow Swordsman's help is needed.


Ellie, who was standing in the shadow of a big tree, rushed out when a Behemoth rushed past, chasing the phantom shooter in front.


The long sword in his hand pierced Behemoth's thick lower limbs.

The thick long hair is far inferior to the defense of dragon scales, allowing the long sword to penetrate into the body easily, and then dragging it hard, directly creating a large wound, and then retreating early, allowing the shadow technique to continue attacking. .


The severe injury to the leg caused the charging Beamon's lower limbs to fall to the ground.

The penetrating power of arrows is not weak, but the wounds are always a little small for such a behemoth, but weapons like long swords can cause more damage.

A famous shadow swordsman greeted Behemoth from three directions like Ellie.

And it has the ability to jump from shadow, which is very convenient for both offense and defense. No matter how fast Beamon's attack speed is, it is difficult to hit against the Shadow Swordsman.

That's right, beings with high agility such as Shadow Swordsmen are the only opponents like Beamon that are giant, have low defense, and have no range to attack targets.

Just like the same champion-level creatures.

On the battlefield, one Behemoth is far more powerful than a small team of Archangels, and in a one-on-one battle, the Archangels can easily defeat Behemoth.

Different types and environments will cause huge changes in combat effectiveness.

The cost and difficulty of besieging Behemoth in the mountains and forests are completely different from those on the battlefield, dozens of times lower.

As the Shadow Swordsman entered, the pursuing Behemoth continued to fall to the ground.

Once Beamon falls to the ground, a large number of shadow swordsmen will rush up and kill him.

No matter how terrifying Behemoth's attack power is, it's meaningless as long as it can't hit.

Even if it is a lucky hit, it will not have much impact compared to the number of Shadow Swordsmen's thousand units.

Boom, boom!

Two crossbow arrows shot through the air, hitting both ends of Behemoth who fell to the ground.

Behemoth was running at high speed, and the ballista had no chance of hitting him, so he only attacked targets knocked down by the Shadow Swordsman.

As for the ballista, which is the most threatening war machine with a small number, Behemoth will naturally keep an eye on it.

The three-headed Behemoth rushed out in the direction of the ballista.

"Are you here?" Looking at the three Behemoths rushing towards him, Zhao Hao took action, "Natural barrier. Vine dragon!"

With a wave of the staff of nature in his hand, a large number of man-eating vine seeds that had been scattered in advance broke out of the ground and quickly entangled together to form a vine dragon with claws and horns as thick as a train.




That is to say, in the forest, the consumption is greatly reduced, so that he can spawn dozens of them in one go. On the Lannar Plateau, the limit is the number of spawns he can spawn.

Swish, swish!

With a crisp sound like chopping melons and vegetables, the vine dragon was torn apart by the claws of Behemoth blessed with the power of annihilation, without any resistance at all.


Freya used the cover of the vine dragon to jump onto a Behemoth and launch an attack.

And Zhao Hao also seized the opportunity to wave the staff of nature towards the back.

A gift from nature!

Surrounded by native trees, the conditions for activating this epic ability have been met, which will directly restore the bottomed health point like crazy.

With sufficient health points, even if the Vine Dragon is constantly torn apart by Beamon, it can continue to recover and stop in front of Beamon again.

Time keeps passing.

Boom, boom!

The two ballistas seized the opportunity and shot a Beamon that was tearing apart the vine dragon.

It's not like the vine dragon didn't work. At least it stopped the charging Behemoth. It's not difficult to hit in such a stationary situation.

Without one Behemoth, the battle becomes easier.

After more than ten minutes, the forest, which had changed beyond recognition, calmed down.

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