Zhao Hao was about to be smashed into meat patties.


A pair of dragon wings spread out from behind, causing him to fall and his body suddenly stagnated, slowly falling from the gap between the dead wood warriors to the ground.

Dragon Wings!

The talent has its own ability, which can be used by consuming 100 health points per second to maintain it.

It's just that no one has been able to force him to use this life-saving ability, so he rarely uses it.

As his strength increased, Zhao Hao rarely used his life-saving ability.

Just like the flying dragon face rider that was often used in the past, it is rarely used because there are fewer and fewer people who can force him to use it.

"grown ups!"

After Memphis said hello, he continued to direct the troops to fight.

"Yeah!" Zhao Hao also pulled out the staff of nature, "blazing ball!"

At this time, your pet has expanded its golden domain, and natural barriers cannot be used, so this long-range spell with low consumption and strong attack is perfect.

An orange fireball condensed on the top of the staff, and then fell toward the orcs outside the front line of defense.


The fierce flames and strong winds spread, just like heavy artillery fire, directly blasting several orcs to pieces and flying a dozen orcs away.

Powerful results.

You must know that these are all orc warriors, and there are very few ordinary orcs, which means that their strength is at least level three or above.

However, Zhao Hao was able to achieve this result with a blazing ball that had not been enhanced in power, which almost did not make him doubt whether he had obtained some fire damage-increasing equipment.

But he soon figured out why.

Again, the orcs' spell resistance is...poor.

Even the main force, the backbone-level orcs, are not much more resistant than ordinary humans.

If Zhao Hao's blazing fireball hit the dwarf, the opponent would be seriously injured and would not die at all.

It’s no wonder that the monsters are afraid of the spell caster and are always looking for the lost artifact.

Forbidden magic ball!

This fifth-level treasure is an artifact that the orcs have owned before.

It was with this artifact that he was able to escape from slavery and establish a stronghold camp.

However, Zhao Hao only occasionally used spells to relieve the siege, and kept his eyes on the battlefield, especially the duel between Bobo and Freya.

That's the point.

Once Bobo is solved, the overall situation is decided.

In comparison, the flock of thunderbirds in the sky seemed to be quite numerous, but in front of the golden dragon that restrained the opponent in all aspects, they could not make any waves at all.

At this time, Freya and Bobo were fighting fiercely.


An attack that seemed to shatter even the air was swept towards the extremely slender figure, which was no thicker than a mace.

A bloodthirsty look flashed in Bobo's amber eyes, as if he could see the opponent being smashed into pulp by him in the next second.

If it were a normal attack, Freya wouldn't mind blocking it.

But just after the fight, she knew how terrifying the power of the giant orc in front of her was, and it was naturally impossible for her in human form to block it.


The body disappeared from the spot and appeared behind the opponent, stabbing forward with a short sword burning with dragon's breath.

There is a feeling of piercing rubber, and every time you advance, you will encounter more resistance. The effect of the Ryuga double sword is that it is indestructible, but it has no armor-breaking ability.

The sharp blade cannot penetrate the opponent's body, and the dragon's breath cannot cause fatal injuries.

Dragon Breath explodes inside!

It is the most terrifying technique in Freya's human form.

But facing this guy who is covered in fat that is difficult to penetrate, it is a bit difficult to use it.

Forget it if the opponent is wearing heavy armor, that will definitely be extremely slow.

The problem is that the opponent does not have any armor on him, and even only has a strip of cloth tied around his waist, which makes his movements extremely agile.

Yes, agile!

Whether attacking or dodging, this guy can display agility that is completely different from his fat body, giving Freya no chance to pierce her body.

Even if it only takes a few seconds, with the help of dragon's breath, Freya will pierce the opponent's body.

But there is no such opportunity.

Extremely powerful!

With Bobo's fighting power, even a real golden dragon would not be an opponent in a one-on-one fight as long as he didn't use his flying ability or seek death to confront the dragon's breath.


It was rare for Freya to meet such a powerful opponent, so she naturally became excited.


The double blades of Dragon Fang were sheathed, and the palms were clenched into fists.


The white, tender and small fists, with immense force, hit Bobo's fat body hard.

It was like a punch to jelly, the impact being absorbed by it.

You know, the power of Freya in human form is not inferior to that of the ogre. It is not surprising that ordinary people may be directly crushed by such a huge force.

But there was no expression on Bobo Chou's face, as if he had no feeling.

But in fact, he forced himself to endure the pain that penetrated his bones.

The strength of the Deadwood Warrior is much stronger than that of Freya in human form, but it is dispersed in the huge wooden palm, so Bobo can easily hold it.

Freya's power is much weaker, but when condensed into one point, it is naturally much stronger to cause damage.

Faced with Freya's change of tactics, Bobo was completely helpless and could only be passively praised like a target.

No matter how fast his reaction was or how powerful his attack, there was no way he could touch Freya.

Boom, boom!

Attack after attack fell on Bobo.

Freya was not confused by the other party's lack of feeling, because she realized that she had caused a lot of damage.

Even if one or two punches don't cause much damage, if you attack more times, you can definitely finish off the opponent.

The dense fists are like driving wooden stakes, which reminds people of an image.

Next Wing Chun Freya.JPG

It's indeed a bit similar, except that the person driving the stakes is a beautiful lady with blond hair and blue eyes.

Bobo doesn't care about one or two attacks, but he can barely hold on with dozens or hundreds of attacks even if he grits his teeth.

But after all, he is still a body of flesh and blood. Faced with almost every punch that comes from decades of skill, it is impossible for him to withstand it all the time.

Two minutes later.


Feeling death, Bobo launched a dying counterattack, throwing away the mace and punching out with his fist.

Freya also punched out.


An impact force spread from where the two fists clashed.

Really, the casserole-sized fist is completely out of proportion to the white and tender fist, and it seems that the latter can be crushed casually.

But in fact it was Bobo's fist that was blocked.

In terms of strength, he is naturally stronger than Freya in human form due to his superior size and weight.

But the problem is that he is already at the end of his strength, and it is not clear how much strength he can exert. Facing Freya in her prime state, it is conceivable that he will not have an advantage in boxing.

The light of the golden realm dissipated.

Freya confidently put away her domain.

Because he noticed that the other party's life fire was like a candle in the wind, and he would gradually die even if he didn't do anything.

The orcs around her looked at her with evasive eyes, and no one dared to approach her.

There was no way, the leaders of his own war group were beaten hard by him, and their strength was far inferior to Bobo, so they really didn't dare to face him head-on.

If they are defeated by some despicable means, the orcs will not only not be afraid, but will be extremely angry.

However, this kind of one-on-one victory, without using any spells, is the most convincing to the orcs, so it is not surprising that they behave like this.

Here comes the sequelae of the orcs' worship of the strong.

Bobo fell down (crying sound!)

Who will you listen to next? .

If they belong to the same tribe, they will naturally listen to the powerful men of the tribe or the higher-ups such as the priests.

But they are just a temporary war group whose purpose is to plunder human territory, so naturally they cannot work together.

Coupled with Beamon's delay in coming, the originally high morale dropped crazily.

After a while.

Before the Phantom Shooter and Shadow Swordsman arrived on the battlefield, the morale of the orcs collapsed under another attack from the Centaur leader.

After their morale collapsed, the orcs fled in all directions, completely losing the courage to fight the Storm Legion to the end.

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