The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 379 Level and Ambush!

An extremely large convoy was slowly moving towards the direction of the Angry Bear Tribe.

There were at least several hundred heavy-duty carriages, even if several were moving side by side, the queue would be extremely long.

Since the convoy dares to come to Lannar, it is of course impossible for them to go without protection.

Under the flag painted with a giant scorpion is a team of several thousand people.

Poisonous Scorpion Mercenary Group!

A very famous war mercenary group.

Mercenary group, war mercenary group.

In fact, it is just a division of scale and work content.

A mercenary group refers to a small mercenary group that does not have many people and ranges from escorting caravans to looking for cats to do homework.

A war mercenary group refers to a super-large mercenary group that has strong combat effectiveness and whose main business is to help fight wars.

Of course, if you give a big order, they won't mind "going down to earth" to help you.

In this camp war, the orcs will not be mentioned.

After all, they are too poor. Once they take over the orc order, the mercenary group will not be able to hang out in the Justice League territory in the future.

As for the tasks of war mercenaries, they can attack the orcs head-on at first, and harass the orcs' logistics at the bottom. Their positioning is similar to that of players, but it is a fully enhanced version.

A large number of war mercenary groups have joined the Crow Principality's counterattack plan.

Among them is the Venomous Scorpion Mercenary Group.

Not weak in strength!

This is Zhao Hao's only information.

The reason for knowing so little is very simple. Before his rebirth, he did not pay attention to the war mercenary group. Except for legendary mercenary groups such as End of the End, he had no impression of others.

As for why Wall found a mercenary group instead of a legion to protect the convoy.

It's because the castle army enters the Lanner Plateau, that's an invasion, but the caravan, mercenary group, adventurers, guards and the like are different.

No one would attack these beings who could bring benefits to the orcs.

At least there is no reason and it doesn’t work on the surface!

This is also the reason why the power behind Wall is so amazing that he can even obtain urgently needed military supplies, but he does not send legions to escort the caravan.

If the Legion really comes to Rannar, is it to invade or do business? .

"Let's go around to the front!"

Zhao Hao directed Freya to fly to the front of the team.

As a dragon-born bloodline, his five senses are far superior to ordinary people, and his eyesight is comparable to that of an eagle when he concentrates. Therefore, he does not worry that the other party can see him clearly. At most, he will find a black spot, or even nothing at all.

Just like when you are on your way, black spots the size of rice grains appear in the sky in the distance. Can you spot them immediately? .

"Yes, Master!"

Freya flapped her wings and moved from the side towards the front of the convoy.

Not long after, Zhao Hao was carried down to a huge deep pit next to a vaguely flattened Gobi desert.

"Put it on!"

Zhao Hao threw the complete uniform belonging to Qinglong to Freya.

Remember how effective this uniform was? .

Intelligence blockade!

After wearing it, even if you cast unique abilities or spells, it will not be associated with the effects of other identities.

The ability of rules is so overbearing.

Therefore, this mission will be carried out by Gui Che and Qing Long together, and it has nothing to do with Feng Liuyun.

Besides, these two people both belong to the Demon Court. It is completely normal for this mercenary organization, which is on the side of the orcs in this camp war, to attack the human caravan of the castle camp.

After changing into his uniform, Zhao Hao found that even the connection between his master and his pets was obscured, and he had to sigh at the power of Demon Court's identity.

Halfway up the pit, there is a recessed cave.

Yes, this is the ambush point chosen by Zhao Hao.

Who would have thought that there would be an ambush on the flat Gobi desert? .

After entering the inner cave.

Zhao Hao is wearing the Hand of Death, holding the Book of Death, and carrying two powerful pieces of equipment. Coupled with his level at this time, it is enough to set off huge waves in the sky.

Level 50!

He had been seizing the time to hunt before, but he didn't waste any time and quickly upgraded his level by 6 levels, from 44 to 50.

It sounds incredible.

Even if a player has an efficient leveling method, it would take more than a month to level up so many levels.

But for a necromancer who can gain a lot of experience points by killing creatures, a week is considered too slow.

This is also the horror of the cemetery camp.

Killing makes you stronger, can you resist the temptation? .

The temptation of strength combined with the mental impact makes it difficult not to suffer from the graveyard disease.

Of course, the risk of hunting is not small. If it weren't for the uniform to conceal his whereabouts, he would be fine if he wasn't hunted, let alone hunted.

After the level was raised to level 50, the strength also changed qualitatively.

Feng Liuyun

Level: 50

Race: Dragonborn (only)

Faction: Cemetery/Fortress (changes with occupation)

Occupation: Necromancer/Druid (can be switched in non-combat state)

Racial talent: Dragon bloodline (…)

Heroic Feats: Dragon Lord, Phantom Archer

HP: 25500/25500

Magic value: 440

Damage: 1-3

Strength: 1

Constitution: 1

Intelligence: 14

Knowledge: 14 (main attribute, automatically increases by 1 point every 5 levels, and gains 1 free attribute point at the same time)

Equipment: Book of Death, Hand of Death, Magic Storm (Set)

Skills: Summoning the Undead (Intermediate), Intermediate Bone Structure (Intermediate), Soulology (Advanced), Weakness, Blood Demon Transformation

Props: Shadow Lotus….

Not to mention the health value, it is comparable to a humanoid dragon.

No, he is a Dragonborn himself. It is not surprising that he has this health value. Even for the unique bloodline of Dragonborn, it is still far from reaching its peak.

Intelligence and knowledge each increase by 2 points.

The duration of the summoned undead at this time has been increased to 21 minutes, which is enough to fight a small war.

Call of the dead!

Zhao Hao began to cast spells and summons.



The magic value instantly bottomed out from full value.

Click, click!

Four white-bone hounds, the size of minibuses and made of skeletons that exuded the luster of white jade, appeared.

(Feng Liuyun) [Bone Hound Boss]: Eleventh level undead, level 112.

The bone hound that has been promoted to the ace level is much stronger than the ordinary ace level.

We only summoned Shijo because we couldn't summon them all at once.

As the level increases, the magic value required for summoning also increases. Summoning one requires 220 magic points.

Fortunately, he has the God-given equipment of the Hand of Death, which can reduce the consumption of undead spells by half. Otherwise, he could only summon two bone hound bosses and his magic value would be at the bottom.


Quickly drink a bottle of powerful magic potion.

Zhao Hao had a hunch that today would be the most consuming day.

Spending 110 magic points again, summoned the last ace-level bone hound leader from the underworld contract, and assembled five lineups.

Call of the dead!

Continue to cast the call of the dead.

But this time I chose a ghost, a fifth-level undead that can only be summoned by advanced soul science.



The magic value consumption is 50 points, which is completely different from the primary soul learning time.

And this is on the premise of saving half the consumption.


Seven shadows appeared in front of Zhao Hao's eyes.

The figure suspended in front of him was a bit unreal, as if it were a human mummy wearing a gray cloak, and it was only half a year old.

This is the fifth level ghost!

In terms of combat effectiveness, Ghost ranks among the bottom among all five levels, and can defeat anyone of the same level.

For example, the gryphon, which is also a fifth-level flying type, can definitely easily defeat several ghosts.

But ghosts are not without their merits.

At least it has many advantages, such as being able to fly and being able to withstand punches. If used well, it can definitely play a huge role.

This battle will depend on how Zhao Hao performs.

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