The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 382 The destruction of the convoy is completed!

Zhao Hao thought to himself as he calmly looked at the champion level professional rushing towards him.

"Why haven't you ever thought about why I, as the Summoner, dare to appear on the battlefield?"

Yes, if he didn't have the confidence to protect himself, he wouldn't dare to jump out.

Ghosts can stop ordinary mercenaries, but there is nothing they can do against such strong men.

This bone hound sitting here?

If singled out, he still has the strength to fight.

After all, it is a boss-level bone hound, but when it comes to protection, it is completely useless.

Even because he had to serve as Zhao Hao's 'mobile platform', he couldn't fight with all his strength, and he couldn't even exert his own combat effectiveness.


The bone hound's claws were avoided by the protruding-faced champion-level mercenary, who also took the opportunity to jump on his back.

‘We got it! ’

The poisonous scorpion looked at the target in front of him and stabbed forward with lightning speed with the needle-like rapier in his hand.

A green light appeared on the tip of the sword.

Once it hits, it can not only cause horrific physical damage, but also poisonous damage.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

From his nickname, you can know some information about him.


This thing is definitely a major source of his combat power. Coupled with his weird speed and style, he looks like a deadly scorpion when fighting, which is why he got this nickname.

Just when the tip of the sword was about to touch the opponent's body, he didn't see any fear or panic in him.

has a problem!

This thought suddenly appeared in Poisonous Scorpion's mind.

But at this time, he had no intention of turning back, and there was no way out. It was impossible to give up such a good attack opportunity just because of an intuition, right? .


Brilliant golden light enveloped the area.


The tip of the sword was cut off from above by a golden fang-breaking knife with boundless force.

Yes, it is indeed a cut!

The weapon used by the poisonous scorpion is very special, like an enlarged needle cone, and the thickest part is no more than the thickness of a finger.

Such a weapon can bring terrifying armor-breaking capabilities and speed, but it can also be easily cut off in a head-on collision.

Especially when Freya swung down the fang dagger with all her strength, this situation was completely normal.

Although Poisonous Scorpion was disappointed that his full-strength attack was blocked, he did not drag his feet. His body quickly retreated and at the same time, two flying knives shot out.

Dang, Dang!

Both flying knives were blocked by Freya who was standing in front of Zhao Hao.

The two sides stood a few meters apart.

The poisonous scorpion stood firmly on the shoulders of the Bone Hound, standing motionless under its feet as if it were rooted.

Zhao Hao and Freya, on the other hand, stood at the waist of the bone hound.

Obviously, Poisonous Scorpion has not given up this opportunity to get close, and is still looking for opportunities. Otherwise, he would not stay, but would find a way to distance himself first.


Several ghosts took the initiative to attack.

Due to the continuous mobile warfare, even if the Poisonous Scorpion Mercenary Group has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, the undead of their own side have a numerical advantage, so naturally there are ghosts who can free their hands to attack.

If he were a heavily armored warrior, he could completely ignore the attacks from ghosts.

But Poisonous Scorpion is an agile warrior, and its defense is not very strong, so it naturally does not dare to ignore ghost attacks.

However, the power of the championship level was also revealed at this time.

In such a narrow area, several ghosts could not touch each other.

The cheating-like reaction speed and agility fully prove the power of the champion level.

"Why did you attack us? Do you want to make an enemy of the Scorpion Mercenary Group?"

Poisonous Scorpion asked with ease while dodging.

Yes, he didn't treat these ghosts as food at all.

"We, the Demon Court, are incompatible with your castle camp. Why is there anything strange about attacking your convoy!"

Naturally, Zhao Hao would not say clearly that he was here to let Wall feel the "beating" from society, and directly put the blame on Yaoting.

Anyway, this organization is not afraid of taking the blame.

The corners of Venomous Scorpion's mouth twitched slightly.

As a participant in this camp war, how could he not know about Demon Court.

In this camp war, Demon Court cooperated with the orcs to defeat the Scarlet Fortress. Although it was only an auxiliary cooperation, it was enough to make its reputation appear in the ears of the major forces.

Not to mention that a large number of assassination and harassment missions will be carried out later, and the mission completion rate is 100%.

Such terrifying efficiency caused the Crow Principality to issue an extermination mission with a large reward, but in the end no one could get the reward, which was enough to prove the opponent's strength.

A mercenary organization actually spoke in such a tone that they would live and die with the orcs. It really made people wonder what to say.

"If you don't want to say it..."

Poisonous Scorpion understood that the other party did not want to tell him the truth, so he was not prepared to continue questioning and was ready to take action with all his strength.

So what about the Demon Court, it's just a small, shady mercenary organization.

Under the cover of the ghost, the Bone Hound kept keeping distance from the pursuing mercenaries, preventing the mercenaries who came to support Poison Scorpion from getting close.


Freya took action decisively and appeared behind Poisonous Scorpion.

The short knife stabbed straight out.

The poisonous scorpion seemed to have anticipated the changes behind him. His body twisted like a snake and narrowly avoided the knife in the back.


However, when faced with the teleportation blessing attack that had the initial killing effect, the poisonous scorpion did not completely avoid it. A large wound was opened on his waist, and a large amount of blood flew out.

While avoiding this fatal blow, Venomous Scorpion slipped out a dagger from his right hand and stabbed it backward with his backhand.

According to his idea, this blow would definitely make the attacker behind him temporarily retreat, and then he would have a chance to breathe.


The dagger stabbed Freya, but with little success.

Of course it's not that the poisonous scorpion has weak attack power.

As a champion-level warrior, how could his attack power be weak? He could pierce even the target wearing light armor.

But what surprised him was that his blow only penetrated deep into his knuckles and then went no further. It obviously didn't cause much damage.


The sound of burning flames exploded around him, and the intense heat exploded, but the poisonous scorpion not only did not feel hot, but instead felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

His intuition reminded him crazily that if he didn't avoid it, he would die here.

Facing this unprecedented deadly crisis.

A faint light appeared on his body, and the fang dagger wrapped in flames hesitated for a moment, and then his body disappeared in place.

It's not teleportation!

With such a close and fast attack, there is no chance to use the teleportation scroll, so this is a skill that allows the body to move a certain distance at a terrifying speed.

The poisonous scorpion that stopped more than ten meters away had a pale face and sweat stains on its forehead, as if it was drawn out of the water.

It is naturally impossible for a human body to explode at such a terrifying speed without paying a price.

Golden field!

It’s really a kill-at-first-sight type of field.

Once the domain is opened, Freya's combat power under the humanoid dragon instantly rises to the peak of the championship. Coupled with her own powerful attributes, she can really crush the champion level.

That is to say, the opponent must react quickly, otherwise he would definitely be dead if he was stabbed.

"Don't forget your goal!"

Zhao Hao hurriedly reminded Freya, who was about to take advantage of the opponent's illness and kill him.

After the initial killing effect is over, it is no longer a matter of one or two hits to kill the opponent. You must take advantage of the opening time of the field to complete the task.


Once per second, combined with the dragon's breath flame, Freya wanted to destroy the carriage without worrying about anyone being able to protect it.

The Scorpion Mercenary Group is indeed powerful in combat, but they are scattered to protect the carriage, making it impossible to catch Freya.

As for the spell caster?

Heri had been beaten to autism and used life-saving tools to escape from the battlefield.

The remaining caster was concerned about his own faults and of course did not dare to make random moves. The other mercenaries were unable to protect the carriage at all.

After a few minutes!

The convoy was engulfed in flames.

The destruction mission was completed, leaving only the desperate Wall and the completely shocked Scorpion mercenary group.


When Zhao Hao saw that the mission was completed, he immediately led the undead to fight and retreat, preparing to retreat.

The problem is that his mission was destroyed and many people were killed. How could he let him go so easily? Everyone in the group rushed over.

Now that there is no protection target, the full combat effectiveness can be exerted.

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