The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 384 Silver Federation!

Silver Federation!

The tower camp, one of the nine major camps and the three major camps of the Neutral Alliance, is the dominant force.

It is a federal force led by alchemists.

Since it is a neutral force, it means that as long as they do not violate its laws, players from both the Justice League and the Evil League can move freely.

And Zhao Hao came here because of one thing.

The Raging Dragon Guild is calling!

In other words, several giants of the Xia Kingdom joined forces to summon them.

As long as the guild is extremely famous in the professional circle, or is a top-ranked guild, they will participate.

The reason is within these two days.

Thousands of strong men from the Xia Kingdom have been killed.

If it is a personal grudge, no one will care about it. The gaming industry is not a nanny home.

But if there is a conspiracy against Xia players, then these giant guilds cannot ignore it.

After all, many of the powerful people who died were members of major guilds, or were inextricably related to them, so how could they not be in a hurry.

And Zhao Hao came to participate because he couldn't avoid this matter.

After all, this status brings him extraordinary prestige and benefits, but it also requires him to shoulder responsibilities.

With great ability comes great responsibility!

Of course, if you don't care about reputation, prestige, etc., you don't need to worry about these. Rights and obligations are equal.

Why are the major giant guilds so popular in the gaming industry? .

Isn't it just because if something really happened, they would really come to you.

Compared with reality, which only talks about the law and not about human relations, the game only talks about human relations and not the law, but it has more rules than in reality.

Once someone doesn't follow the rules, everyone will ostracize them.

Through two-way monuments, underground passages, etc., Zhao Hao quickly arrived outside the capital of the Silver Federation.


A magical city that can be called a miracle.

The first thing that catches the eye is the umbrella-shaped Super Mage Tower, which covers most of the city below.

But when you stand below, you will find that the umbrella-shaped magic tower above your head not only does not block the sun, but also does not block the rain, as if it is between illusion and reality.

Yes, this is the miracle of alchemy.

Sky Dome!

It is also a holy place for countless spellcasters.

It is precisely because of this sky dome that has existed since ancient times that the Silver Federation has always been a holy place for spellcasting.

Inside it, the caster's magic value recovery speed, magic value upper limit, mental power improvement speed... can all be increased several times.

Once you practice in it, your growth rate will definitely be dozens of times higher than that of the outside world.

With such a powerful auxiliary function, it is difficult to cast spells in the Holy Land, not to mention its extremely terrifying combat power. Therefore, despite the loose rule of the Silver Federation, no one dares to provoke it.

Regardless of whether the Justice League or the Evil League, even if they covet the rich Silver Federation, they will restrain themselves due to its strength.

After entering the city, traces of magic are everywhere.

Neat and seasonal magic gardens can be seen everywhere, and from time to time there are 'slimes' the size of blue balls and jelly-like bodies.

Wherever these little guys pass, all the garbage on the ground will disappear.

Yes, this race is a special race created by alchemists to clean up garbage.

Well, it's just like the creation of orcs as war tools, griffins, centaurs, etc., so it's really not unfair to blame the alchemists for everything.

At the same time, the proportion of merchants, adventurers, spellcasters, etc. here is much higher than in other places.

Business capital!

Safire also has this title.

This is also the largest commercial city in the main plane of Norend, which is equivalent to a fully enhanced version of Mingyue City. In terms of transaction volume, it is not even one-tenth of this place, which shows how exaggerated the gap is.

Boom, boom!

Amidst the sound of neat and heavy steps, a patrol guard appeared in front of them.

"This is?"

Freya stared at the team with curious eyes.

"Alchemy Puppet!"

Zhao Hao glanced at this team of several hundred alchemy puppets.

They are all hardcore level iron men!

But they are not soldiers, but puppets created by the alchemists.

The difference is that one is a high-end unrestricted version in the laboratory, and the other is a low-end beggar version manufactured on the factory assembly line.

It would not be surprising for a carefully crafted Iron Man to be at the Extraordinary level.

The backbone level is only the lower limit for Iron Man, not the upper limit. For example, the 'Fourteenth Level Titan', which is the peak of Alchemy Puppet Technology in the Tower Camp, developed from Iron Man technology.

Even high-level professionals are no match for such an iron patrol with astonishing defense and immunity to most magic.

Patrols like this can be seen everywhere in Saffir, so it’s no wonder that no one dares to stab them.

"I don't know what's the difference between them and military types!"

Freya was a little eager to give it a try.

For a bellicose dragon, when he sees an interesting enemy, he naturally wants to challenge him.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao is here and can suppress her steadily. If it were a different master, he might have rushed forward long ago.

The dragon is so arrogant and unruly!

"Will have the opportunity next time!"

Zhao Hao motioned to his pet to follow him and stop staring excitedly, otherwise the guard leading the patrol would come over.

Puppets like Iron Man only have basic fighting instincts, so the captain is a human guard responsible for command.

In the future storms, the tower camp will also be involved, so Zhao Hao is really not perfunctory when he says there is a chance.


Freya took a few more glances regretfully, feeling that there was no way she could punch this big piece of iron a few more times.

Walking along the streets decorated with magic street lights, magic gardens, and fountains will make people yearn for magic while enjoying the sight.

Soon, the two arrived at the target location.

A place called [Xia Guo Telecom Chain Tavern].


It can also be regarded as a unique entertainment venue in the hero world.

Just like in the real world, commercial plazas can be found everywhere on those streets.

There are several players standing in front of the tavern guarding the door.

When they saw Zhao Hao and Freya, they recognized him immediately and then took the initiative to retreat.

Obviously, only relevant personnel are allowed to enter here today.

After telling Freya to go shopping first, he stepped forward.


The ajar door of the tavern was pushed open by Zhao Hao, and he walked in casually.

Even if the combat effectiveness of the large one is not as good as the current part-time job, it can still be regarded as the top level. Naturally, it is not afraid of situations where one needs to go alone.

Not letting Freya in was to give her time to relax, which she didn't usually have the opportunity to do.

In the tavern, one after another glances came over.

Raging Dragon, War King, Sky Blade, Mythology, Wind Whisperer, Mu Chengfeng, Cold Moon Rose, Black Cloud...etc. were divided into several circles.

Nearly half of them are people Zhao Hao knows, and the rest have at least heard their names. It has to be said that the professional circle becomes narrower at the top.

Just when Zhao Hao was debating whether to sit down in a corner or say hello to an acquaintance first, he saw Hei Yun standing up to greet him, so he walked over.

When he came to the table where the other party was sitting, he discovered that there were two acquaintances here.

"How did you get here?"

Heiyun asked him in a low voice after taking him to sit down.

For such an important meeting, everyone will consciously arrive early.

"Aren't you late?"

Zhao Hao also sat down.

"Let me introduce it to you!" Heiyun did not delve into this point and prepared to introduce the four people present to him.

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