The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 387 Ofer and the Trap!

Broken blade!

The meaning is obvious, break the sharp blade that is stabbing the Xia players.

If they don't take action, the sinful domain's actions will only get bigger and bigger, and as long as they have enough gold coins, they will keep offering rewards.

The reward of 100,000 gold coins is already quite high.

Equivalent to hundreds of thousands of Xia Yuan in the real world, you can buy a toilet even in Tianhai.

What's more, it's just about killing 'players'. As long as the bounty is confirmed to be effective and stable, I believe most players will be tempted.

There is absolutely no pressure on the major forces that crowdfunded the bounty, and they can continue to offer bounties. As long as they can weaken the players of Xia Kingdom, these forces naturally don't mind giving out a batch of gold coins.

The real pressure is on the people who come forward.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to hit the snake seven inches away and keep an eye on the sinful area.

Once the other party is gone as a middleman, the major foreign investors will not dare to come out to offer rewards even if they have gold coins. If they do dare to come out, they will have to endure the "heavy blows" of the major guilds in Xia Kingdom.

Do you really think that the Xia Guo Guild is all dead? .

The Sin Domain took on this mission because it was an assassin-type organization with little 'industry' and was not afraid of offending anyone. In addition, it wanted to step on the players of Xia Kingdom to gain the upper hand. Those forces did not have the courage.

After the meeting, planning begins directly.

The gaming world is not as slow as the real world, and the efficiency is frighteningly high.

As for the location of the Sin Domain and the whereabouts of the Time Assassin, they were not mentioned at the meeting, but only let the executors know.

‘How did you let the other person escape in the previous life? ’

This thought came to Zhao Hao's mind.

Judging from the memory before rebirth, Operation Broken Blade should have failed, otherwise it would not have affected the strength of Xia Kingdom's players.

After thinking about this plan, there was no problem in planning or execution.

But it failed, which is very puzzling.

After leaving the tavern, Zhao Hao slowly walked towards the outside of the city. He had long been tired of seeing Saffir, the commercial capital, and had no intention of hanging around.


Freya returned with a large amount of food.


Zhao Hao nodded lightly and took her out of the city quickly.

The location of the tavern is not far from the city gate. If it is in the center of the city, it will take a lot of time just to get out of the city.

Not far out of the city, there was a player wearing Xia Guo Telecom fashion following behind him. He should be the player responsible for recording actions.

Freya noticed that her master did not respond, and she also looked away.

Soon, they met the guide.

"Captain, the Hound Team is reporting to you!"

A standard team consisting of 12 players, the leader came over to say hello to Zhao Hao.

As for calling him captain, of course it was because he was the temporary captain for this hunting operation, and the hound team was responsible for leading and assisting.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Zhao Hao responded loudly. He was not his subordinate, so of course he would not put on airs.

After reuniting, the team moved forward silently and quickly, quickly leaving the area of ​​the Silver Federation and sneaking into Over.


One of the nine major camps, the Hell camp is the leading force, an empire dominated by demons and demons.

Well, the devil mentioned here means that the demon blood is dominant, not the human blood.


Volcanoes and sulfur can be seen everywhere, making the air extremely hot.

Ordinary people would never survive long in a place like this, which was also the main reason why the half-demon would flee here.

Along the way, they received support from many Xia players, who were responsible for covering their team, and soon came to a volcanic area.

The team stopped in a place surrounded by extinct volcano craters.

"It's just inside!"

The leader of the hound team turned around and gestured to Zhao Hao, indicating that this was the chosen ambush location.

"let's start!"

Zhao Hao naturally wouldn't have any objections. He was a fighting machine without emotions. When he encountered the Time Assassin, he could just deal with it directly.


The lead hound player tore open a scroll, and a large amount of white light spread out.

An ordinary person would really not know what was going on, but Zhao Hao understood the reason.

Dimensional anchor!

A rare special spell, it is also a must-have for high-level combat spellcasters.

There is only one effect.

The casting of any space type spells or scrolls is prohibited.

The teleportation scroll is definitely the most useful escape prop. It is not accessible to ordinary players, but for top players like Time Assassin, there is definitely a way to get it.

At this time, this area was blocked by the dimensional anchor, which also eliminated the possibility of the opponent using teleportation to escape.

After casting the Dimensional Anchor, the other party handed over something.

The thing is a palm-sized human-shaped wooden sculpture, but it has two faces, an angel on the front and a devil on the back.

Forbidden Statue [Special Prop]: It can resurrect the target instantly, and the kill value will be greatly increased within one hour.

After seeing this thing, Zhao Hao also understood why the War King was confident that he would get the things from the Time Assassin.

As long as you kill the opponent once first, and then use this item to resurrect him and kill him, it will be easy without causing a huge explosion.

The higher the kill value, the easier it is to drop items or equipment whether the target is killed or the player is killed.

At the same time, it also means that if you want to get the benefits, you need to kill the Time Assassin twice in succession.

Die twice!

Coupled with the dropped items, the Time Assassin will definitely pay a huge price.

After doing this, the hound team dispersed and left.

They will be distributed around the battlefield, responsible for monitoring or coming to help in case of accidents.

At this moment, the player in charge of recording took out a set of costumes and said:

"If you wear this costume during battle, the publicity reward will be doubled!"

This requirement is a private matter.

For an additional 10 million gold coins, he was allowed to wear this costume to kill the Time Assassin.

It sounds incredible, but Zhao Hao realized something and asked:

"Image stone?"

If you have this thing, it can also explain why the other party came to record it in person and let you wear this fashion.

This prop has only one function: it converts the scene you see into a magical projection, and it can also export the video to the forum.

Murder and heart-wrenching!

It seems that the major giants of the Xia Kingdom are very unhappy with the Time Assassin, so they not only want the other party to pay the price of death, but also want to discredit him.


The other party answered honestly.

"You should know what to do when shooting, right?"

Now that he has taken the money, Zhao Hao naturally doesn't mind if the other party takes the picture, but the prerequisite is that he must abide by the agreement to keep his abilities confidential.

"I know, the protagonist will definitely be the Time Assassin!"

The other party gave a satisfactory answer.

Anyway, Zhao Hao is not afraid of the other party cheating him, as long as the other party can afford the price.

Replace it with the slogan "Xia Guo Telecom, unlimited communication!" 】After the fashion, Zhao Hao began to arrange the seeds.

Anyway, there is fertile volcanic ash everywhere, so there is no need to worry about not being able to grow.

Even if it is a volcanic area, it does not mean that there is no grass growing.

In the heroic world, even in the magma there are living creatures and plants, let alone in such an extinct volcano area.

Natural enchantment!

After arranging the seeds, Zhao Hao opened the barrier.

After many experiments, he has been able to confirm that only he can see the enchantment. Others can feel it unless they use the enchantment or domain, and there is no need to worry about being noticed in advance.

The reason for opening the barrier in advance is that it can slowly promote the growth of plants and greatly reduce the consumption.

The trap is set, and it's time for the prey to be caught.

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