The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 396 Become bigger and stronger and create greater glory!

"grown ups!"

Memphela and Ellie came over.

"Well!" Zhao Hao, who landed and returned to human form, looked around and asked, "What's going on?"

No matter what, your convoy will not be besieged by the legion, right? .

You must know that he is from the barrier camp, and it is impossible for the Crow Principality to attack him, at least not on the surface.

"I don't know, these guys suddenly attacked!"

Memphis was also confused.

She didn't know where this legion came from, and they took action as soon as they appeared.

"You mean, the other party attacked without any communication?"

Zhao Hao's eyes moved and he also received a positive reply.

If it was a vendetta, robbery, etc., there would be some communication, but it would be very subtle to start without saying anything.

Because he was familiar with this kind of thing.

Lords will send legions disguised as bandits to attack caravans, because this can greatly increase their own profits and even monopolize them.

This is one of the reasons why player caravans are not easy to mix.

It's okay on a small scale, but when it gets bigger, it's almost like grabbing food from all the major forces, and people will naturally do something dirty.

It's just that due to the rules, it's not fair to act openly, so you need to hide your identity.

And this is the daily life in the heroic world.

Otherwise, why do you really think that the bandits can't be wiped out like weeds? .

The reason why Zhao Hao wanted to join forces with the forces behind Wall was because he knew that without the participation of local snakes, it would be completely impossible for the caravan to open up the Rannar orc trade route.

Who told the caravan to pass through other people's land?

Just like when a caravan wants to pass by the Storm Leader, he will also 'reason' with the other party. Even if he can't reason openly, it doesn't mean that he won't talk to the other party in private.

"It looks like we need to talk to Wall first!"

Zhao Hao muttered something to himself and set off with the caravan.

Since this was a private attack, this legion's death was in vain.

This is also an unspoken rule.

Since the identity is concealed and the attack is carried out, it is natural that the identity cannot be used to make a fuss.

It didn't take long to arrive at the Bloody Mountains.

Golden trade!

It’s no secret now.

A large number of Crow Principality garrison surrounded the entrance of the passage, enough to ensure that no orcs could kill from here.

In fact, some people in the Crow Principality advocated destroying this passage.

After all, it is very difficult to defend the Scarlet Fortress, and adding this cave will increase their burden, even if this passage cannot allow the orc army to pass.

But there are countless people who oppose it.

After all, the emergence of the golden trade route has greatly reduced the risk of traveling to Rannar, and the efficiency has also been greatly improved.

This represents a huge amount of benefits.

Who are the business people? .

Nobles, Holy Church! .

The two groups represent the castle camp. Some people want to cut off this way of making money. It's not bad if they don't "shoot themselves in the back" on the spot. Wanting to destroy it is a complete dream.

In addition to the large garrison, there are also caravans gathered here, waiting to line up to go to Rannar.

The Scarlet Fortress garrison that had previously proposed destroying the Golden Trade Road started to feel really good after this period of time.

Because it’s hard to collect taxes!

Now even if someone proposes to destroy the Golden Trade Road, the first person to jump out and oppose it is the garrison.

"You go and arrange the convoy, and I'll go find Wall!"

Zhao Hao said something to Meng Feila, and then walked towards the caravan station led by Fatty Fatty.

As long as you pay enough gold coins, you can get a garrison from the place designated by the garrison, and the other party will provide protection. It can be said that the service is in place.

"Yes, sir!"

Of course, Memphis had no objection.

Soon, Zhao Hao found Wall.

It's just that the fat man at this time seemed to be a completely different person compared to before.

The whole person was extremely haggard, and his figure had lost a lot of weight, making him almost unrecognizable.

" did you do this!"

Zhao Hao asked with a puzzled look.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

At this time, he played a partner who knew nothing deeply.

"Alas!" After Wall sighed, he looked at Zhao Hao with complex eyes and said, "I was going to help you, brother, reduce the pressure of leading the caravan, but I didn't expect to be attacked by the people from the Demon Court first. The orcs didn't allow me to The caravan enters Rannar!"

He said that kicking Zhao Hao away to eat alone was to "relieve stress" for him, and he couldn't say it unless he was too thick-skinned.

"Orcs!" Zhao Hao said as if he remembered something: "I do know a lot of orcs, but they are always looking for benefits. I really don't want to pay attention to these guys!"

Black talk: I have a solution to your problem, but give me a favor.

"Really!" Wall's eyes lit up, "Actually, it's not a problem for the orcs to get benefits. As long as the problem can be solved, no matter how many benefits you get, you can earn them back in the future!"

Black saying: As long as you can help me solve the problem, the benefits are not a problem. Even if I can’t afford it now, I can still give it to you in the future!

Both of them are smart people and know that there are some things that they should see through but not tell.

Therefore, Zhao Hao never mentioned that the other party wanted to leave him alone and eat alone, and Wall did not even accuse Zhao Hao of letting the orcs target him.

Yes, Wall knew that Zhao Hao was the instigator of the orcs targeting him.

After all, the previous transactions were all related to the Angry Bear Tribe. How could he not guess that Zhao Hao was the one who ordered him to be targeted by the orcs.

Finally, the two reached cooperation again.

Zhao Hao opened up the relationship with the orcs, while Wall was responsible for handling the human forces. The two sides joined forces to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

As for the Storm collar carrying some private goods produced by himself, that is completely insignificant.

If Wall hadn't come forward, let alone the troubles he would encounter along the way. The prohibited materials in the convoy alone would not be able to pass the checkpoint. It was important that he could pass the checkpoint. He was a player, and the garrison would not give him face.

After this social beating, Wall also understood something.

Just because others can do something, doesn't mean that I can do it myself, so I appear to be more honest.

In this way, Zhao Hao finally opened up a one-stop route of production, sales and acquisition.

All the materials produced from the Storm Territory can be transported to Lannar and handed over to distributors such as the Orcs and the Raging Dragon Guild. Although some of the profits have to be divided among them, the advantage is that it can save a lot of time and recover costs.

Finally, you can also purchase the furs, minerals, medicinal materials... and other basic materials you want from the other party.

Opening up this one-stop business route also gives Storm the potential for continuous growth.

Otherwise, how could he spend so much energy.

After settling the gold trade route, he had to consider the security of his territory.


Previously, the Blackbird Pirates were eliminated with thunderous means, allowing those pirates to settle down for a while.

But now the other party is starting to make moves again.

Especially after knowing that the Storm Territory is developing extremely well, it is no longer just for the fountain of youth.

It is the dream of countless pirates to have such a lair with rich resources and huge development potential.

Even the one-eyed pirate king Tolan is a little moved. This can be seen from the intelligence mentioned by the Nagas and the constant presence of the opponent's reconnaissance ships.

If this imminent danger is not resolved, Zhao Hao may go out on the front foot that day, and his home on the back foot will be gone.

As for how to deal with the other party, he has already thought of a way.

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