The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 401 Battlefield Trading!

Just ask!

The Blood Sea Overlord is not far away, can't we just ask him directly?

Choke, choke!

The fang dagger was unsheathed, and Freya 'rammed' out of a passage like a chariot and rushed towards the opponent.

Along the way, pirates were encountered and torn apart, while the navy was pushed away by brute force.


The weapon wielded by the Blood Sea Overlord was stopped.

"My master wants to see you!"

Freya's strength is at the peak of her ace even if she doesn't open the field, which is not comparable to that of the Blood Sea Overlord. She suppressed the opponent in one round.

"Your master... Feng Liuyun!"

If it were anyone else, the Blood Sea Overlord might not recognize him.

However, the video of Zhao Hao's battle with the Time Assassin has become very popular these days. Freya has also appeared on the scene, and her conspicuous appearance and equipment make her easily recognized.

So the two of them came to Zhao Hao fighting each other and dragged him into the battle.

Freya fought with the opponent's deputy player, intentionally or unintentionally separating the surrounding navy and pirates.

"How will you be here?"

Everyone is a player, so there is no need to test, Zhao Hao asked directly.

"I'm here for a banquet..."

The Blood Sea Overlord told the matter. These were not secrets. Of course, he didn't mind telling them to try to improve relations.

They even explained why they were here.

It turned out that after seeing 12 steel battleships and a large number of warships, the pirates who came to the banquet knew that the One-Eyed Pirate Group was destined to be destroyed, so they began to think about how to escape.

There is no chance of escaping from the port, as that side has been blocked by the fleet.

At this time, the combined fleet landed from the side, so they came here to grab a few ships and leave.

Although the small boat can't sail very far in the sea, they have ships on the outside to meet them.

"That's it!" Zhao Hao looked at the Blood Sea Overlord with the eyes of a fat sheep and asked: "If I can make you leave, what benefits can you give me!"

There is a lot of room for maneuver in this matter.

"Really?" The Blood Sea Overlord couldn't believe it at first, but after thinking of Zhao Hao's identity, he immediately replied: "I'll go discuss it with them!"

If other players said this, he would definitely not believe it, but if the person who said this was Zhao Hao, a famous player, then the situation would be different.

This is the role of fame. You don’t need any guarantee, just brush your face.

Zhao Hao also met the commando commander of the Falcon Principality under the escort of several sailors.

This is a standard Falcon Warrior.

With resolute and sharp eyes, an upright and tough body, with a falcon cloak flying behind him, he was looking at Zhao Hao with falcon-like eyes... his identity token.

"Adventurer, what do you want to see me for? I hope you can afford the price of fooling a Falcon Commander!"

The other party's tone was cold.

But this is normal, because Zhao Hao is not from the Falcon Principality, but is also a player. If he hadn't insisted that he had important information, it would have been impossible for them to give him a chance to meet.

"I have a way to break through the pirates' interception!"

Zhao Hao went straight to the point.

When dealing with warriors you must be simple and direct, not as tactful as when dealing with nobles.


The Falcon Commander's eyes flashed with interest.

The momentum of the landing commandos was blocked, and he was suffering from a headache. At this time, someone said there was a solution, and he would naturally be interested.

"There are many strong pirates on the battlefield who do not belong to the One-Eyed Pirate Group, but are here to participate... If we give the other party a chance to leave, they must not be willing to fight to the end!"

Zhao Hao said this information directly.

A naval soldier dies every second. If he gives in, he will be hated by the other party.

"But they are pirates!"

The Falcon Commander subconsciously retorted.

"The mission is to eliminate the one-eyed pirate king!"

Zhao Hao emphasized with emphasis.

As a reborn person, he has a stronger understanding of the major forces than the other party.

Toland ≠ other pirates!

The difference is huge.

Pirates are indulged and even cultivated by major forces, which is why they can never be completely eradicated.

Without pirates, maritime risks would be reduced by half.

This seems to be a good thing, but it is a bad thing for the major forces.

After all, monopoly brings huge profits.

Naturally, the fewer caravans that can go out to sea, the better.

Therefore, pirates are like a barrier that can isolate ordinary merchants from outside, allowing these forces to occupy the most fat.

Tolan slapped several major principalities in the face because of his attack on the military port of Lookout Harbor. He also continued to recruit pirates in this area and crazily plundered merchant ships. He wanted to become the real 'Pirate King', so the major principalities would immediately mobilize as soon as they knew the information about their lair. .

But other pirates are actually unwilling to destroy too many other pirates for the senior officials of the major principalities.

That's why Zhao Hao emphasized that the mission was to eliminate Tuolan, the pirate king, rather than other pirates.

Ordinary soldiers and mid-level and low-level officers may not need to know these things, but as the leader has already stepped into the upper echelon, he will definitely be exposed to these things, so he will definitely understand what he means.

Apparently the other party understood, and after thinking about it for a moment, he nodded in agreement:

"Yes, it's the One-Eyed Pirate King!"

The meaning of these words is obvious, that is, he agrees with Zhao Hao's proposal.

Not making any promises is naturally because this kind of thing can't be said.

If people knew that the pirates were released by their navy, then his position would be over.

At the same time as he spoke, a command token exuding magic fluctuations was thrown.

Obviously, he left this matter to Zhao Hao and would not be paid.

Except good feelings.

Ordinary players would definitely disdain the favor of the aborigines. After all, they can't eat or drink, so they might as well just give them gold coins.

But for players like Zhao Hao, the favorability is worth nothing.

It's enough for him if the other party helps a little within the rules.

For a specific example, refer to the "customized mission" of that fat guy Wall. The harvest of troops in the two missions directly made him win.

Zhao Hao, who received the command token, returned to the battlefield and met the Blood Sea Overlord again with Freya opening the way.

Under the cover of the sound of weapons clashing, the Blood Sea Overlord spoke first.

"A silver fantasy equipment reward!"

We are all players, so he revealed his trump card.

As for the extra medium-sized battleship given to him, that was the benefit he deserved. If it weren't for him, those guys wouldn't have had the chance to escape.

As for why these two things are used as rewards, it is naturally because these two things can be directly taken out by pirates.

The equipment can be carried with you, and the battleship can be taken out immediately after leaving the island, and the reward can be paid directly.

As for paying them pirates have such a thing as credibility? .


Zhao Hao nodded without any nonsense.

He came here this time to ensure that the One-Eyed Pirates were annihilated, and he did not come to cause trouble for other pirates.

On the contrary, he was too late to protect these pirates.

Without the restraints of these pirates, the fleets of several major principalities would definitely focus their attention on themselves, whose movements would become bigger and bigger, and it would be a tragedy to directly attack the Broken Star Islands.

Now do you understand why he wanted to let these pirates live? .

It's not because of his mother, but because these pirates really can't die now.

[System prompt: You have been given a mission and are responsible for covering... Wait for the pirates to leave One-Eyed Island. After completion, you will receive the Tide Sword! 】

A task pops up in the properties interface.

"Wait a moment..."

Zhao Hao whispered his plan.

Soon, the people around the Blood Sea Overlord were knocked away by Freya.

Not long after, many powerful pirates suddenly gathered and launched an attack on the Falcon Principality.

And being "unprepared", the Falcon Duke's defense line was torn open by it, and more than a dozen undefended empty ships under the cliff were also taken away by it.

The navies of several other principalities not only did not come to support, but also did not pursue them. .

This is because the Falcon Principality gave them hints in advance. Otherwise, in terms of naval discipline, there would be no such big loopholes.

After hundreds of strong men left, the situation of the battle reversed instantly.

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