The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 403 Killing and PY transaction!


The dazzling golden light spread out, covering Zhao Hao and Tolan.

Golden field!

One-on-one, the effect of the golden field is far greater than that of the supernatural enchantment.


When Tolan dodged, Freya instantly appeared on the opponent's injured side, stabbing out the dragon tooth dagger in her hand.

At the perfect moment.


Tolan's experience in many battles allowed him to twist his body instinctively and narrowly avoid the blow.

At the same time, a dazzling light appeared on the scimitar and slashed out.


It was like a heavy bomb that completely shattered the slashing area.

If Freya hadn't teleported to avoid it just now, she would probably have been seriously injured.

"The fight between trapped beasts!"

Zhao Hao's dull thunderous voice sounded.

The giant dragon can talk, so he can also talk when he transforms into a giant dragon, but he rarely speaks at ordinary times.

"Hahaha, if you want to take my life, your strength is far from enough!"

Tolan laughed boldly.

If you don't know the other party's character, you might be bluffed into thinking that the other party will fight to the death and not retreat.

But Zhao Hao's sharp five senses had already noticed that the other party kept approaching the seaside.


After taking a deep breath of air, he blew out a breath of dragon breath.


The extremely hot flame dragon breath shoots out, even an iron man can melt.

"There's no way your dragon's breath can hurt me!"

Tolan's confident voice sounded.

With the size difference between the two sides and the vast terrain, as long as he was not exhausted or careless, it was impossible for him to be hit by the dragon transformed by Zhao Hao.

"Of course I know!" Zhao Hao said teasingly: "So my target was not you in the first place!"

He was not a rookie with no combat experience, so how could he not know the disadvantages of a giant body in single combat.

Hearing this, Tolan, who had forced Freya back with a knife, turned his head, just in time to see the boat turned into a torch.

That's right!

His hope of escape had been completely destroyed by the dragon's breath.

"Feng Liuyun, you're a pig... (Noende's expletive)"

All kinds of obscene words spewed out of Tolan's mouth. At this time, he was no longer the pirate king, but a pirate.

Yes, the body can be restored with the fountain of youth, but the will and soul cannot.

In the heroic world, will and soul are not empty talk, but will actually affect all aspects.

If his will could return to the stage when he ascended the throne of the Pirate King from the blood and fire, the One-Eyed would not have sunk at all, and he would not have fallen into this fate.

From the moment he gave up the One-Eye, he was actually no longer the Pirate King.

Looking at the other party calmly, Zhao Hao did not continue to stimulate the other party, for fear that the other party would counterattack with explosive power.

"It's a pity that you are not the protagonist!"

In the end, he didn't see the other party explode.

If the opponent is the protagonist, like Filial Son Sword, various accidents will happen to help him escape even in desperate situations.

But if not, then you have to rely on yourself when faced with a desperate situation.



Freya, who had activated the golden realm for more than a hundred seconds, took Tolan's knife without dodging and pierced the opponent's heart at the same time.

He was already familiar with teleporting Tolan, but he really didn't expect Freya's defense to be so exaggerated. She took advantage of it and forced himself to attack with a fatal blow.

When piercing Tolan's heart, Freya also twisted the weapon to break the heart.

All I can say is that you play with whomever you want!

If it were a proud dragon, he wouldn't do such a 'despicable' thing, he would just kill the enemy in a dignified manner.

But Freya, who was taught by Zhao Hao's words and deeds, wouldn't care about this.

The killing process is simple and neat!

This is the real battle.

If you switch to a tank class or a large creature, the battle will take longer.

Tolan really refuses to die in peace.

Because he still had a lot of tricks and trump cards that were useless and he knelt down. Who else would be willing to do that? .

But the world of heroes is so cruel.

Players still have a chance to start over, but if they were aboriginals, they would just kneel down and not give you a chance to start over.

Therefore, the reason why the aboriginal people reject the players may not be because they are envious that they can be resurrected under the care of the Mother Goddess.

Seeing the pitiful experience of the system interface, Zhao Hao ended the ultimate transformation technique and returned to human form.

For killing the Pirate King, the experience points are pitifully small, and there are no additional rewards, which is a huge loss.

The most outrageous thing is that when the body was touched, nothing was found.

"++ (Xia Guo's expletive)"

Zhao Hao couldn't help but curse a few words. .

He knew the reason.

If he kills the opponent head-on while the opponent is driving the One-Eye, he will definitely get a lot of rewards.

But now the opponent not only lost the One-Eye, but also suffered serious injuries. In this case, killing the opponent would not bring much benefit.

Of course, Zhao Hao had actually been mentally prepared for this, so he didn't say much and asked Freya to take the body and leave.

the other side!

Mick hid not far from the entrance of the cave, staring closely at the entrance.

He was not worried about Zhao Hao's safety, after all, the adventurer could be resurrected.

What he cares about is whether he can kill the target. Once he succeeds, he will gain the credit for killing the Pirate King.

With this credit, he can be confident that he can operate it and become the commander of the army, instead of having an empty position like now.

Just as he looked through the autumn water, the seaweed at the entrance of the cave parted, and two figures came out.

It's them!

After seeing the figure's face clearly, Mick stepped forward to greet him with confidence.

"You are finally back, I was afraid of an accident!"

While speaking, he looked at the corpse from time to time.

"Here you go!" Zhao Hao asked Freya to hand over the body to the other party and asked: "You don't need my help next, right?"

The food has been fed into the other person's mouth, so you don't need your own help to eat it, right? .

Mick, who took the body, showed no sign of disdain at all. After touching it reluctantly for a while, he said confidently:

"I will go to the Falcon Principality to congratulate them for killing Tolan with their own hands!"

He is indeed not good at fighting, but this aspect is not a problem at all.

Maximizing profits is not about taking the credit for yourself, but giving the credit to the Falcon Principality.

Killing a pirate king can make the opponent more powerful, but his contribution will be truly uncompromised. No one can embezzle it. Anyone who dares to do it will not give face to the Falcon Principality.

"That's good!"

Zhao Hao nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with his agent.

It doesn't matter if the combat ability is not good, it will make him rely more on himself, but if the emotional intelligence is not good, it will be hopeless.

With the disguised corpses, several people returned to the battlefield in a low-key manner.

It's coming to an end here.

After the One Eye sank, the combined fleet directly used artillery to wash away the ground and destroy the warships blocking the port, shattering the already precarious morale of the pirates.

Then comes the pursuit and elimination.

At this point, the famous One-Eyed Pirates Group, which originally existed before Zhao Hao was reborn, was completely destroyed.

As for Mick's deal with the Falcon Principality, Zhao Hao didn't know the process, but just by looking at his inability to hide his smile, he knew he had made a fortune.

And he himself seemed to have gained nothing except a tide sword.

But the hidden gains are not small.

First, he gave Mick Series A investment to help his agent develop better.

Then there is the matter of resolving the crisis in the Storm Territory.

After receiving so many benefits, it was time for him to return to his territory to rest and prepare for the coming impact.

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