The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 409 Spiritualism!

Just entered Storm Keep.

Memphira, Ellie, and Freya walked over quickly.

"My lord!"*3

As for Tatakai, the tool hero, he is naturally stationed in the Endless Fortress, while the internal affairs staff are busy at the port.

Zhao Hao nodded slightly and walked towards the base camp.

It's a pity that Longya still has some time before the quota is refreshed, otherwise he would be able to recruit this time.

By the way, I took a look at the territory resources.

Resources: 3189222 gold coins, 522 units of wood, 2168 units of ore, 722 units of crystal, 162 units of gems, 41 mercury, 29 sulfur

Even though there is constant consumption, it still grows due to the replenishment of resource points.

This is the only amount of gold coins left. It’s not that you can’t earn it quickly, but that you spend it too fast.

Whether it is purchasing materials that cannot be produced temporarily in various territories or investing in territory construction, it is not a small amount.

It is because of the existence of the caravan that it can barely support the rapid development of the territory, otherwise it would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Since we are facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, we will recruit all the accumulated troops this time.

A lot can be accumulated in almost a month.

[System prompt: Do you want to spend 287,280 gold coins to recruit 3,192 units of second-level centaur leaders? 】

[System prompt: Do you want to spend 567,000 gold coins to recruit 1,890 units of fourth-level combat dwarves? 】

Then there are wood elves, silver pegasus, deadwood warriors, and unicorn beasts

After all units are recruited, a total of millions of gold coins will be spent.

Among these arms, those who should be trained as shadow swordsmen were trained as shadow swordsmen. Those who should be mobilized, coupled with the remaining arms after the camp war, instantly became the following army.

7000 units level 2 centaur leader

4100 units of fourth level combat dwarves

310 units of eighth level silver pegasus

2120 unit eighth level phantom shooter

1000 units of eighth-level shadow swordsmen

128 units of level 10 deadwood warriors

12 units of level 12 unicorn beasts.

4 units of level 14 golden dragons.

3 ballistae, 3 supply vehicles, 3 medical tents!

An army numbering over ten thousand appeared just like this.

Storm Legion!

At this time, he is qualified to be called so.

In particular, the proportion of high-level troops is quite large, making the legion's combat effectiveness much stronger than imagined.

Not to mention other aspects, both Phantom Shooter and Shadow Swordsman are existences whose combat power exceeds their rank. If the opportunity is right, they can display terrifying combat power that far exceeds their own rank.

Especially the Phantom Shooter!

With the blessing of the phantom divine bow, its effect on the battlefield is no weaker than that of the extraordinary level.

Thousands of units of shooters with extraordinary combat power are asking you if you are afraid? .

Zhao Hao himself was afraid anyway. If he encountered such an opponent on the battlefield, he would definitely turn around and run away without slowing down.

He gave the order after allocating the troops except Phantom Shooter and Golden Dragon to Memphis and Ellie according to the old rules.

"Let's go~!"

As for Anluosi, she can be introduced halfway.

In fact, several people were very concerned about this new existence, but Zhao Hao didn't take the initiative to introduce him, and they wouldn't ask.

It is worth mentioning that no one saw her undead identity.

The race of soul attracters is really special. It can be said that they are wandering between the undead and humans. Their appearance is completely indistinguishable from humans, but they are undead on the inside. They simply combine the advantages of humans and undead.

If not for this, her undead identity might have been discovered at first sight.

Especially Freya, she is a dragon with extremely keen senses, and she also found no problem, which shows that the race of soul attracters is simply disguised.


"Legendary Hero!"


During the march, several people who listened to Zhao Hao's introduction looked at Anluosi in shock.

It’s not that they are making a fuss, but that they know too well what a ‘legendary hero’ represents.

"Please give me some advice!"

Under the gazes of several people, Anluosi responded calmly, which was completely different from the meekness she faced Zhao Hao.

Maybe this is her true posture, Zhao Hao thought to himself.

And he has no intention of correcting him. As long as he doesn't cross his own bottom line, he won't care.

The reason why Anlos is brought into the battle is because she is very important in today's battle, and she may even be the protagonist.

"let's start!"

As the army marched, Zhao Hao asked several subordinates to throw hundreds of maimed goblins in front of her.

Do you still remember what is the only battle skill that Anros has? .


Even one of her two talents is spiritualism, which shows that this ability is completely her core ability.

Boom, boom!

The sound sounded like a blindfolded shot of watermelon on a trip to the beach.

Anluosi's expression was still sacred and indifferent, but her hand movements were smooth and smooth. She used the bone scepter to smash the goblin's head into pieces, as if it was instinctive.


Zhao Hao took a breath and had the urge to stay away from the other party.

Is this a perversion? .

After the heads of hundreds of goblins were crushed, a flash of satisfaction flashed in Anros's deep pupils.

The reason for doing this is naturally not to waste time, but for another purpose.

Poof, poof!

The goblin corpses changed one after another, and the bones inside the body tore open the flesh and blood as if they were alive. The scene was so horrifying that it could scare many people to tears.

The bones merged like liquid, eventually turning into several skeleton soldiers holding white bone swords.

Yes, this is the effect of spiritualism!

Flesh-and-blood creatures that can kill themselves and their subordinates will turn into skeleton soldiers under them after the battle.

This is an exclusive battle skill that can only be possessed by heroes in the cemetery camp.

After reaching level 40, Anluosi has invested all the 1 battle skill point gained every 10 levels into spiritualism.

Skill: Expert spiritualism (after your troops kill an enemy, 5% of their vitality will be converted into first-level skeleton soldiers to join your troops)

Expert spiritualism increases the conversion ratio from one percent to five percent.

It doesn’t look like much improvement!

Compared with other battle skills that can be improved by dozens of percent, it is not at the same level at all.

But in fact, this battle skill is too incredible, so the ratio needs to be lowered.

If the conversion ratio is really tens of percent, there is no need to fight other camps, just lie down and die.

Represented by data.

The health of a first-level skeleton soldier is 60 points, while the average health of a second-level centaur leader is 100 points. The conversion ratio is 5%, which means that by killing 12 centaur leaders, one unit of skeleton soldiers can be obtained.

It seems extremely uneconomical, after all, this is expert spiritualism.

But only when you meet a cemetery hero who masters spiritualism on the battlefield can you understand the horror of this ability.

No matter how low the ratio is, just kill enough, but there is a group that is large in number but weak in strength, which is most suitable for transforming skeleton soldiers.

Ordinary people!

Every war with the cemetery means that countless ordinary people will become transformation materials.

Each of the three giants of the evil camp has its own evil qualities. The reason why orcs are not included among them is because the other party is not 'evil' enough.

If you don't have the lofty goal of destroying the world, killing all living things, and enslaving all people at every turn, you are not qualified to join the Evil Alliance.

Of course, this conversion ratio is not the final conversion ratio of Anlos.

Never forget her talent.

Spiritualism (Each level of spiritualism increases the effect by 5%)

At level 40, it means that the effect of spiritualism is increased by an additional 200%.

In addition, Zhao Hao handed her the Amulet of the Undead, a first-level treasure obtained at the same time as the Bloody Griffin Sacrifice and the Red Dragon Sword, and the transformation ratio became.

Sixteen percent!

Yes, it is such an exaggerated number.

The vitality of a goblin is about fifty. If there are hundreds of goblins, they can directly transform into a team of 12 units of skeleton soldiers.

Click, click!

The skeleton soldiers walked to stand in front of Anros.

The first pot of gold was obtained.

There is no need for lairs, no supplies, and no upper limit on recruitment. As long as there are enough flesh and blood creatures to kill, there is almost no upper limit on the number of skeleton soldiers, as long as your command is sufficient.

Now you understand how scary spiritualism is, right? .

Next, before the war begins, she needs to get out a skeleton army that is enough for her follow-up plan.

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