The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 448 Luxurious lineup and abyss stalkers!

"Adventurer, you can't leave!"

A paladin stopped Zhao Hao who was about to leave.


If he hadn't known that the paladin couldn't have cemetery disease, Zhao Hao would have asked him if he hadn't taken any medicine.

I'm not from the Holy Church. At most, I just take on a mission as a temporary thug. I don't need to offend you at all, right? .

Turn around and prepare to go around the opponent.

But he stopped after taking a step, because there was also a paladin riding a war horse, and the other party persuaded him seriously:

"Adventurer, you seem to be able to ignore that demon's mental attack. We need your help!"

Listening to the other person's natural and firm tone, it seemed like it was a great honor to ask him to help.

"What happens if I don't want to?"

Zhao Hao's expression remained unchanged, but he was ready to take action.

"You have no choice!"

After several paladins looked at each other, they reached a tacit consensus.

That is, he, an adventurer who is not afraid of spiritual attacks, must capture the church to 'repent'. Even if he does not serve them, he must figure out how to be immune to spiritual attacks.

Adventurers do have the protection of the Mother Goddess, but as long as they are willing to pay the price, there is no way around it.


Zhao Hao did not continue to ask or move, and was ready to transform.

When faced with such a powerful person in the natural barrier, it would be okay if the distance between the two sides was widened, but now that the two sides were several meters apart, the casting speed was not necessarily faster than the opponent's.

Therefore, only the ultimate transformation technique can guarantee that he can fight back.

Click, click!

The Crusaders surrounded them.

The Paladins had no intention of taking action. After all, it was against professional constraints and they were ready to leave the matter to the Crusaders.

As for the six priests, they pretended not to see them. If they were aborigines, they would show mercy, but as adventurers, they would naturally not have any feelings.

As soon as the battle is triggered!

Uh-huh! !

A brilliant golden light curtain rose and spread from a distance, sealing off this large area.

‘No way, I wanted to take action, but before I could take action, I came to arrest people in advance. Even if it was predicted, it wouldn’t be so fast! ’

Zhao Hao looked at the light curtain that seemed to reach straight to the sky, his expression was a little ugly.

Because at this glance, you can tell that it is the work of the Holy Church.

In this way, even if he kills these guys, he will not be able to leave.


He saw that several priests had equally confused faces, and he immediately realized that these golden light curtains might have nothing to do with them.

Step, step!

The sound of intensive footsteps sounded.

Experienced people will know as soon as they hear it that the person coming is definitely not a demon, but can only be an army or a soldier.

Sure enough, a Raging Dragon Flag first came into view, followed by densely packed troops.

Wolf Knight, Orc, Ogre King, Cyclops

The number is about 10,000 units, and there are no cannon fodder like big-eared monsters or extraordinary flying units.

The strongest ones are the group with 1,000 units of Ogre King and the group with 12 units of Cyclops.

On both sides of the stronghold camp's troops, there are teams of players, approximately 20,000 in number.

The key point is that these players are not noisy or moving, and they have a vague military posture.

Only by understanding the player guild can we know how difficult it is to achieve this.

The player is the boss of the sky, the representative of his second child. He is unhappy because he is the one who says, "I don't want to keep you here, I have my own place to keep you." To be so strict when playing a game is just to play with wool.

Of course, the major guilds have already solved this problem.

Give me enough money!

In the past, games had limited profits. Although they would provide some benefits to the main members of the guild, they were not much.

However, after the emergence of the huge blue ocean market in the Heroic World, the profits of major guilds increased wildly, and they naturally did not hesitate to invest, and the treatment for official members skyrocketed.

As long as you work harder, you can get the same salary as working in real life, so the major guilds are becoming more and more strict in recruiting people (official members), and the treatment is also better.

Just like that meme.

The monthly salary is 2,000, but the boss has a trick in his head, and I say bad things behind his back.

The monthly salary is 10,000 yuan. The boss said there is something wrong, but I don't say anything.

With a monthly salary of 50,000, 996 is as natural as breathing.

With a monthly salary of 1 million, I have already taken several bottles of stimulants and don’t need any rest at all.

At this time, the money of the major guilds has been provided, so the official members can naturally obey the orders.

In the military center, Zhao Hao saw Furious Dragon, War King, and Mu Chengfeng, and beside them was a team from the Holy Church.

There was one cardinal wearing red robes, 12 bishops wearing gold robes, 60 priests wearing gold priest robes with white edges, 300 priests wearing white priest robes, and the remaining several hundred people were all paladins.

Luxurious, this lineup is really luxurious!

The status of a cardinal is equivalent to that of the head of a large diocese. The head of the eight principalities (comparable to kingdoms in terms of strength) is a cardinal. You can imagine how powerful he is. He is more than a hundred million people and less than a few people.

Sending out such a big boss with so many spellcasters and paladins definitely has a vital mission.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

In an instant, Zhao Hao thought of the big event that the angry dragon mentioned, as if he had really encountered it.

The members of the Holy Church who originally surrounded him walked over there as if nothing had happened.

There are things that can and cannot be said. It would be easier to say it if there were no other people, but with so many adventurers watching now, they would naturally not do anything that would damage the reputation of the Holy Church.

Since the other party gave up, it was hard for Zhao Hao to say anything. The point was that he had no evidence.

The Raging Dragon Guild appeared and ignored them, but surrounded the 'Voldemort', explaining that the other party's so-called major event should be hunting this demon.

A figure rushed over quickly.

War King!

The other party recognized Zhao Hao at a glance.

As soon as he got closer, the other party greeted him warmly, completely lacking the coldness and calmness he displayed in front of other people.

"Did the angry dragon secretly invite you? With your help, we might be able to gain some say!"

"I said I was passing by, do you believe it?"

Zhao Hao was also aggrieved, and he didn't want to be involved.

But the undead knew that the opponent's target was Voldemort, and he used the natural barrier to force the opponent out.

Back it up!

At this time, he even wondered if he was cursed and had such bad luck.

"I knew you were going to help!"

The War King ignored his words, laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Is your mission to capture this big guy?"

Zhao Hao looked at Voldemort who was surrounded in the middle.

"It's not us. Capturing the Abyss Divers is the Holy Church's own business. We are just assisting!"

With the relationship between the two of them, the King of War naturally would not hide anything and told the mission.

Abyss Diver?

Zhao Hao instantly understood that this should be the real name of Voldemort.

"Wait, capture?"

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

It is normal to kill demons. This kind of super demon that can move underground is indeed too dangerous. It may not be surprising that it can be killed directly from the underground to Heaven Mountain.

But is capturing a thankless task?

The difficulty of capturing and killing is not at the same level!

"Yes, it's capture!"

The war king nodded in confirmation.

He didn't understand why the Holy Church would do this, but they gave him too much, so they naturally wouldn't refuse this war mission. Anyway, they could get so many benefits by dying once, so it was not a loss for them.

Just when Zhao Hao wanted to ask a few more questions, a voice echoed in the barrier.

"Great Holy Light, I hereby implore you to come down..."

Of course, it's not that someone is just praying, but the cardinal is casting a large-scale holy light spell.

And not only the other party, but also other bishops, priests, and priests also prayed.

As you pray, countless golden light spots emerge out of thin air, giving people a sacred and warm feeling.

The Abyss Diver, who had been quietly staying in place after clearing a large area with mental attacks, seemed to be stimulated and made new moves.

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