The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 45 Naga Siren and Treasure!

Naga Siren!

An evil race that makes countless sailors talk about it.

Legend has it that they use their songs to lure sailors into crashing their ships into reefs, and then eat them all.

It is also a close branch of the mermaid, but their status is very different.

The former is a royal family of the ocean, but the latter is an extremely dangerous monster.

With such a famous name, how could Zhao Hao not recognize him?

"I am Winnie Darkscale from the Darkscale tribe!"

After a look of astonishment flashed in her eyes, Winnie gritted her teeth and admitted. It was useless not to admit it, because everyone recognized her.

"Really!" Zhao Hao took a step closer to Freya calmly and continued to ask: "What is your purpose in coming to the Storm Territory?"

The other party is not a true, kind and beautiful race, evil and bloodthirsty are their character.

But this personality seems to be exactly the same as that of a giant dragon? .

"I have no ill intentions. I was just escaping to the island when I was being hunted. I was rescued by Lady Freya, so I swore to become her slave!"

Winnie explained.

That's what he said, but Zhao Hao didn't believe a word of it.

Because Naga Siren is not an 'honest' character, if this was said by an elf or dwarf, he might still believe it, but forget it.

"Freya, aren't you afraid that she lied to you?"

Zhao Hao asked his pet who kept coming next to him and wanted to know what she was thinking.

The dragon is arrogant, but he is definitely not stupid. He definitely has his own plans.

"I know she didn't tell the truth!" Freya Weiwei, who was enjoying Zhao Hao's aura, raised her head and glanced at Wei Ni with her golden vertical pupils, "But I only like her singing and the fact that she can help me catch fish. , and don’t want to know anything else!”

When speaking, although the voice was still that of a girl, the content sounded like that of a mature and keen wise man.

Tsk tsk!

Whoever dares to treat the dragon as a fool is the fool himself.

Dragons with bloodline inheritance are extremely intelligent. The key point is whether they will be affected by their personality.

In other words, Freya knew from the beginning that Winnie was not telling the truth, but she just didn't care.

"Really? Then I'll leave her to you!"

After Zhao Hao thought about it, he still kept the other party.

The Naga Siren has a bad reputation, but it is recognized as the best navigator on the sea. Now that the other party has become Freya's slave, he is also his own slave in disguise, which is a great thing.

As for the other party, he is not afraid of being chased, and those guys are unlikely to come ashore to cause trouble for him.

"Thank you, sir!"

Winnie thanked her respectfully, but if she wasn't just pretending, no one would know.

"By the way, Master, when I went to the beach, I also found a group of pirates digging for something!"

Freya suddenly remembered a piece of news that caught Zhao Hao off guard.


A unique product of the heroic world.

Because the profits from maritime trade are astonishing, this group has naturally been born. It is completely inexhaustible to kill and exterminate, and its vitality is still strong.

Brutal, evil, and committed all kinds of evil!

It’s almost the other side’s label.

Zhao Hao was naturally a little surprised when he heard that there were pirates, especially when he heard that the other party was digging something.

Because pirates have well-known habits.

Hidden treasure!

Countless treasures have been buried and dug up by pirates, so the other party is probably digging for treasure.

Beast, let go of that treasure and let me come!

Zhao Hao's blood surged up.

As a player of the Justice League, he would never allow him to sit idly by when pirates appeared, so he was prepared to 'remove harm for the people'.

So he immediately recalled Ellie, planning to let her lead the Shadow Swordsmen to figure out the pirate information first, and then he would lead other troops to follow.

Not long after, Ellie led the shadow swordsmen back.

The 37 Shadow Swordsmen are definitely an astonishing combat force, so she does not need other arms to hold her back when opening up wasteland. Therefore, as long as there is no need for a strong attack, she will not bring other arms.

"There are pirates in the south... You go get the intelligence and monitor the other party!"

Zhao Hao slowly explained the situation.

"Yes, sir!"

Ellie simply led the shadow swordsmen away, as if they were a silent shadow.

Quick, stealthy!

This is how it feels to have a full Shadow Swordsman unit.

"Let's go too!"

Zhao Hao didn't waste time, for fear that the pirates would escape.

Once the other party leaves, it will be extremely difficult to find the other party. Then the treasure...won't there be no chance of justice? .

I am inseparable from sin!

He quickly took the centaurs, dwarves, and deadwood guards and set off.

Of course, Freya and Winnie also followed the team, so it was naturally impossible for Naga Siren to stay alone in the fortress. He had not built the prison yet.

A few hours later!

Following the path opened by the Shadow Swordsman, Zhao Hao led his troops to the high ground not far from the sea.

In the distance, you can see the ship parked on the beach.


In the heroic world, there are many special woods, which also make the performance of sailboats extremely extraordinary, so they can sail in deep sea areas.

The deck of the sailing ship, which is almost 30 meters high and nearly 100 meters long, is covered with crossbows and even a few simple trebuchets, making it look like a hedgehog.

"This is a pirate ship?"

Zhao Hao was a little confused.

Because pirate ships have always been focused on speed, and this ship is more like a battleship.

Only large forces or powerful lords are eligible to own battleships.

Suddenly, Freya beside her suddenly turned her head and looked to the side.


An elf with silver hair and purple eyes, wearing a tight-fitting hunting suit, walked out of the shadow of the tree.

It's Ellie!

As her level increases, her hiding ability becomes stronger and stronger. If Freya hadn't noticed, it might have been difficult for anyone else to detect her.

From this point of view, it is indeed very suitable for reconnaissance and spying on intelligence.

"how's it going?"

Zhao Hao's tone was a little urgent.

Yes, he is such a jealous messenger of justice. It has nothing to do with whether the treasure is a treasure or not. It is purely a matter of justice.

"There are more than 300 people who came ashore, with an average level of second level. The strongest ones should be extraordinary level professionals. All of them are equipped with muskets. I suspect that they are not pirates, but navy who are here to hunt for treasure!"

Ellie expressed her opinion.

If they were pirates, it would be impossible for their equipment to be so unified and their movement to be disciplined. These are things that pirates cannot do.

Navy and pirates, even if they look the same, their identities can be identified in details.

With doubts about the ship and Ellie's judgment, Zhao Hao has determined that this is a regular warship.

It was just because the battleship did not fly a flag that he did not recognize the other party's belongings.

What he has to consider now is whether to take action? .

If it is at sea.

With the strength in his hands, he could not be his opponent. After all, those war machines opened fire at the same time, and the giant dragon in its peak state did not dare to attack them forcefully.

But if the opponent is not on the ship, those war machines will not fire on their own like hero equipment.

It only took Zhao Hao less than a few seconds to make up his mind.


The other party must be a 'pirate', and his inner conscience does not allow him to let him go.

Well, to put it bluntly, after the other party leaves, the location of the Broken Star Islands is very likely to be exposed. Although it was not exposed in the previous life, there will be its own butterfly effect this time. Who can be sure that it will be like the previous life.

Therefore, even if it was not for the treasure, but just to hide the news about the Broken Star Islands, the other party would definitely die.

Unless he was willing to risk the location of the Broken Star Islands being leaked.

So from the moment the opponent appeared on the Broken Star Islands, the only option was to take action.

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