The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 450 God’s Right Seat is coming!

God’s right seat!

He had fought against the opponent once before.

But that time I used the identity of Qinglong, and I have not yet fought against the opponent with my apparent identity.

This time there were many people coming from the other side, including six apostles and a creation angel on the flying dragon's back.

I have to say, God’s Right Seat is really good at playing.

The identity of the other party's creation angel was extremely secretive, but the apostles were recruited through open competition, and the 18 apostles were quickly filled.

After the apostle positions are full, anyone else who wants to join the challenge can do so.

It’s all about raising Gu!

For Western players who advocate individual heroism, joining God's Right Seat is the coolest thing, and no one can refuse it.

And once they become apostles, not many people want to keep it a secret. They all use their fame to make money, pick up girls, show off...etc.

This may also be the biggest difference between Demon Court and God's Right Seat.

Therefore, if the six apostles on Feilong's back usually pay attention to what's going on in the circle, they all know the opponent's information.

The creation angel is not the Uriel we saw last time. Judging from the pattern on the mask, it should be Raphael.

Just like after the appearance of Demon Court, countless players re-watched the Xia Kingdom mythology, players of Western mythology also watched it, and it is not surprising to distinguish the other party's code name.

The strength of the Creation Angel is equivalent to that of the official members of the Demon Court.

The apostles are slightly inferior, but a team of two can fight against the members of the Demon Court. This is a conclusion drawn from several battles. After all, the two heavenly groups have a lot of friction.

Standing on the back of the flying dragon, the figure with a Raphael mask on his face struck the staff with a wave of his hand.

Hoo, ho!

The mist slowly emerged.


The War King seemed to have thought of something and quickly walked in the direction of the angry dragon.

After all, if you are in the fog, no matter how many players and units you have, you will lose your advantage. Once the opponent engages in beheading tactics, the top management of your guild will be in danger, so he is in a hurry to go back.

"You actually have this skill!"

Zhao Hao stretched out his hand and waved it lightly, as if he wanted to drive away the fog in front of him, but it had no effect.

Special battlefield spell!

Some spells do no harm, but are extremely effective on the battlefield. They are evaluated as battlefield spells, which means they are very suitable for use on the battlefield.

If the cardinal or other spellcasters could free their hands, there might be a way to deal with it.

But all of them were restricting the Abyss Divers, and they couldn't free their hands at all. Although the remaining paladins were skilled in both physical and magical arts, they were not professional spellcasters, so they couldn't break this kind of spell.

The field of vision was soon affected by the thickening fog, making it difficult to see with the naked eye thirty meters away.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Hao didn't know if he should take action? .

Although God's Right Seat is not here to cause trouble for him, God knows whether the other party will solve him easily, because the other party is a Lijian player.

Just like when I perform tasks as a demon court, I don't mind killing strong people if I have the chance. After all, suppressing the opponent is completely instinctive.

Thinking of this, he prepared to walk in the direction of the Raging Dragon Guild.

It's so unsafe!

If you stay here alone, you might be besieged by the people from God's Right Seat. Even if you can deal with them, there's no point in carrying the thunder for the Holy Church and the Raging Dragon Guild, right? .

"Treat quickly!"

"The other party is inside!"

"Don't mess up!"

There were sounds of fighting in the mist, and it was obvious that someone from the God's Seat took action.

call out!

An almost inaudible sound broke through the air. If the Dragonborn's five senses were not extremely sharp, Zhao Hao would not have been able to detect this attack.


Several man-eating vines suddenly sprouted out from under his feet, blocking the opponent's sword thrust.

Gray angel!

Seeing the mask on the other party's face clearly, Zhao Hao thought of the other party's information.

This is a strong man who is somewhat similar to the King of War.

It seems that the other party thinks that he is a soft persimmon when he is alone, so he comes to pinch him? .

"Feng Liuyun?"

The other party's voice was blurry and difficult to distinguish through the mask.

"Ryan, your true identity has been exposed, so there's no need to pretend!"

Zhao Hao sneered.

His identity has been exposed a long time ago, and he also used this identity to pick up a few girls and show off his affection every day. Now he is still pretending.

It was not surprising that the other party recognized him at a glance.

Not to mention ordinary players, as long as it is in the professional circle, the stronger the players, the more they will recognize themselves.

After all, the stronger you are, the greater the chance of facing other strong players. Of course, you will pay attention to other strong players in the professional circle.

Just like he usually pays attention to strong people from various countries to avoid not recognizing them after encountering them.

If you know the opponent's information in advance, you won't be blinded during the battle.

"Rules are rules!"

The long sword in Grain Angel's hand cut off several man-eating vines without any intention of admitting his identity.

Western players are a bit conflicted. Even though their identity is no longer a secret, they still act like they are keeping it secret when performing missions.

Maybe this is what they call ‘work is work, life is life’? .


The long sword stabbed.

The staff of nature danced lightly in Zhao Hao's hand, and man-eating vines burst out of the ground, neutralizing the Graupel Angel's attack.

He could fight this kind of war of attrition for a whole day.

"Actually, I really want to know whether your strength is as strong as the Xia players say!"

Grain Angel is very curious about Zhao Hao's strength.


This is something that all the major guilds will do, so those strong guilds can boast a score of ten points. Without marketing, no matter how strong their performance is, their influence will be limited.

So he didn't believe that Zhao Hao was as powerful as what was said on the forum (actually it didn't contain any water).

Well, he has watched the Hero Competition, but he is not a genius anymore. He feels that in such a situation where the strength is temporarily improved, he will only become stronger.

Most strong people are confident and proud, but he doesn't think he is weak.

‘I respect you for being a man’

Zhao Hao knows that Western players like to seek death, and they still want to challenge them even though they know they are not their opponents, let alone they have not played against each other (Qinglong does not count). It is not surprising that they might want to step on him and become famous.

What Western players like to do most is to show off their achievements. Once they are defeated, they know without even thinking about it that they will be used as background by their opponents.

In order to not be the backdrop, he would be pulled out and ridiculed at every turn. He really couldn't lose.

"Natural barrier. Vine snake!"

Zhao Hao drank low.



The man-eating vines entangled and woven into each other, turning into eight snakes with vines as thick as a human waist.

The shaping speed is almost blinking, much faster than before.

Spending 800 points of life, in fact, even a thick vine dragon can produce more than a dozen, but now only the thick waist of a human being is naturally special.


The Grain Angel swung his long sword and cut into the waist-thick vine snake of the person in front of him a finger deep. He could no longer make an inch further. The expression on his mask was extremely surprised.

You must know that with his talent and skills, he can really describe his attack as "cutting iron like clay". If not for this, he would not be able to obtain the title of apostle of Grave Angel.

But when faced with this vine snake woven from vines, it could only cause so little damage. It was hard not to be surprised.

This level of toughness is no longer a vine, but a steel cable, right? .

That's right!

When Zhao Hao shaped the vine snake, most of the health he consumed was used to increase the toughness of the vine.

It is equivalent to compressing the thick vines of a train to the thickness of a human waist. The toughness is completely improved geometrically. It is not surprising that it has such strong defense power.

"How can it be!"

The angel was angry.

Even if he was defeated, he could accept it, but he would never accept losing so casually, so he attacked with full force, even ignoring the command orders.

An apostle's attack with full firepower is also a good opportunity to test his strength. Zhao Hao naturally doesn't mind having a 'sparing partner'.

A battle broke out between the two sides.

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