The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 452: Escape from the trapped monster and fall out!

"The target of God's Right Seat is not the Raging Dragon Guild. They are attacking you so that you will not stop them from taking action!"

These words made several people who had been on guard but not attacked react instantly.

"Go and help..."

Before the angry dragon finished speaking, he realized that there was no need to say any more.


The mist dissipated under the golden light falling from the sky.

Sure enough, the target of God's Right Seat is indeed not the Raging Dragon Guild. This is just a smoke bomb. The real target is the Abyss Diver.

No, it is to break the restraints on the Abyss Diver.

Those golden chains had disappeared at this time, so Cardinal Warren could free his hands to purify the mist.

And those dozen paladins were not yet dead at this time.

The Paladin's ability to withstand beatings is unsatisfactory.

"Roel, are you reformists planning to destroy the church?"

Warren looked angrily at the leader of the dozen or so paladins surrounded in the center.

"But for your plan to succeed, how many more decades do we have to wait?"

Roll, who was being stared at, had a determined look on his face, without any guilt at all for attacking his companions.

The players on God's right seat also jumped to his side.

"You are looking for death, and Your Majesty should not tolerate you!"

Valen began to chant, indicating that he was about to take action.

Even if Holy Light spells have no damage bonus to living creatures, if a cardinal takes action, these paladins will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"If we, the reformists, hadn't taken a step back, I wouldn't necessarily have been in the position of Your Majesty. If you had the energy to attack me, you might as well think about how to survive first!"

Rohr gave a 'kindly' reminder.

Abyss Diver!

It had been attacked for most of the day, but was unable to move because of those chains of holy light. The anger in its heart had long been filled. How could it not take revenge once it got out of trouble?


The ground shook violently under the impact of the huge body that fell after jumping up, like an earthquake.

"Quickly retreat!"

The surrounding people formed a group.

Under such circumstances, Valen was extremely embarrassed even to protect himself, not to mention taking action against Rohr.

If he was alone, it wouldn't be difficult to dodge.

But there are other people around, and it is not easy to lead these people to avoid the impact.

Of course, the most tragic thing is the Raging Dragon Guild.

There are tens of thousands of units and units and more than 20,000 main players. Faced with this kind of full-screen attack on the enemy at every turn, it is completely unreasonable.


The angry dragon looked at the Abyss Diver who had hit a huge crater in front of him, feeling as bitter as if he had eaten a yellow lotus.

He originally thought that with big men like the Holy Church as the main force, they would just shout 666 from the side, so he agreed to send out all his forces to participate in the mission.

Now it looks like this was the absolute worst idea.

Just from the opponent's collision alone, hundreds of units and units and thousands of players died. No matter how wealthy you are, you can't withstand such casualties! .

It's impossible to hide someone's gaze.

At this time, the look he was looking at Xia Ye next to him was extremely unkind. If he hadn't been concerned about the existence behind the other person's back, he would really be able to stab someone with a knife.

The other party was responsible for this mission, but ended up being involved in the internal fighting of the Holy Church.

"This is just the beginning!"

Zhao Hao, who was standing aside, took a stab.

This internal fight is not limited to this action, the Holy Church has been overthrown.

Before his rebirth, he only knew the general outline, but now after personally participating in it, he can feel how thick and complex the inside story is.

After the Abyss Diver's 'water splash' broke up the surrounding formation, it began to swim.

That's right, the opponent's huge body moves forward not by walking but by 'swimming'. The ground is as soft as sea water in front of the opponent. This may be the opponent's special ability.

Indiscriminate killing!

Without restraints, the Abyss Diver shows itself to be terrifying.

Without any attack, as long as it keeps swimming, it can crush to death a human who is no bigger than an ant in its opinion.

Various counterattacks are meaningless to him.

Previously, the Cyclops had to smash for a long time before making a small gap.

Ordinary weapons could not pierce the opponent's defense at all. The Ogre King's attacks with bloodthirsty magical skills did not cause much damage until they were completely destroyed.

Simply invincible!

Faced with this kind of target, I don't know if the Holy Church's brain is in trouble. Even killing it is a huge problem, and it also has to capture the opponent alive.

And Valen's life was not easy at this time.

The Abyss Divers are targeting them.

For players, they would crush them to death, while for people from the Templar Church, they would throw them into their mouths with their tentacles.

The devil and the Holy Light are mortal enemies, and they can still get huge benefits from each other. It is no wonder why the other party only focuses on the Holy Church.

Not to mention that God's Right Seat and the dozen or so rebellious paladins took advantage of the chaos to take action.

Miserable is just one word 1

However, Valen was not stupid. After realizing that the situation was out of control, he decisively rushed towards the Raging Dragon Guild troops.

Apparently they are planning to use players as cannon fodder.

Don't come over hereJPG!

At this time, this emoticon appeared in the minds of all the senior officials of the Furious Dragon Guild.

Originally, they were only affected, but what the other party did was to force the hatred onto them.

The faces of Angry Dragon and War King turned dark instantly.

Even if you are prepared to be cannon fodder, being used as planned and being used as cannon fodder are completely different things.

Not to mention that this mission needs to be successful to get rewarded. Once the mission fails, they will have to pay for the loss themselves.

This is why Zhao Hao suggested that they fish, because the mission may fail.

The angry dragon did as he was told.

After the King of War came to join them, the Raging Dragon Guild huddled in the corner like a transparent little creature.

But now that Valen has directly pulled them out as cannon fodder, the angry dragon will not tolerate it any longer.

"Stop them!"

As the guild leader, he knows how to choose at times like this.

There is no hope of success in the mission, so it is natural to stop losses.

As a combatant, Furious Dragon may not be very qualified, but as the president, he is not lacking in decisiveness, so he made this decision in an instant.

Hoo, ho!

The first ones to react were naturally the Cyclops and the Orcs.

The 12 Cyclops condensed stone bullets and threw them at the Holy Church that was charging towards them. As for the orcs, the opponent had not yet entered the shooting range.

The consequences of falling out would be to offend the Templar Church at most, and it would be difficult to mix with the three major camps of the Justice League in the future.

The Angry Dragon Guild is a stronghold camp guild. As long as they are willing to bear the losses, they will fall out. At most, they will slowly find opportunities to make amends in the future.

What’s more, after this time, we still don’t know who is in power.

It was after considering these considerations that the angry dragon suddenly turned his back and attacked Warren, who was his employer just now.

After giving the order, he turned to look at Zhao Hao for the price.

"An opportunity to upgrade your battle skills in exchange for helping our Raging Dragon Guild survive this crisis!"

They are all adults, so speak directly.

Even though there was friendship between the two parties, Furious Dragon had absolutely no intention of repaying a favor, nor did he mean to kidnap him for help by saying, 'Raging Dragon is the backbone of Xia Kingdom's players, and helping us means helping Xia Kingdom's players'.

This alone is admirable.

Because the future Raging Dragon Guild has always regarded itself as the pillar of players in Xia Kingdom.

If something happens, it is really good!

That's why Zhao Hao has a natural affection for him.

"make a deal!"

Without a trace of hesitation, a smile appeared on his face.

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