The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 457 Mission: Changes in the Temple!

Cut through the air!

The King of War activated his ultimate move.

Relatively speaking, his ultimate move is most suitable for dealing with such targets that have strong defense but no dodge ability.

Even the Cyclops' outer shell took a long time to break through. When the long sword passed by, it was cut open without exerting any defensive power at all.

Are you assuming that the reputation of King of War was just blown away? .

In the original historical line, he was the strongest player in Xia Kingdom.

There may be someone stronger than the other person in the Demon Court, but since their identity is not disclosed, they naturally cannot bear this title.

After all, who knows if the player under the mask is a Xia player.

Just like God's Right Seat, although they represent Li Jian Guo, nearly half of them are not Li Jian Guo players.

So the King of War is really strong!

There is marketing and publicity, but you also have the qualifications to receive publicity.

His air-breaking slash easily tore through the Abyss Diver's terrifying defense, without even needing the effect of holy water.

After the ultimate move, it also creates a wound for other players to attack.

That's right!

Kill directly into the opponent's body.

Of course this won't work if you want to capture the opponent, but if the goal is to kill, attacking from inside the body is the best option.

Especially when players don't care about life or death.

These players who choose to enter the body are prepared to die once.


A player followed the wound created by the Sky Break and entered it.

Boom, boom!

Players holding weapons soaked in holy water rushed in with golden light and lightning, causing the Abyss Diver to struggle in pain.

"Move quickly!"

War King reminded loudly.

If the other party breaks free from the restraints, there will be no way to penetrate the body.

And he is one of them, but he will enter at the end.

Since the Angry Dragon Guild accepted the employment of the Reform Faction, it naturally had to show sincerity.

What could be more sincere than him, the chief soldier, carrying out his mission without fear of life or death? .

In fact, the War King's reminder was correct.

Because Zhao Hao couldn't control it.

The vine dragons were pulled apart by the opponent with brute force under severe pain.

Although the opponent cannot drag the earth within the coverage area of ​​the barrier, it does not mean that the vine dragon can withstand such brute force.

No matter how tough you are, it all depends on the situation.

Not even a steel cable can withstand such a terrifying force, let alone a vine dragon.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

Zhao Hao's health points had dried up at this time, and there was no way to repair the vine dragon.

This battlefield had been turned into ruins during the battle, and there was no target for him to use his epic ability of ‘Gift of Nature’.


Finally, after the vine dragons were torn off one by one, the Abyss Diver was freed.

Fortunately, the King of War rushed into his body at the last moment. As for the remaining players who did not enter in time, they could only admit that they were unlucky and were crushed to death while the opponent was writhing in pain.


Zhao Hao quickly drank the life potion to quickly restore his dried up health.

Even if there is the effect of the Natural Source suit to restore health, this is a battlefield, and he does not dare to recover slowly. He would rather waste medicine to ensure safety.

There will be no need for him to take action next.

Nearly a thousand players have entered the body. No matter how large they are, if faced with players holding weapons soaked in holy water and attacking from the inside, unless the Abyss Diver's body is as hard as its outer shell, it is impossible for them to survive.

Boom, boom!

Every time it rolled, a large area of ​​the ground was crushed.

After almost ten minutes, the Abyss Diver finally became motionless.

A few minutes later.


A flash of sword light flashed, a hole was opened in the opponent's huge corpse, and players all covered in blood-red walked out.

It's the War King and the others.

However, compared with when they entered, the number was only a fraction, and they should have been killed by the parasites in the abyss stalker's body.

There are parasitic demons in the stalker's body. Without the help of holy water, it would be impossible to fight against those weird and terrifying parasites.

Especially when fighting in special circumstances, the degree of danger can be imagined.

Only after paying such heavy casualties can we finally deal with this abyss stalker.

To be honest, they had already taken advantage. They couldn't use the opponent's most powerful mental attack, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to escape, let alone kill them.

And Raphael and Luo Er walked up to Zhao Hao.

"Adventurer, I wonder if you will accept the offer?"

[The system prompts: Do you accept the serial mission "Temple Change"? , the reward is unknown! 】

The system prompt sounds, which means that this is a task guaranteed by the system.

‘It’s actually this mission! ’

Zhao Hao looked at the prompts on the attribute panel and felt an uproar in his heart.

Because he did not expect that he would be involved in this event that would have a great impact on history.

Changes in the temple!

Other players didn't know, but as a reborn person, although he didn't understand the process and the inside story, the result was clear. He understood that the 'change' mentioned here meant that the crown prince was kicked off the throne.

The reward is unknown and better understood, that is, it depends on your contribution to the task.

If the contribution is high, the reward range will be high; if the contribution is low, the reward will be low.

The reason for not being sure about the reward is naturally because there are too many good things in the temple, and the other party is confident that no matter what reward they want, they will be satisfied.

Reward face-to-face!

Everyone who understands understands.

Accept, this mission must be accepted.

You can always trust the foundation of the Holy Church!

In the future events, the good things brought out by the other party will make countless players covet them.

"No problem, as long as I can help!"

Zhao Hao agreed.

At the same time, he also chose to accept the task.

"Your Excellency Raphael will inform you of the next plan, and your performance will be seen by the Mother Goddess!"

After finishing speaking, Rohr quickly left. Now that the barrier had dissipated, they could indeed leave.

The reason for leaving quickly was naturally that I didn't want to meet conservative people. The meaning of the second half of the sentence was that task performance was evaluated by the system, so there was no need to worry about problems with contribution evaluation.

Soon, teams from the Holy Church rushed over.

The task of dealing with the opponent is the angry dragon.

Anyway, the survivors are all 'our own people', so there is no need to worry about anyone jumping out to refute.

In a nutshell, Cardinal Wallen and the Raging Dragon Guild came to hunt the Abyss Diver. Unexpectedly, he accidentally died. However, they succeeded in their 'revenge' and killed the Abyss Diver.

As for Rohr and the others? ,Who is that? ,Have not heard! .

"The first ring mission is to destroy the war fortress in the Glow Plains and create an advantage for the assembled demons!"

Raphael's words stunned Zhao Hao and War King (representing the Raging Dragon Guild).

Because the two of them did not expect that the first round of the mission was to start with the Pilgrimage Church.

If they hadn't received the mission clearly, they might have doubted whether God's right-hand man was on the side of the reformists of the Holy Church or the demons of hell this time.

Never think that this is not the case.

At this time, there is even a process for reincarnating a demon on the forum.

Killing one hundred official members of the Holy Church, and then asking XXXX to perform a demonic ritual will be considered as formal membership.

Reincarnating as a demon gives you some racial advantages.

The price is that there are no nine major camps as a backer.

Demons and demons are two different things!

The hell camp is controlled by the demons, so being reincarnated as a demon does not mean joining the hell camp.

"no problem!"

After recalling the original history, Zhao Hao vaguely guessed the reason.


The King of War didn't think it through, but he nodded along with Zhao Hao without hesitation, fully demonstrating his trust in him.

"Then we'll go our separate ways, okay?"

Damfel didn't mean to order them, and gave a plan that everyone could accept. Anyway, the contribution was systematically evaluated, so there was no need to worry about someone not working hard.

After the two nodded, they gave a few contact information and then left with the three apostles.

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