The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 468 Racing! (Thank you all for subscribing, thank you for your support)

Tap tap tap!

Not knowing how long it took, Zhao Hao woke up to the sound of approaching metal boots colliding with the solid ground.

"You adventurers won't all sleep to death, right?"

A calm and anxious male voice sounded.


Amidst the sound of the wooden board being lifted, Raphael's neutral voice transformed by the mask sounded.

"Okay, you can come out!"

He said this to the players hiding in the mezzanine of the carriage.

Bang, bang!

A famous player lifted the coffin and stood up.

Although it is possible to force the character offline directly and let the character lie in the carriage to pass the boring time, obviously no one does this.


Zhao Hao opened the wooden plank and jumped out of the carriage, finding that they were in a large logistics warehouse filled with various materials.

Apart from these players, there is only one ‘outsider’.

A crusader whose whole body is hidden in heavy armor.

You can tell from the momentum that the other party is powerful, but they just look at them with disdain.

"Hmph, I don't know what you think, you actually entrust such an important task to you adventurers!"

The other party said something in a low voice that everyone could hear clearly, then turned around and led the way.

"Follow up!"

Raphael followed with three apostles.

As for the Crusader's disdainful attitude, no one cared.

Because everyone has seen the attitude of the aboriginal people towards players. The previous friendliness of Rohr was an exception.

Look down on it, as long as the rewards are in place - this is the attitude of all players.

"When the mission starts later, deal with the enemy as quickly as possible!"

After they followed, Raphael said without looking back.

No one is carrying it.

Because everyone knows that these words are indeed for mission considerations, they will naturally not object.

The group of people moved forward in silence, like a pack of wolves before the hunt began.

Since someone was leading the way, they did not encounter patrols, guards, or the like, as if these people did not exist.

Paradise Mountain!

It looks like a pyramid-shaped mountain peak several hundred meters high. There is a golden palace on the top of the mountain, and there are many buildings on the mountainside. When you look at it, you can even faintly hear the echo of loud hymns in your ears.

But they were at the foot of the mountain and had not stepped into the white jade-like passage up the mountain, which was also the famous 'Pilgrimage Road'.

Not long after, the team stopped in front of a light curtain a hundred meters away from a five-story tower building.

"After I open the defense gap, you only have fifteen minutes to destroy the crystal ball on the top floor and close the barrier. I don't need to tell you what the consequences will be after the timeout!"

The crusader's tone contained a hint of distrust, but he felt helpless that he had to hand over the task to them.

"How about we have a competition and see who reaches the top first?"

Raphael glanced at the people around him, especially when he looked at Zhao Hao and 'Ghost Che', he paused slightly, indicating that he wanted to challenge the target.

Even if everyone is teammates in this mission, there is no way to distinguish between superiority and inferiority, life and death, but the winner can still be determined through other methods.


The King of War looked a little excited. He was naturally very happy with this kind of competition.

"Anyway, idle is idle!"

Zhao Hao did not refuse. There was no bet anyway.

The Crusader crushed a golden amulet in his hand.


A gap suddenly appeared in the complete pale golden light curtain in front of him.


The King of War rushed in through the gap like lightning, followed by the angry dragon and three hundred elite players.

"Can't you keep up?"

Raphael asked curiously.

"It's still early, and you're not in a hurry, are you?"

Zhao Haofan, who was still on the spot, asked at the same time.

The opponent should be as confident as himself, so he doesn't worry about losing to the King of War.

"See you at the top of the tower!"

Raphael did not refute, and after lightly nodding, the mist rose around him, and the three apostles disappeared into the mist.

"These adventurers..."

The crusaders who led the way were stunned, not expecting these adventurers to have such a method, and at the same time they were even more curious about what Zhao Hao, who stayed where he was, was going to do.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Hao led the two of them slowly towards the tower.

'That's it? ’

Crusader, who originally thought there would be some amazing performance, was a little disappointed, but he soon discovered something was wrong.

Because the direction the three of them were heading was not the entrance to the tower, but to the side.

Due to the restriction of the barrier, flying, spatial movement, etc. were not allowed, so he couldn't guess what Zhao Hao would do.


It’s like the sound of everything growing.

Starting from the three people, a large number of vines spread forward like a spider web, spreading to the wall of the tower a hundred meters away, and continued to climb upward.

After quickly dyeing the side of the tower green like paint, vines hang down and weave into a 'vine bridge' connecting the ground and the top of the tower.

A two-meter-wide vine bridge appeared in front of Zhao Hao.

"How can this be…"

Crusader vaguely guessed that it was a domain skill, but he didn't understand how it was achieved? .

This is impossible without ten years of skill.

In fact, he thought well. Zhao Hao was able to achieve this point entirely because the natural barrier had been upgraded to a high level.

If it is a basic skill, it is impossible to achieve such a fine level.

If you were to brush up your skill proficiency normally, it would indeed take about ten years to reach the advanced level. If you hadn't borrowed hundreds of millions of external resources, it would have been too early to reach the intermediate level, let alone the advanced level.

As they advanced, they could still hear the sounds of fighting in the tower, proving that the tower was bustling with activity.


At this time, the battle was fierce in the tower.

After all, the guards were not dead. How could they not react in the face of so many intruders?

Therefore, while preventing the enemy from attacking, a signal for help was sent out.

But to their surprise, the call for help had no effect at all. They could only choose to defend with all their strength and repel the enemy first.

Naturally, it was the Raging Dragon Guild that attacked crazily.

Led by the War King, he cut down all the guards with great strength along the way.

In contrast, the four people on the Right Seat of God were very clever. They either bypassed the guards or made sneak attacks. They were extremely cunning.

But compared with Zhao Hao's progress, everything is much slower.

After all, he could just advance directly from outside the tower without any guards blocking him. Even if the other party found out, they would at most use long-range attacks to stop him.

In less than ten minutes, just as the others reached the fourth floor, Zhao Hao came to the ventilation window on the top floor of the tower.

Following the window three meters above the ground, they could directly enter the top floor of the tower.

Freya rushed in first.

The sounds of fighting and screams started, and then quickly subsided.


Zhao Hao jumped to the ground.

Under the changes brought about by talent, the body has no feeling at all at a height of three meters, just like going down a step.

At the same time, I also saw the layout of this layer clearly.

In the center is a large crystal ball half as tall as a man, which shows the ongoing battle on the fourth floor.

There are more than a dozen corpses wearing robes on the ground, who appear to be barrier maintenance personnel.

The fate of the spellcaster when faced with the surprise attack of Freya, the giant dragon, can be imagined.

There is also a seating area and desks next to it, all distributed around this large crystal ball.

It seems that this is their mission goal.

If Zhao Hao hadn't used this trick to kill him head-on all the way, the fifteen minutes would have been really tense.


A fireball appeared in his palm.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, it is best to complete the task as soon as possible.

The other party said there was fifteen minutes, but that didn't mean that accidents wouldn't happen in advance.

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