The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 577 Raid and cannon fodder!


After drinking the fishman potion, a player jumped into the sea water of the fjord.

Standing high in the fjord, Zhao Hao saw black dots under the water swimming towards Griffin Harbor a few kilometers away.

Some traveled several kilometers away.

Fortunately, this is the shore. If it were in the deep sea, it would be a perfect meal for those sea monsters.

"Ellie, take Feida and the soldiers and set off!"

Zhao Hao signaled his subordinates to set off.

The arms have been promoted using gold coins before. At this time, they have become 1000 units of shadow swordsmen and 5000 units of phantom shooters.

The strengthened arms were not brought.

At this stage, it is better not to expose those enhanced units with explosive attributes.

The two temporarily promoted arms are consumables. As long as the plan can be successful, it is not a problem to fill them all in.

After receiving the order, Ellie took Feida and the soldiers and set off to the side.

Feida's fighting ability is good and her self-protection ability is very strong. There is no need to worry about accidents during the battle, as long as she does not deliberately die.

The soldiers can't swim, so they need to find a way.

And of course there is a way!


The four major chambers of commerce have long ago found some players who have not given up their status as heroes and asked them to spend resources at the nearest wild shipyard to create a temporary fleet dedicated to assisting them.

Auxiliary transportation!

Whether transporting supplies or troops, these tool heroes are indispensable.

Under Zhao Hao's command, all our troops began to move.

Normally, it doesn't take much time to cover a few kilometers, but it takes a lot of time to dive across the sea.

In other words, the price of low-quality fishman potion is not high, and an apprentice-level pharmacist can make it for more than ten gold coins a bottle. Even if you purchase 100,000 bottles at a time, it won't hurt.

The excess that is not used up can be recycled by several major business groups, and there will be no waste.

There were a large number of logistical supplies and various types. If we hadn't found several major business groups, we wouldn't have even thought about getting them in just a few days.

More than half an hour later.

Figures swarmed onto the island.

Dang, Dang!

The crisp sound of bells came from the island and could be heard faintly even on the bend of the gorge.


The dragon wings spread out behind Zhao Hao, flying close to the water towards Griffin Harbor.

He just had some regrets when he set off.

Because as he expected, the two people who would not refuse employment did not come.

Suzaku and Bai Ze!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the other party to refuse to participate in this operation, and the price he offers is not low, so there is no reason why he should not come.

But until now, no one has been seen, which means that the other party has given up on the mission.

It would definitely be a lot easier if there were two people to help with this operation, but it's not impossible without them.

It takes about half an hour to get there from the water, but it only takes less than ten minutes to fly from the air.

Zhao Hao didn't sprint at full speed at this speed, otherwise he could be twice as fast.

Flying over the sea consumes ten times more physical energy than on land. If you really sprint with all your strength, your legs may become weak after flying for only a few kilometers.

Once you get closer, you can see the situation in Griffin Harbor.


It was a complete mess.

The Griffin Navy, which was originally a regular legion, performed beyond everyone's expectations.

There was no organization or order, and they were wary of each other during the battle.

The reason is not Zhao Hao, but the seven principalities.

It has been said that the other party has been wooing and tempting the Griffin Port Navy, so it is naturally divided internally and there is no fight. This is because they know that the port ships and the navy under their command are their capital to be valued by others.

Otherwise, it is guaranteed to be a human brain beaten into a dog brain.

Now facing an attack, it is naturally impossible to work together.

Even the most powerful steel battleships and large battleships have long since left Griffin Port, taking away the most elite navy, greatly weakening the strength here.

But no matter how weak it is, it is still beyond the reach of the main players.

After being surprised in the early stage and caught off guard, the experience engraved in his soul through countless training sessions allowed him to stabilize his position and begin to launch a counterattack.

Therefore, at this time, not only is the player's advancement blocked, but there is even a slight possibility of being reversed. If it were not for internal problems within the navy, all players would have been wiped out long ago.

Griffin Harbor is not so much a port as it is a maritime fortress.

In its heyday, there were hundreds of thousands of sailors, hundreds of battleships, and thousands of auxiliary ships. Now, there are only tens of thousands of sailors, dozens of battleships, and hundreds of auxiliary ships.

If he hadn't been so weak, Zhao Hao wouldn't have had the guts to make any plans.

The sailors responsible for maintenance on the ship were cleared immediately, and there was no need to worry about someone driving away the ship or using long-range weapons to fight back.

However, the sailors also continued to attack with muskets.

In a short period of time, thousands of players have been killed with muskets.

It is impossible to break through Griffin Port based on the words of the players alone, no matter how big the internal problems are.

No matter how weak a lion is, it is still a lion and cannot be challenged by a young tiger.

But it's okay, isn't Zhao Hao here?


Stand on the beach next to the port.

"Natural barrier!"

Zhao Hao did not dare to fly directly into the fortress from the air, otherwise he would be shot into pieces by countless muskets and crossbows.


The green light that only he could see spread.




Man-eating vines grew out from under the beach and from the sea at their feet, swarming towards the fortress like a swarm of pythons.

Muskets are very lethal to players, but they are useless against these man-eating vines, which can grow quickly even if they are smashed into pieces.

Fortunately, the generals were not stupid and immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

"Attack with fire!"

"Find something that can burn quickly!"

"Go to the warehouse to get kerosene!"

It is not uncommon knowledge for flames to suppress plants, and the navy responded immediately.

Clothes, torches, wood...etc.

As long as anything can burn, light it all and throw it on the man-eating vine.

Natural enchantments have a bad start.

At the same time, the navy also used crossbows, trebuchets, and shore defense artillery high up in Griffin Harbor to fight back.

The ferocious long-range firepower defeated the players.

A corner of the port.

"This is too tragic!"

Po Jun was a little stunned as he watched the main players of his guild being killed by long-range firepower one by one.

Because in his mind, following a big guy like Zhao Hao, isn't that just killing people indiscriminately? .

Unexpectedly, they were beaten.

The Crazy Killer glanced at him angrily and reminded him in a low voice:

"Have you forgotten what our position is?"

Cannon fodder, support!

They knew this before it happened. In this case, the situation at this time was normal.


Po Jun suddenly realized.

If they get beaten, they have accomplished their mission.

At this moment, dozens of medium-sized transport ships rushed towards the sea from the side at full speed.

Have you ever played beach landing? .

That's it now.

Five thousand units of Phantom Marksmen and one thousand units of Shadow Swordsmen are on these transport ships.

If there is no player to restrain it, either crossbows or artillery can easily sink the transport ship halfway.

But now if the opponent dares to transfer firepower, the players will break through the defense line.

in particular….


In a thunderous roar.

Four golden behemoths flew past at high speed.

Golden dragon!

The body shape is more than one circle larger than the normal golden dragon, with a wingspan of nearly forty meters. The airflow stirred up when flying at low altitude and high speed created a ripple on the water below.

For tough battles, giant units are still needed.

If you really expect players to break through fortress-level defenses, you are completely overthinking it.

Low altitude raid!

This is to avoid being locked by the artillery, and at the same time, it can also affect the aiming of the bed crossbow to the greatest extent.

Because the attack angle of the war machine is easy to raise but difficult to bend down, this can be considered a little trick.

When the golden dragon flew hundreds of meters away and entered the attack range of the bed crossbow, it suddenly separated from the left and right in tacit agreement, and flew in circles in one direction.

As a result, part of the war machinery on the fortress must be set aside for defense.

At the same time, Zhao Hao also tried his best to output his health, allowing the man-eating vines to grow like weeds against various fire attacks, affecting the range of those fire points.


Zhao Hao directly used the cannibal vine as a barrier and successfully covered the transport ship approaching the port.

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