The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 579 The brilliant Haitian!


Both sides in the square launched attacks at the same time.

The musket barrage, which was as dense as a torrential rain, shattered the attacking player squads one after another.

Since the sailors had a "wall" composed of sandbags, barrels, and shields in front of them, they were able to ignore arrow attacks.

On the other hand, there were many war machines behind the opponent, so the golden dragon did not dare to approach easily, and could only watch the players being slaughtered by muskets.

The ferocious long-range firepower makes it impossible for players to get close.

It also deprived the Shadow Swordsman of the opportunity to break into the opponent's defense.

"really interesting!"

A smile flashed across Zhao Hao's face.

Because when he obtained the new battle skills, he thought about when he would be able to use them, but he did not expect that the opportunity had already come.


This newly acquired battle skill usually only has a 10% hit rate bonus attribute that can be used.

But under some special conditions, it can play an amazing role.

For example, this time.

Zhao Hao concentrated his attention and began to command.

A number of phantom shooters who were originally scattered in the rear gathered to press forward.

This gave those war machines on the opposite side of the square an opportunity to attack with a longer range.

But Zhao Hao didn't care, and still let the phantom shooter keep moving forward, even if he knew that if he entered the attack range, the arrow would not be able to break through the 'city wall' to cause damage.

And his actions also made Po Jun, who was directing the players to disperse their attacks, unable to understand.

"Is the boss letting his soldiers die?"

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out why the phantom shooter was asked to come forward. It seemed that it had no other use than being a target for war machinery.

"Shut up, there must be a reason why people do this. Watch carefully and study seriously!"

The crazy killer stared at Zhao Hao's every move seriously.

To be honest, she came to participate in the operation this time and commanded the players to cooperate. Learning is the real task.

From the beginning of the plan to the present, Zhao Hao's command, skills... and strength are all impressive, so I think he has a deeper meaning to his command.

But compared to Po Jun and Crazy Killer, the other two people not far away had a different attitude.

"That's it?"

"Oh, it's okay if you fuck me, but you're going to die anyway!"

"I really don't know what there is to learn!"

Hai Tian looked at the phantom shooter who kept falling under the attack of war machines and directly laughed at him.

He resented being forced into this operation, so now that he had the opportunity, he naturally went all out.

In fact, in addition to resentment, he was even more envious and jealous.

After all, everyone has a nine-year obligation, why are you so good? .

Not only did he win the Hero Competition, he also established the Storm Leader and led an army to defeat the Son of Nature, making him famous for a short time.

Why is this person not himself, the Prince of Tianhai, but such an ordinary player? .

This is what makes Hai Tian most unhappy.

It was precisely because of this jealousy that he was always unhappy with Zhao Hao.

"Maybe it's floating. If you want to do something, you'd better hurry up. Otherwise, if the plan fails, you won't have a chance to do it!"

The god was also so envious that he was separated from the wall, but he felt something was wrong, so he encouraged Hai Tian to cause trouble.

Once the other party causes trouble, whether it succeeds or fails, it will be good for him, and it will make the other party ineligible to compete with him in the league in the future.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the leader (president) of the Sword Sword Cult. It is more dangerous to be his friend than his enemy.

If Haitian's IQ is online, these words will definitely be useless.

But under the premise that resentment and jealousy are intertwined, it is impossible for IQ to be online.

‘If I can get some good things even though Feng Liuyun fails, doesn’t that prove that I’m better than him? , who will dare to underestimate me in the future? ’

This idea appeared in Hai Tian's mind, and it was out of control.

"Let's go and attack other places to attract the enemy's attention for Feng Liuyun!"

He whispered orders to the senior officials around him.

After hearing this order, several senior officials looked at each other.

"Am I just trying to help, or do you mean that my orders as the president are inferior to those of outsiders?"

Seeing the hesitation of a few people, Hai Tian looked at these senior officials poached from other guilds with viper-like eyes, with a threatening tone in his tone.

As the president, he holds the power of life and death. Just because he doesn't use it doesn't mean he can't use it. However, several people have all signed non-compete agreements. Once they are fired, they cannot even enter the hero world.

Faced with such a direct threat, several senior officials nodded after hesitating.

After taking care of these high-level officials, the main players don't have to worry anymore. They are paid to work and have no idea of ​​the specific plan of action.

As a result, among the players who had been continuously attacking the navy's defense line, one team suddenly left.

"++,, what is the Haitian Guild doing!"

When Po Jun saw this scene, he immediately cursed.

The several thousand players in the Haitian Guild were not a big deal at the beginning of the plan, but now that everyone has suffered heavy losses, they are an extremely important force.

There was so much less in an instant, it even affected the players' offensive.

If it weren't for the current situation, Po Jun would even want to tear the opponent apart with his hands.

How dare you betray your teammates at such an important time! .

But there is no way. No matter how high the anger is at this time, it must be suppressed first and the enemy must be defeated first.

Soon, Po Jun no longer cared about Hai Tian, ​​because his mind was completely attracted by the scene in front of him.

The remaining 4,000 or so units of phantom shooters pointed their arrow tips diagonally into the air.

"This is!"

Something vaguely emerged in his mind.

"It's a projectile!"

Some players subconsciously spoke out.

In the era of cold weapons in the history of the real world, it is not strange for archers to project, but the types of troops in the hero world are restricted by rules and cannot be used, so players subconsciously do not think of this.

I didn’t expect Phantom Shooter to be used.

"So this is how ballistics is used!"

The crazy killer murmured to himself, and immediately figured out why the phantom shooter could break through the rules.

After all, she personally handed ballistic skills to Zhao Hao.


Arrows shot out from the string.

After some of the arrows left the string, five slightly illusory arrows suddenly appeared around them, triggering the incidental attributes of the master-level archery.

The naval generals in command shouted reminders.

"Be careful with arrows above your head!"

Navy sailors naturally heard the reminder.

But there is nothing we can do.

Apart from muskets, they had nothing in their hands that could be used for defense.

After the arrow drew an arc in the air, it fell diagonally toward the sailors.


The flesh and blood body without any armor was easily pierced by the arrow.

Thousands of sailors fell under the hail of arrows.

This round of arrow rain alone caused more than a thousand casualties.

Note that it is not that the arrows are not powerful enough to achieve this result, but that most of the arrows miss.

Ejection is different from normal shooting, and the hit rate is extremely impressive.

A real elf shooter is responsible for adjusting the projectile, and the hit rate is not low.

However, the projectile of arms is adjusted by heroes with ballistic skills, so the hit rate cannot be high.

It is equivalent to Zhao Hao giving a rough shooting angle, and then asking all the phantom shooters to shoot according to this angle and adjust them one by one. That is simply impossible.

This is why we gather together.

If the phantom shooters are scattered everywhere, the angles given will definitely be useful to only a few people, and everyone else will be in vain.

A hit rate of nearly a quarter is actually quite high.

There is still a hit rate correction. Without the correction, it might be even worse. The one that hits the target area 100% is not a projectile, but a miracle.

After a round of shooting, the phantom shooters had no intention of avoiding the attack of the war machinery. They made it clear that they wanted to trade lives with the navy sailors.

Although the phantom shooter will be eliminated by the war machine first, it will definitely cause a large number of casualties to the sailors before dying.

I dare not change my life!

At this time, Zhao Hao's eyes were shining with confidence.

When the Griffin Principality was still there, the other party would definitely dare to fight hard.

But now that the opponent is internally divided, he doesn't believe that the opponent still has the courage to fight to the end.

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