The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 582: High sea merchant ship!

Race against time!

This is no joke.

"The next step is up to you!"

Zhao Haofei landed at the port, watched a large number of players carrying pieces of ordnance, supplies... and other things onto the ship, and said something to the people in command.

"Don't worry, Baihua Club will never let you down!"

Hanyue Rose calmly expressed her stance first.

Well, her statement in advance gave people the feeling that the logistics was all mine.


He is worthy of being a big boss who can get into that position in the future. His scheming and methods are really high.

"The Star Language Business Group never talks big, they only do things seriously!"

Li Keke also reacted immediately and showed his connotation.

It can only be said that colleagues are enemies.

Even if the relationship between the two is actually not conflicting, or even pretty good, in the competition, they both feel like they want to overpower each other.

No wonder it is said that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. It is indeed very reasonable.

As for the heads of Xia Guo Telecom and Kunpeng Chamber of Commerce, they were interrupted by Zhao Hao just as they were about to speak.

"Execute as planned!"

After confirming that there was no problem with transportation, he walked towards the ship docking place not far away.

Over there Charlotte was selecting ships for the sailors to sail away.

Although there are thousands of sailors, compared to dozens of battleships and hundreds of auxiliary ships, this number is nothing at all.

That’s why we have to ‘pick a boat’.

Only choose the right one, not the expensive one.

In terms of price, battleships are naturally far more expensive than transport ships.

But Charlotte didn't even look at the battleship.

The Storm Territory does not lack maritime combat capabilities. The dragon, silver pegasus, phantom shooter, and naga can all play a role at sea. At the same time, such warships that cannot bring profits cannot afford to support them.

But the transportation capacity has been far behind as the territory has developed.

The raw materials brought back by the caravans required multiple trips by ship to transport them back to the territory. The population gathering during the disaster was also affected. Otherwise, an additional 10,000 or 20,000 people could be brought back.

With their current transportation capabilities, it is simply impossible for them to be effective in Zhao Hao's next plan.

Therefore, collecting transport ships is the first priority.

In particular, these transport ships are different from ordinary transport ships.

A high-sea level transport ship!

The sturdiness is not comparable to that of ordinary transport ships.

If there were no wind, waves and sea monsters, there would be no difference between the two transport ships.

But when it comes to the open sea, the gap between the two transport ships will appear.

In places like the open sea, ordinary ships go there to deliver fast food to sea monsters. Only open sea ships are eligible to enter.

"how's it going?"

Zhao Hao's eyes swept over the huge and heavy sailing ship in front of him.

This transport ship alone can carry at least tens of thousands of tons of cargo easily and happily.

However, a caravan with hundreds of carriages can only carry a thousand tons of cargo at a time, and the transportation capacity is not of the same level at all.

This is also the reason why major forces still rush forward and develop on the sea despite knowing that the sea is extremely dangerous.

"It went very well. Most of these are long-sea ships in good condition. However, we can only sail a few dozen ships at most. This is already the limit!"

Charlotte reported with an excited expression.

Normally, she often feels that the transport volume of the fleet is too small, but now that there are these ships, that is a great thing.

"Don't be greedy. You are lucky enough to encounter so many high-sea merchant ships in one go!"

Zhao Hao didn't know whether to say it to Charlotte or to himself.

This kind of long-sea merchant ship is not at the same level as ordinary transport ships.

Let’s talk about the simplest example.

Is Mingyue City strong? .

But it will take a long time for the other party to build a high-sea merchant ship.

In terms of technology, talent, and material requirements, long-sea merchant ships are not comparable to ordinary transport ships.

You'd be lucky to get dozens of such precious high-sea vessels.

It's just that greed is human instinct, so he feels regretful.

With a few more weeks of preparation, there would certainly have been a chance to find more sailors to move the ship away, but that would have been easy to leak and miss the opportunity.

The seven principalities can swallow up Gryphon Harbor at any time. If it is too late, let alone the meat, there may even be no soup.

It was precisely with these considerations in mind that Zhao Hao wanted to be quick with his troops.

In fact, his timing was extremely coincidental.

If only another week or two had passed, Griffin Harbor might have been divided among the seven principalities that had gradually reached a consensus.

After making sure everything was okay, Zhao Hao started to deal with another matter.

Haitian Guild!

In the past, it was okay to let the other party paddle. There was no evidence for that kind of thing, so it was really hard to do something clearly.

But it's different now.

The other party actually dared to withdraw during the battle.

At best, it means to attract the enemy's attention. At worst, it means escaping from battle.

In the real world, you may have to obtain evidence and reason.

But this is the world of heroes and there is no need for those at all, so his solution is extremely simple.

Gather more than 800 units of phantom shooters and more than 500 units of shadow swordsmen, and just go to the other side to 'reason' with them.

But before that, he asked Ellie to find a few people.

The meeting place was chosen at Griffin Harbor Plaza.

Zhao Hao sat on a sandbag with a large number of arrows stuck in it, with a large pile of sailor corpses at his feet. He was surrounded by shadow swordsmen and phantom shooters. Behind him were four golden dragons crawling to recover their physical strength. Feitan stood on his right hand.

Amazing momentum!

For some reason, the three people called Crazy Killer, Po Jun, and Tian Shen all felt a sense of oppression that they dared not breathe.

Yes, Zhao Hao usually doesn't have momentum. It's not that he doesn't have it, but that he doesn't need it.

But when he gets serious, people will understand how terrifying the aura of a powerful lord who is a top powerhouse and who also controls the Storm Territory is.

"You must know the reason for coming here this time, right?"

Zhao Hao didn't talk nonsense at all and pointed it out directly.

"No matter what you want to do, the Windspeaker Guild will support you!"

The Crazy Killer first expressed his stance on behalf of the Windspeaker Guild.

She couldn't bear this kind of thing.

The originally good plan almost failed because the opponent escaped from the battle, that is, Zhao Hao turned the tide and made the plan go smoothly. Otherwise, the investment would have been wasted, and she would have eaten Hai Tian's heart.

After receiving the Wind Speaker Guild's statement, Zhao Hao stared at the God with undisguised coldness.

"Can I think that the Tianhai Alliance wants to start a war with me?"

This answer is important.

If the other party answers yes, it means that the entire Tianhai professional circle is against him.

If the answer is no, then you are targeting the Haitian Guild and the other party cannot interfere.

After all, what the other person did was indeed a bit inappropriate.

It was obvious that the God of Heaven also understood what his answer meant. It was very likely that because of his answer, he brought an unprecedented enemy to the Tianhai Alliance.

"No, the Tianhai Alliance has absolutely no intention of doing this. All this is done by the Tianhai Guild on its own initiative!"

Finally, God sold Haitian.

No one in the Tianhai Alliance can withstand an enemy who can defeat a top-level guild alone, so he naturally needs to be careful in his answers.

"That's good!" Zhao Hao nodded slightly and then regained his momentum and looked to his side, "Ellie, you and her lead the troops to deal with those players and capture Hai Tian alone!"

Kill one to serve as a warning to others!

This is his choice.

Even if you want to slowly kill the other party, it doesn't mean that you won't touch the other party. Now you can give the other party a small 'lesson'.

The specific battle naturally does not require him to do it himself.

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