The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 588 Hunting large sea monsters!


The water parted.

A sea monster that looked like a sea fish appeared in front of the Storm.

Large sea monster!

The size is not too big, maybe only about a hundred meters long. Compared with the Storm, it is completely different between an adult and a child.

It’s just that one is a ship and the other is flesh and blood.

Zhao Hao was not afraid when he saw the sea monster, because it was a matter of course.

Sea monsters of this level are not uncommon in the open sea, which is the level of large sea monsters.

If it were a giant or super giant sea monster, it wouldn't be surprising if it could destroy the fleet with just one move.

The larger the sea monster, the less likely it is to enter offshore areas.

The reason is also very simple. They feel "narrow" in offshore waters, so they will not get close unless they are provoked or there are special circumstances.

Before Zhao Hao was reborn, he heard that a giant sea monster raised seawater and flooded a city.

Compared with those terrifying guys, this 100-meter sea monster is really only at the 'large' level. If it were a land monster, it would be giant.

"Freya, Ellie, let's go, Winnie, keep the tribe on alert, and Charlotte, keep the ships at a safe distance from each other!"

Zhao Hao made the allocation.

When encountering a sea monster, unless you have an absolute advantage in speed, the best option is to deal with or repel the opponent.

What I fear most is taking a sea monster into the territory of other sea monsters, where they might be besieged.


Following Zhao Hao's order, everyone moved like war machines.


The first ones to react were Green Wing and four other golden dragons who were originally crawling and resting.

They don't need to be involved in ordinary battles, but they naturally have to participate in a battle of this level.

Forget about Silver Pegasus.

Just take off and monitor the air, you can't even go too far away from the Storm.

There are too many monsters in the sea that can attack the sky. Who knows if you will be unlucky enough to encounter them.

The shadow swordsmen and phantom shooters continued to deal with the seemingly endless stream of sea guards.

These guards are the same as the military guards spawned on land. They will only stay in a certain area, but they will not stop fighting. If they do not have enough strength, they may be sunk by them.

However, with the cooperation of the Phantom Shooter and the Shadow Swordsman, the Storm did not even give the opponent a chance to board the ship.

The enhanced phantom shooter's lethality is simply insurmountable.

The Shadow Swordsmen will deal with those lucky ones who escape long-range fire as soon as possible, ensuring that they can deal with the opponent as soon as possible.

With no worries about the rear, the sailors can naturally control the ship normally.


A thick column of water rose into the sky, knocking the green wing that was about to pounce away, and a large amount of dragon scales and blood spilled out.

Although sea monsters live in the sea, it does not mean that they do not have long-range attack capabilities.

Flying targets in the sky are also food for sea monsters.

Fortunately it has been strengthened!

If it were not strengthened, this blow would not be the minor injury it is now.

Now that the opponent has long-range capabilities, the attack plan needs to be slightly changed.

"I'm going to contain the other party!"

Freya took out two fang daggers.


The golden realm opens.

Teleport directly to the sky dozens of meters away.


A train-thick jet of water shot towards her.

But before it could hit, Freya disappeared in mid-air and appeared in mid-air not far away.

The teleportation once per second is indeed too powerful.

After several teleportations, he appeared directly on the back of the huge sea monster.


The dragon's breath flame ignited on the fang dagger.


The dagger easily tore through the sea monster's flesh and blood and exploded directly into its body.

A human-sized puddle of blood appeared.


The sea monster felt the pain and began to struggle, causing violent waves on the sea surface.


A large number of insect-shaped sea monsters the size of hounds appeared around Freya.

Parasitic sea monster!

It belongs to this large sea monster.

Considering the other party's huge body, it is naturally difficult to deal with some small targets, so some helpers are needed, so this parasitic relationship appears naturally.

Fortunately, Freya tested them first. If they all attacked without knowing, they might be tricked.

But Zhao Hao also started to take action.


First, the ordinary ballista fires first.

With his multiple blessings, the entire crossbow penetrated deeply into the sea monster's body. It looked bloody, but it was not fatal to the sea monster.

And this arrow is just a test, and the real attack begins.


The blue snake head-shaped arrow slot switches to the middle shooting position.

Facing such a big guy, no matter how strong it is like tearing, corroding, etc., the damage caused is just that to it, so it is better to choose to slow down the opponent's reaction.


Amidst the roaring sound of shooting, an ice-blue crossbow arrow shot out of the air.

On the sea surface, a Hydra with nine snake heads emerged, one after another in size, with the blue head spitting out at the sea monster.

The crossbow arrow easily penetrated the sea monster's flesh and blood and disappeared into its body.

The area where the arrow was hit became extremely cold, even slowly freezing, and the surrounding seawater also showed signs of freezing.

"Is there any extra bonus for seawater terrain?"

Zhao Hao muttered to himself as he looked at the large sea monster whose body was frozen by an arrow.

The power of this arrow is not at the same level as before, it has improved a lot.

Fortunately, the arrow rain effect was not triggered.

If triggered, the extra five shots will be fired with half the power, which means neither death nor damage.

When the sea monster was under control, several golden dragons hovering in the air took the opportunity to take action.

Fierce, violent!

Four dragon breaths landed on the unfrozen area at the same time.

The terrifying dragon's breath melted the sea monster's body.

If it were smaller, it might be directly defeated by Long Xiyang.

But there is one biggest advantage to being big.


The terrifying size represents amazing vitality. The sea monster's vitality is definitely far beyond everyone's imagination.

After the continuous breathing of the dragon's breath, Green Wing and the other four golden dragons immediately distanced themselves, completely giving their opponents no chance to counterattack.

Facing such a terrifying enemy, caution is the way to go.

To be honest, if one evaluates the level of life, this large sea monster may only be extraordinary or ace, but its round threat and durability are at least close to epic.

Now the opponent has shown how durable he is.

Facing Zhao Hao and the others, they were bombarded with force and endured for more than ten minutes.

Even nearly half of the Hydra's Wrath ammunition was used before the sea monster was finally solved.

During the battle, the sea monster also fought back before death.

But even if the golden realm is closed, Freya's speed cannot be threatened by the opponent, and the golden dragon never lands.

And Zhao Hao also kept the Storm at a safe distance of several hundred meters, not giving it a chance to get close at all.


This property makes the most of it.

Not only did it cause a huge amount of damage, but it also made its reaction and speed extremely slow, and it was finally killed by their unilateral output.

If other attributes were used, it would definitely not be so smooth, and it would not be surprising to even let it dive and run away directly.

Sea monsters have no intelligence, but that doesn't mean they don't have instincts. They will run away when faced with the threat of death.

Next, of course, is to receive the spoils.

Most of the sea monster's corpses were transformed into ice blocks and blasted to pieces, or were roasted to char by the dragon's breath. They had suffered many rounds of abuse from the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, and there were not even any intact corpses.

A broken body.

Several golden dragons and Freya recovered their true form and worked together to drag her onto the deck.

After the dozens of meters long corpses are put down on the deck of an ordinary transport ship, there may be no place to stay.

However, the Tempest is 300 meters long and 70 meters wide, and the deck area is no smaller than a square. It is really not a problem to put down this small half of the sea monster corpse.

The sea monster carcass is not garbage!

Of course, we are not talking about those small sea monsters here. Those guys have no other function at all except as fertilizer.

Blood, meat, chopsticks, bones, internal organs, etc., even if a large sea monster is not as valuable as a giant dragon, it is certainly of great value.

There are even some offshore fleets that are specifically responsible for hunting large sea monsters.

Not to mention other aspects, the nutrition and energy of the meat from the large sea monster alone are far superior to ordinary meat. Eating too much can improve your strength and physique.

Because he is not a monster hunter, Zhao Hao is not good at identification and separation.

But with Freya here, from the dragon's intuition, he can at least know that those things are valuable.

As for the Green Wings and other Golden Dragon units, there are restrictions in this regard.

Pieces of useless parts were thrown back into the sea by Freya, who was in the dragon's true form, with her claws, and the useful parts were put to one side.

Blood, flesh, chopsticks, heart!

These are things Freya finds valuable.

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