Build a port!

If there is no port, no ship can dock at all. Only small boats can dock on the beach-type coast.

It’s impossible to use a small boat to transfer goods, right? .

For long-sea merchant ships weighing more than 10,000 tons, transshipment by small boats is simply a matter of ladles holding water, which is of little use at all.

Therefore, the most important thing that the Pale Territory needs to do is to build a port.

If it were an ordinary territory, the port would take countless time and effort to build.

But the pale collar is different, as long as it has resources.

We have been frantically stocking up on basic resources to prepare for this time.

The Storm Territory has resource points and can harvest a lot of basic resources every day, but the Pale Territory can only obtain them through trade, acquisitions, bounties, etc.

In the past, the Pale Territory was completely poor. It was nothing but dirt. There was no such thing as goods at all, which was extremely inconvenient for players.

It was the caravan that brought some basic goods that allowed level-up players to supply supplies, which brought popularity.

Behind them are players and merchants who bring materials to sell, but the prices are not low.

But from now on, these inconveniences will end.

With the input of cheap supplies from the Storm Territory, the Pale Territory doesn't have to worry about not having enough of these supplies. Instead, it can sell these supplies in large quantities.

In other words, having one more channel for selling goods in the Storm Territory is still the most convenient one.

Because both the underground world and Rannar can only be transported by land. No matter how big the market is and how high the profits are, it is useless.

it's good now!

With Wanwanling as a goods wholesale center, the speed of digesting goods is more than a hundred times.

No matter how much goods you have, you can let the player caravan take them away.

No matter how fast the production speed of the Storm Territory is now, compared to the endless player market, it is just a drop in the ocean.

Faced with such huge interests, how could Zhao Hao care about the losses incurred when opening the route? .

Not to mention that opening a route this time, in addition to connecting the two territories, would also allow him to swallow the half-elf he had been targeting for a long time.

In the past, it was all a small matter, but this time it was a real big deal.

In order to complete the plan, no matter how many resources the port requires, it must be invested.

Medium-sized port [Functional Building]: 50,000-ton berths*3, 10,000-ton berths*10, 5,000-ton berths*30...warehouses*20.

Requirements: 10,000 units of ore, 10,000 units of wood

This is only a medium-sized port.

There are large, giant, and super-giant ports behind them, but the resources required are completely astronomical. Anyway, Zhao Hao gave up after taking one look at them.

That is to say, through accumulation over a period of time, plus the basic resources exchanged for 20% of the previous income from Griffin Port, which were transported by the business group, the demand was met.

In order to save enough resources, the White Territory is now no different from a small village. Except for the meeting hall, which is protected by a city wall, there is not even a house in other places, let alone a city wall.

The resources that you have worked hard to save are just for use at this time.

"put up!"

Zhao Hao made the choice painfully.


A dazzling silver band of light emerged, covering the two-kilometer-wide area of ​​the Pale Territory near the sea.

In the face of the regular power of the light belt, a huge deep-sea port slowly took shape and was completed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That is to say, the Storm Territory does not have enough basic resources, otherwise it would not need manpower to build a port.

But it’s okay. With the Pale Territory, we can bring basic resources back from the sea and build a port there.

The players who were queuing up to shop in front of several tent shops were stunned by the god-like power.

That's right, the shops in Pale Collar are just a few tents.

Due to the small amount of goods and the large number of people, there was a queue to purchase, but at this time all the players turned their heads and looked towards the coast.

The earth surged and the sea water split, as if by the power of the gods.

No matter how big the port is, it is still a normal building. Of course, it will not take nearly a day to complete like the Dragon Blood Altar, so before the players can recover, they find that the direction of the seaside has changed drastically.

A two-kilometer-long concave port made of large boulders appeared in front of everyone.

In the real world, construction of such a large port would take at least several years.

Land engineering is okay, but the point is that underwater engineering is extremely difficult. After all, you have to dig deep into the seabed, cast foundations, etc.

You can directly use the power of rules to construct, and it can be completed in minutes.

That's why it is said that the lord's heart is the foundation of a powerful force.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Many players are ready to join in the fun.

But before they could get closer, they found a god of death holding a scythe floating in front of them, so they stopped.

Everyone knows that these incomparably powerful soldiers are the most capable subordinates and extensions of will. If the other party blocks them, it means that they are not allowed to get close.

The opponent usually has no restrictions on players, but as long as the bottom line is violated, they will be really ruthless and show no mercy.

Facing such a powerful and beautiful lord, what else can players do? .

Of course I forgive her!

So when the players saw the appearance of the God of Death, they stopped immediately, but no one wanted to try and challenge it to see if they would be killed.


The Storm was slowly approaching.

Apart from other aspects, at least you need to rest for a while before returning the same way.

But how dangerous will it be this time? After all, the route has been opened, and the return trip is a test of its completeness.

The huge 300-meter-long hull is like an island on the sea, with a full sense of oppression.

Because the ship's hull is so large, even the largest 50,000-ton berth can only barely fit in.

Note that standards are just standards.

Just like the standard in real bread is to carry six people, but in actual use, you never know how many people can be packed inside, the same is true for berths.

Although the Storm's standard transportation capacity is 50,000 tons, this is not the displacement. If the displacement is calculated, it is at least about 60,000 to 70,000 tons.

"grown ups!"

Ellie, Freya, Feida and Charlotte disembarked.

As for the Naga Siren, it is a trump card of the Storm Territory and will not be exposed.

Anyway, on the surface, this is the cooperation between the Storm Territory and the Pale Territory.

The reason is easy to find.

Ghost car!

The other party has cooperated with Fengliuyun and Anluosi. With the help of his relationship, it is not surprising that the two territories cooperate.

"Well, after Ellie and Charlotte have supplies, they will go back on the Storm, resurrect Green Wing, and then bring all the supplies with the fleet!"

Zhao Hao assigned Ai Li a task.

Next, it’s time to dump the goods, and then it’s time for the Storm Leader to make a lot of money.


Ellie and Charlotte nodded.

With the remaining troops and the remaining three golden dragons, there is no need to worry about insufficient combat effectiveness on the way back.

After all, all dangers have been solved by them, otherwise the losses would not have been so exaggerated.

As for Zhao Hao himself, of course he wanted to hook, to communicate.

Half elf!

If you don't strike first now, it will be too late when the other party suffers heavy losses.

Zhao Hao knew clearly that the other party was acting as cannon fodder in this war, and less than 1% of the survivors after the war would be too cold to recruit day lilies at that time.

As for the distribution of the opponent? .

With the information from the Hundred Flowers Club and the help of the local leader of the Fengyu Club, he could grasp the location of a large number of half-elf tribes.

After assigning the task, he took Freya and Feida and set off.

It is worth mentioning that Freya and Feida got along unexpectedly, and even after transforming, they were willing to let each other stand on their backs.

This kind of treatment was only available to Zhao Hao in the past.

In the past month, Feida had transformed into the shape of Zhao Hao in the face of the Dragon Lord, who was extremely domineering and specializing in the 'Dragon Special Attack'.


I am extremely dependent on him at this time.

The attribute list can be viewed, which is enough to show that the other party is truly surrendering to Zhao Hao's "Longge Charm".

As for the opponent's attribute list, it can only be described in four words.

The potential is endless.

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