The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 596 Terrifying transportation power!

Saw the approaching fleet on the distant sea.

Zhao Hao finally felt relieved.

After all, this long-sea route has just been opened, so even if something unexpected happens, it is not impossible.

Dozens of merchant ships that are more than 200 meters high are like a group of giant sea beasts.

This kind of scene is not common even in the real world, let alone the heroic world, and it has attracted the attention of countless players.

But no one dared to come close.

After all, during this period, anyone who dared to approach the port would fall under the death scythe.

Faced with this kind of merciless unit, naturally no player would seek death.

Although we saw the fleet, it still took us more than half an hour to actually wait for the fleet to enter the port.

“Are medium-sized ports still too small?”

Zhao Hao saw that most of the ships had not stopped at the berth, and this thought flashed through his mind.

In addition to the giant ship Storm, the other 24 large sea-going merchant ships have a standard transportation capacity of over 10,000 tons, and the displacement will only be higher. There are only 10 10,000-ton berths in medium-sized ports. Even adding three 50,000-ton berths is not enough. point.

It can only be said that the plunder of Griffin Harbor has made the Storm Territory fat in terms of ships.

Otherwise, if it develops slowly, it may take several years of hard work to even build the first large-scale merchant ship (not produced by outdoor construction). Then it will be like now, with even giant high-sea merchant ships.

The golden belt of murder and arson!

This is a wise saying in the world of heroes, because this is a world where the weak eat the strong.

Those player guilds that have developed honestly have only come into contact with small transport ships, running some short-distance routes, eating some scraps from the mouths of the indigenous forces, and being exploited and robbed.

What a miserable old man!

Of course, it's not that those player guilds are honest, but that their strength is far inferior to Zhao Hao. If they are not honest, they will be beaten severely immediately, even if they are not honest.


The Storm's planks were lowered.

Compared to other large ships that were berthed at the 50,000-ton berth, which seemed extremely loose, the Storm was almost 'squeezed' in.

"My lord!"*N

Memphis, Ellie, Charlotte, Hodge, etc. who came down the deck all said hello immediately.

This time, even the deputy heroes who were stationed in the lair arrived, leaving only Tata Kai, the tool man hero, responsible for guarding the house.

"Thank you for your hard work. How are you doing along the way?"

Zhao Hao asked this most concerning question.

"It went very well. We encountered many new sea monsters along the way, but with Winnie's help, we discovered and solved them in advance!"

Memphis answered.

She didn't expect that the voyage would be so smooth, and she was prepared for a bloody battle.

"That's good!" Zhao Hao nodded with satisfaction, "Let's unload the goods!"

Four golden dragons spread their wings and took off into the sky, flying to the area specially designated by the pale collar to station themselves.

As for other arms, they are still the only ones left after opening routes.

"Anlos, ask people from the four major business groups to help unload the goods!"

After taking the people out of the port, Zhao Hao gave the order.


Anlos, who was following behind, asked a certain god of death to put away his scythe and let him enter the passage.

And those who have been waiting here for a long time are players from the four major business groups.

The number exceeds 20,000!

With so many contracted players, it can be seen how much investment has been made. In addition, each trade group has an average of more than 500 heavy-duty carriages, and it is simply a stud.


Not a farm wagon.

They are all sturdy carriages pulled by horses of special blood.

In the heroic world, the horses and carriages used by caravans are completely different from the agricultural versions.

Because in the dangerous wilderness, ordinary horses are easily frightened, and carriages cannot withstand the aftermath of the battle, so they need to be specially customized.

After a period of preparation in advance, the four major business groups were able to pull out more than 2,000 carriages.

Such a huge transportation capacity is also because they understand that the transportation capacity will determine whether the cake can be taken away. If there is not enough transportation capacity, even if it is bitten, it will not be taken away.

At the same time, Zhao Hao also thought of an idea, but he was not in a hurry to use it, but was prepared to wait and see the situation.

After players in the business group join, the goods are quickly unloaded to the port’s own warehouse.

At the same time, Zhao Hao also asked Anluosi to collect the specially transported basic resources into the territory panel, and then he started to build.

City wall!

After all, it was territory, but there was only a small wall surrounding the meeting hall, which was a bit too shabby.

Only with the city wall can we ban flying and teleportation... Otherwise, no one will feel safe.

put up!

Zhao Hao made a choice.


Countless silver data light belts, with the Assembly Hall as the center, weave four walls to surround the Pale Collar, including the southwest port.

The city wall is only fifteen meters high and three meters wide.

But it’s very long!

Four city walls that are several kilometers long make the interior of the White Territory quite large.

Of course, a city wall with a height of more than ten meters is not very high, and may not be as tall as an upright dragon. At the same time, the width of three meters is not enough to allow war machines to move away, and the defense is very poor.

But it's okay, the purpose of these walls is not defense.

It is used to limit flight and space capabilities, and the defense will be discussed after the completion of this plan.

The happiest people may be the players.

"Great, we finally have a city wall!"

"Yeah, I've been worried that when I go online that day, zombies will ride in my face!"

"Finally no need to worry!"

There are two different things in terms of security, whether the territory has walls or does not have walls.

With the city wall in place, there is no need to use the Grim Reaper as a boundary line.

Once there is no need to disperse, the two brigades of 600 Death Reapers are truly invincible.

At the same time, the more than 200,000 tons of supplies on board only account for half of the transportation capacity of high-sea merchant ships.

In this way, all the goods accumulated by the Storm Territory have been brought.

The terrifying transportation capacity of the sea is vividly demonstrated this time, making people understand why bulk commodities are traded by sea.

The ship will not leave after unloading its cargo!

Even if we go back to the Storm Territory now, we don’t have enough goods, so it’s useless to go back.

Might as well wait here for the first batch of loot.

After the transportation capacity is resolved, the next plan officially begins.

First is the convergence!

Zhao Hao handed over the affairs of the White Territory to Charlotte and Huo Qi. The two of them cooperated with the four major business groups to build the White Territory into a material transfer station and logistics base, while he set off with a group of combat forces.

Except for the golden dragon, the god of death, and the ghost, there are no other troops at all.

His subordinates include Memphis, Anros, Ellie, Freya, and Feida!

Well, it's just a coincidence that all of his subordinates are female, not that he has any preference.

The quality is full.

A legend, an epic, an elite hero, plus a golden dragon pet with the highest personal combat power, and finally a first-generation dragonborn with unlimited potential.

Coupled with these and Zhao Hao himself holding an artifact, the lineup is indeed exaggerated.

Of course, this combination is great for being on the go.

All types of soldiers can fly, and Zhao Hao can transform into a golden dragon and bring along several subordinates who cannot fly.

So it didn't take much time to fly to a hundred kilometers away from Gaomu City.

Looking down from the air, you will find that the woods below are crowded with countless player tents.

Compared with ordinary players, these players appear elite and orderly.

At the same time, after seeing the golden dragon transformed by Zhao Hao approaching, several scouts at the top of the tall trees immediately sent the news back, and also instructed them to land in a cleared area.

Zhao Hao took the golden dragon and slowly flew to the open space and landed.

After landing, I found a group of people coming.

Zhao Hao first asked the heroes on his back to jump off the back of the dragon, then ended his transformation and returned to his human form.

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