The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 626 Infiltration and controversy!

Chapter 626 Infiltration and Controversy~!

Two hundred kilometers away!

This is the distance between Willow City and Shenmu Castle.

It took several days for the opponent to march. After switching to Zhao Hao, even if he had to take care of Freya, it only took less than half a day.

It sounds incredible, but it's actually quite normal. Both of them are extraordinary.

Even if Zhao Hao was alone, he might be able to fly over in less than two hours, and it would even take less than an hour to transform into a golden dragon.

The heroic world is different from reality, and this must be taken into account.

The entire Shenmu Fort area is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with the exit located in the direction of Willow City. The area may only have a radius of less than a few hundred kilometers.

This area is already quite large in reality, but it is nothing at all in the heroic world with an astonishing area.

But it’s such a ‘not big’ area.

But it can produce most of the southwest region's food supply and countless high-grade timber, which shows how precious this place is.

In order to manage this fertile area, tens of millions of elves are crowded into this area.

To put it bluntly, Ellolan can give up anywhere in the southwest region, but it must not give up the Shenmu Castle area.

As soon as you enter this area, you can feel the rich breath of life in the air, which makes you extremely relaxed.

Players were previously prohibited from entering this area, which shows how much Irollan takes it seriously.

But now it is invaded by the underground army.

Soon, Zhao Hao arrived at a place more than ten kilometers away from Shenmu Castle.

Races from the underground world can be seen stationed everywhere, completely surrounding the entire Shenmu Castle. The number can start in the millions, excluding soldiers and cavemen.

Well, statistics generally don't include cannon fodder.

If the cavemen are included, the underground army would number in the tens of millions, not to mention the number of soldiers.

Just like the orcs from the Lannar Plateau invaded the Crow Principality before.

Hundreds of millions of orcs sound extremely scary, but most of them are cannon fodder like big-eared monsters.

If there were hundreds of millions of ogres and other orcs, not to mention the Crow Principality, all the eight principalities would be considered equally.

The same goes for the underground army.

The number sounds bluffing. After all, the tens of millions of troops are more than all the elves in Shenmu Castle combined.

But in fact, most of them are cavemen, and the water is terrifying.

But from a certain point of view, people are not talking nonsense. The cavemen are also part of the army, so it is not surprising that they are included.

Millions of underground races surrounded the Shenmu Castle, and it was difficult to approach it from either side.

And when Zhao Hao came here with a vest this time, he naturally had a deal to discuss with the underground army.

Tread, step!

After landing, he stayed still because he had to wait for someone to take him.

At this time, it was on the grass a few kilometers away from the front of Shenmu Castle.

Countless underground races gathered here, and a large number of clan flags were flying. Each flag represented a clan or legion, including the flag of the Black Cloud Group.

The largest and tallest side of the flag, of course, is painted with a spider flag in shadow.

Shadow Spider Tribe!

The number of dark elves alone is tens of millions of giant clans, coupled with a large number of vassal and enslaved races, the power they control is astonishing.

It was this power that allowed Lena to secure her position as commander of the southwest theater.

The flags surround a black dragonskin tent.

At this time, a fierce quarrel was taking place in the black dragon tent.

"Trash, you can't even take down a ruined city occupied by adventurers, and you still have the nerve to come back. Why don't you die there?"

"That's right. If I were you, I would rather die fighting there than escape back in embarrassment!"

"Has the military order that was originally issued begun to be implemented?"

Countless sneers were thrown at the dark elves and black iron dwarves who were kneeling in the center of the tent.

Sitting on both sides of the tent were dark elves, humans, minotaurs, evil eyes, cavemen... and so on. Black Cloud was among them and was the only player present.

This is the highest level clan meeting.

Only clan leaders and army leaders are eligible to participate, and the number is only about a few dozen, which shows Heiyun's current status.

Well, except for Heiyun, the others are themselves clan leaders and legion commanders.

Why the cynicism?

Of course it's because of interests, so it's impossible to 'just speak out', right? .

The combat troops of these clans were almost completely wiped out. The clansmen and territory were fat, who wouldn't want to eat them.

The only obstacle was the few clan leaders who had escaped.

As long as they apologize with death as they said when issuing the military order, there will be no obstacles in carving up the other clan.

Sitting at the top of the tent was a female dark elf in a gorgeous black dress, as if she was about to attend a banquet.

At this time, Lena was lying on a huge, dark spider with fur on its back. She was watching the scene in the tent with interest, as if she was enjoying an interesting show.

Of course, in addition to cynicism, there are occasionally people who speak up to help defend.

There are endless excuses such as ‘leaving aside the facts’ and ‘hard work without merit’.

The reason is simple. These clan leaders who have spoken out are not qualified to participate in the partition, and naturally they do not want to see others gain.

Only Heiyun looked at this scene expressionlessly.

Because Heiyun Tuan was not qualified to intervene, even if these people took the task from her.

Aboriginal people and players are two different things. If she dares to speak, she is guaranteed to be attacked by a group of people.

Just because she didn't want to speak, it didn't mean it was okay.

A dark elf matron who was speaking for several people suddenly turned to look at Hei Yun and spoke.

"I wonder if the commander of the Black Cloud Army thinks they should fulfill the military order? After all, they took over the task of conquering Willow City from you before issuing the military order, so you should be the most qualified to evaluate it!"

Heiyun, who was watching the show silently, felt that if he was not responsible for killing someone, he would definitely chop him into pieces.

This was the exact rhythm that dragged her down.

And no matter what she says, she will offend people.

If they say they don't fulfill the military order, not only will these guys escape disaster, but they will also offend those who are preparing to carve up the other clan.

It can be said that following the military order is even more courting death. As a player, there is already a big gap between the natives and the natives. Now that they are killed, it is simply because they don’t have enough enemies.

In such a dilemma, it's no wonder she wanted to do the other person.

After a quick thought in her mind, she spoke.

"It's even harder to speak because it's related to me, and this kind of thing should be decided by Lena-sama!"

Since no matter what choice you make, you will offend others, you might as well throw the blame away.

Don't throw the blame around.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, she was the only one who could make the decision, so the blame was thrown away very well.

Not only did it relieve itself of the predicament, but it also hinted to those guys who were fighting the most fiercely that the people who really made the decision didn't say anything and you were fighting over the wool.

Hearing Hei Yun's reminder, these clan leaders also reacted and looked at Lena, who was lying on the shadow spider with a terrifying aura, wondering what her verdict would be.


Lena, who was stared at by countless eyes, did not speak in a hurry. Instead, she slowly sat up straight and stretched, letting her charming body curves show off.

The clan leaders who saw this scene looked away as if they were avoiding snakes and scorpions.

But Lena's verdict was surprising.

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