The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 64 Pirate Intelligence and Tavern!

The opportunity has come!

Winnie was extremely excited at this time.

From the moment she met Freya, she decided to use the power of the dragon to take revenge.

So those pirates must die!

She was a little discouraged at first, but she didn't expect to call her here suddenly today. This was simply...for this reason, she had to lower her head to hide her excitement.

"Sir, the opponent is the Tuna Pirates. The Mist Reef they occupy is two hundred nautical miles northwest..."

Winnie slowly told the information.

At this moment, the dark elf girl brought back by Zhao Hao curled her lips in disdain.

‘You’re really good at pretending! ’

No matter how well the other party concealed it, she could smell the aura of calculation and conspiracy, as well as the same...ambition as her own.

Sometimes I have to admire intuition. As soon as they met, Sisi knew that Winnie was the same kind as herself.

And Winnie also feels this way, so even though she has never looked at Sisi, she actually puts a lot of energy into her.

Soon, the other party's information was revealed.

Tuna Pirates!

That is, the 'evil' enemy who conquered Winnie's hometown and slaughtered the ethnic group.

In fact, in terms of reputation, the Naga Siren is far worse than the pirates, so this theory is that she brought in private goods herself.

The opponent is a medium-sized pirate group with over a thousand combatants.

The number of people is not the key point, the key point is how many pirate ships the opponent has, and the war machinery on them is the key point.

In other words, if there is a conflict at sea, the opponent can easily eliminate them. Only if the battle is on the ground, there is hope of victory.

Just like those Griffin Principality pirates who had set foot on the Broken Star Islands before, if the other party had not disembarked, they would have no chance of taking down the other party based on their strength.

But if there is no ship, they will be easily dispatched by them like a toothless tiger.

As for how to get there, there’s no need to worry about that.

There are usually wild buildings such as 'shipyards' in coastal areas. After visiting them, you can spend gold coins and wood to get a ship.

Although this type of ship does not have any attack power, it is not a problem at all to transport troops.

After going through the possible problems in his mind, Zhao Hao looked at Freya.

The latter nodded slightly to indicate that the other party was not lying.

Learn about the Julong polygraph.

As long as there is no problem with the situation given by the other party, even if there is any secret plan, it will be tolerated by Zhao Hao.

He is not the character of Long Aotian and must control everything.

After many years of social beating before rebirth, I understood that unless you are a puppet without intelligence, you should not have absolute control. As long as it is not harmful to you, no matter what little thoughts you have, it is not a problem.

"Let's set out after a short rest!"

Zhao Hao had a hard time.

A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.

He didn't have any mental barriers to robbing pirates, and he even wished for more opportunities like this.

The soldiers have limited physical strength. They have been fighting and rushing before, and now they also need to take a rest.

And he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to deal with a problem.

Fortress defense problem!

This time he will definitely take Ellie and Freya with him, so who will be stationed is a question.

In the past, because the distance was not far, when the fortress was attacked, as a lord, he could know it immediately, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to it, but now if he wants to go to sea, he can't rest assured.

Although the surrounding monsters have been wiped out, and the player is himself alone, after the incident with the Griffin Principality pirates and the Sons of God Guild, he does not dare to believe too much in the original history. After all, with his butterfly, it is not easy for something to happen. strangeness.

Therefore, he will not bring the witherwood guards and dwarves to the battle this time, but will use them to garrison the fortress.

The military type only brings two troops.

Phantom Shooter, Shadow Swordsman!

All are of the high dexterity and speed type.

And the small size.

Ships can't hold many large-sized troops.

Although the two armies are small in number, they are all elite units. It is not too difficult to deal with thousands of pirates in a ground battle.

Now that we have the troops stationed in the territory, the only thing missing is the commanding heroes.

Therefore, finding new heroes for the territory is the most urgent issue.

As a lord, he naturally has ways to solve this problem.

Clicking on the system panel, Zhao Hao's eyes stopped on a building.

Tavern [Functional Building]: Allows you to hire heroes. Heroes must respond to your first recruitment.

Construction conditions: Assembly Hall, 50 ore, 50 wood, 10,000 gold coins.

It was because of the urgent need for heroes that he thought of this building.

Hiring heroes in the tavern sounds the same as getting heroes in the wild prison.

But the actual gap is huge.

Because the heroes harvested in the wild prison have the lowest template and are green and excellent starting points.

Most of the heroes hired in the tavern are white ordinary templates, which are no different from players.

That is the advantage of being loyal to the lord, otherwise no lord would want to build a tavern.

Now, Zhao Hao needs a tool hero to recruit troops, collect resources, and garrison the fortress, so he is willing to spend so many resources to build a tavern.

Also, pay attention to the wording of the introduction.

The prison is for recruiting heroes, and the tavern is for hiring heroes.

The former is to sign a contract with you, become your follower, and be willing to follow you for life.

In the latter, you pay and the other person does the hard work. We have a trading relationship and you need to pay the other party's employment fee every week, otherwise the other party is likely to run away.

It is precisely because of the difference between the two that the preciousness of the prison is highlighted. Zhao Hao was indeed lucky to encounter the prison.

Of course, there are rules restrictions on the hero loyalty obtained through both methods, so there is no need to worry at all.

"Build the tavern!"

Zhao Hao glanced at the resource panel and spoke.


50 Ore-

50 wood-

10,000 gold coins

The number on the resource panel decreases instantly.


Brilliant data light bands erupted, creating a wooden house with cornices next to the market.

This wooden house is a tavern!

Not only can you recruit heroes, but you can also enter and have a drink or two to relax.

Click on the properties panel, and two hero avatars pop up.

Xishas [Battle Mage]: He has received strict training since childhood, but due to an accident, he was expelled from the tribe to wander. He has a wild personality and is very good at attacking.

Employment cost: 2500 gold coins/week

Memphela [Patrol]: As early as when he was being trained in the army, Memphela was a genius at using terrain to win victory. Finally, he left the army because the war was over.

Employment cost: 25,000 gold coins/week

There must be a hero response to the first hire, because the tavern does not always have heroes waiting for the lord to hire. More often than not, there are no heroes waiting to be hired.

Zhao Hao glanced at the portraits of the two heroes casually, preparing to hire any one of them to act as a tool.

Just when he was about to confirm, he suddenly stopped.

Wait, something seems wrong!

His eyes moved back again, focusing on the second hero's hiring fee.

The normal hero hiring fee is 2,500 gold coins per week, which is fixed unless the opponent is not an ordinary template.

The other person's profile picture looked familiar to him.

If it were a tool hero, it would be impossible for him to remember it, so it would definitely not be simple.

That is to say, you can't check more things before recruiting, otherwise he will definitely remember the other party's information immediately.


Zhao Hao clicked on the recruitment option as quickly as possible, completely ignoring the high hiring fee of 25,000 gold coins.

The tavern hiring interface is common, which means that since the other party appears on his tavern list, he may also appear on the lists of other taverns (not only the player receives it), and he does not want to miss it.


The light condensed into a human figure in the tavern, and the other person walked up to Zhao Hao, caressed his chest and saluted.

"Lord, Memphela has come to comply with the contract and will serve you!"

The voice is a little hoarse, but one can feel the perseverance in it.

"As expected, it's you, Meng Gangban!"

Zhao Hao also recognized who the other party was.

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