The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 668 Ruins and Convergence!

the other side!

Zhao Hao didn't know that his process of testing the bomb flying dragon was live broadcast.

In fact, even if you are discovered, it will be fine.

After all, this is not ‘washing powder’, so you’ll see it when you see it.

Just don't let anyone know about the aircraft carrier flow.

If the major forces knew how powerful the aircraft carrier stream was, they would definitely stop it in advance without any moral ethics.

There is no need to worry about Bailong's safety.

After the transformation is successful, they become dependents and have the power to be resurrected using the altar.

At this time, he was looking at the map in his hand against the wind and kept complaining.

"Tsk, tsk, this is too far away. How did the relic Turing know about it? He must have made a PY transaction with someone!"

The map is Greenham, which is also the representative force of the fortress camp.

Most of the territory is swampland, just like most of Irollan is forest.

Not many players choose this camp.

Because the swamp environment is too harsh and the transportation is extremely inconvenient, if you want to go to other camps and do tasks, you need to be strong enough to have the opportunity.

Especially life players, unless they have special hobbies, they will not choose the fortress camp.

closed 1

This is the first impression of players.

I say closed because no matter the orc invasion, demonic disaster, underground invasion, etc., they seem to have nothing to do with the Fortress, one of the three giants of the Justice League. Not to mention sending reinforcements, there is not even verbal support.

It’s completely about playing by yourself behind closed doors.

However, Greenham does have this qualification. After all, most of the territory is swamp.

In this kind of environment, if someone really dares to invade, the endless swamp will swallow up the opponent, and it might not be surprising that they will completely GG before they reach the target.

It is precisely with this support that the fortress camp is really not afraid of being invaded.

The demons during the magic disaster, let alone causing damage, just came to add food to the meal.

Now that Zhao Hao was exploring the ruins in such a closed and exclusive place, he would naturally feel unhappy, and no wonder he would complain about Turing.

But there is nothing I can do, because someone gave me too much.

No matter how unhappy you are, you can only do things obediently.

"Master, here we are!"

The sound from under his feet interrupted Zhao Hao's thoughts.

At this time, it was Freya who transformed into the true form of the golden dragon and carried him and Feida across the border wilderness to Greenham in less than two days.

Irollan and Greenham.

One is located due north and the other is located northwest, with natural borders.


Zhao Hao put away the map, and finally no longer needed this thing to guide him.

The target can be seen directly.

A flat circular grassland, dotted with white flowers, is as conspicuous as a green gem in this messy swamp area, and anyone who is not blind can see it.

That is also where the ruins are located, and it is also the goal of Zhao Hao's visit this time.

"It seems we have quite a few 'friends'!"

With his extremely keen senses, Zhao Hao saw the tents and figures around the grassland.

That's right, not only did he get the news about the opening of the ruins, but other people also got the news, so he was asked to 'grab it' rather than get it.


Zhao Hao felt the vibration of the Green Dragon Talisman in the inventory.

Group message!

It means there are people from Demon Court around.

"What's wrong?"

Feida asked beside her.

"It's nothing. When you enter the ruins later, please pay attention to your own safety. If you encounter an accident, focus on self-protection!"

Zhao Hao told Feida and at the same time motioned for his pet to land.

"I see!"

Feida had no objection. Anyway, she would do whatever Zhao Hao ordered.

Although she has grown very quickly since taking office, her combat effectiveness is currently only around ace level, which is not enough to become the main combat force for the time being.

After death, you can use the altar to resurrect.

And this is also the biggest reason why strong people will join the players in the future.

Although it will be bound to the territory and death will have to pay a huge price, at least there is a chance to start over.

With this back-up, Zhao Hao dared to take Feida out.

Otherwise, how could this first-generation dragonborn with endless potential be brought out before he has grown up?

Soon, Freya landed on the ground and began to transform into a human form.

Not many people must have seen them.

After all, not everyone has the five senses of a giant dragon, so after landing here and approaching from the ground, no one will know her identity.

Take out the 'Ghost Che' mask and uniform and put them on.

For this ruins exploration, the natural barrier and ultimate transformation skills of the main profession are not suitable. Instead, a part-time job is more suitable, so I have to change my account.

As for Freya and Feida, their origins are easy to explain.

That was the helper that "Ghost Che" asked Feng Liuyun to borrow. After all, the two identities had "cooperated" many times, so it was not out of the ordinary to do so.

If you have a ghost on your back, you can fly with confidence!

At the same time, Zhao Hao did not go to the direction of the ruins, but went to meet the Demon Court first.

Looking at the situation today, there are a lot of people entering the ruins since they were opened, so naturally we need to recruit more 'helpers'.

Looking for Aboriginal people is completely overthinking.

Regardless of whether everyone is familiar with you or not, the difference in status alone is enough for the other party to trick you without hesitation at critical moments.

Such situations are endless.

If you want to cooperate with Demon Court, at least everyone belongs to the same organization. As long as the benefits are not so great that the other party is willing to give up their membership in the organization, they will not deceive others.

Not long after, a flying ant appeared in front of Zhao Hao.

Obviously, this was sent by Bai Ze to lead the way.

Judging from the opponent's reconnaissance capabilities, this area is definitely within its reconnaissance range. Coupled with the communication capabilities it possesses, it is indeed the best choice for teammates when exploring.

Soon, Zhao Hao saw four people.

Suzaku and Shirasawa sitting side by side on a branch.

Standing on the edge of the grassland with his arms folded, his eyes flickering, he looked at the figure not far away, wishing he could rush over and have a fight with the white tiger.

With a huge shield on his back and a long-handled warhammer beside him, he stood out.

Four members!

Judging from the sparse number of members of the Demon Court, there were quite a few dispatched this time.

"It looks like our harvest this time will definitely be good!"

Suzaku said something.

This can be regarded as a side recognition of Zhao Hao's strength.

Ghost car!

Now it is very famous.

The achievements one after another were achieved by force. Together with "Feng Liuyun", they are called the twin stars. Their strength is on a large level with other top players.

Note that the evaluation is given by those within the professional circle. Ordinary players just think that the two of them are very strong.

This happens naturally because the professional circles work together to suppress it.

If we don't suppress them, where will their guild leader's face be put? .

Now at least in the eyes of ordinary players, everyone is still competing at the same level, instead of not even being qualified to compare.

But strength is status!

With the strength of 'Ghost Che', he is indeed qualified to gain respect in Demon Court, a small mercenary organization that values ​​strength.

This can be felt from the way Baihu and Yingzhao nodded slightly in response when they saw him.

"I know this is a relic left by an alchemist and it will be opened today. There is also some background information. Do you have any information?"

After the meeting, Zhao Hao did not waste time and told the information he had.

Apart from not stating his goals, he really had no reservations.

Everyone is in the same organization, and the level of trust is far greater than that of strangers. Of course, he will not hide it.

"I got some information from the library..."

Bai Ze added, and also explained that this mission was initiated by her.

'Amazing! ’

Zhao Hao looked at Bai Ze and sighed in his heart.

The other party is indeed capable. Although there is no threshold for this task, it is extremely difficult to join.

The first thing is to know the location and opening hours of the ruins, and the second thing is to get the invitation letter. Zhao Hao's was given by Turing, but the other party got the invitation letter by force of his own ability, so it's no wonder that he would sigh like this.

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