The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 68 Necromancer


The bone shield emerged out of thin air, blocking the sword light at the last moment.

Several white bone shields were constantly surrounding the pale man as the core, which seemed to be a triggering spell.

"Is it a stick of bones that dedicated its soul to eternal death?"

Zhao Hao's joking voice sounded.

Well, just like "long ears" is a scornful name for elves, and "winged lizard" is a scornful name for dragons, the undead naturally have it too.

‘Bone stick’!

It's a title that makes the undead jump at the sound of it.

And when he teases the other party like this, he naturally wants to anger the other party, so that the other party will be more likely to make mistakes.

Don't think that the undead have no emotions.

On the contrary, Zhihui's undead souls are extremely persistent, so provocation is also very useful.

"Damn it, the great Captain Weatherhead is not a stick of bones, but a necromancer!"

The man with a face as pale as paper retorted loudly.


Just when he spoke out, Ellie launched her attack again.

The surrounding bone shield is indeed very strong.

But when attacks are continuously blocked, no matter how strong the defensive spell is, there may be flaws.

And Weathered also understood this truth, so after chanting in a low voice despite the attack, he used a spell.


The space in front of him was torn open like cloth, revealing a dark space.


A tall figure holding a giant sword and covered in heavy black armor walked out of the dark space.


The giant sword with a wide door panel in the opponent's hand swept across with a strong wind, as if the steel was about to be cut open by this blow.

Facing this attack, Ellie could only helplessly distance herself.

At this time, Weathered finally had some breathing space. The bone shield surrounding him was already in pieces and would definitely be broken if it continued for a little longer.

"Dark Warrior!"

Zhao Hao frowned slightly as he looked at the warrior whose whole body was hidden in heavy black armor.

This kind of undead requires the corpse of a powerful warrior, plus a lot of precious materials and time to create.

Ace level!

And the strength is not weak at this level.

"It's your turn to take action!"

Zhao Hao looked at the dark elf girl who was huddled next to her and acted weak.


Sisi didn't expect that she would take action.

"If you can't show value, then I have to consider whether you are worthy of my protection? And dealing with such a cumbersome guy is exactly the trickster's specialty, right?"

Zhao Hao seemed to have not seen the other party's pitiful face and pure eyes, and his tone was extremely 'cold and ruthless'.

After hearing this, Sisi's teeth almost shattered with anger.

She didn't understand at all why the other party knew Zhuoer so well and remained indifferent to her temptation.

If Zhao Hao knew what she was thinking, he would definitely tell her that after seeing a large number of unlucky people who were defrauded of all their wealth by dark elves, everyone would be so 'cold and heartless'.


After taking off the whip from her waist, Sisi had a well-behaved face, but in her heart she rushed towards the Black Warrior angrily.


A profession unique to the drow nobles with dual cultivation of shadow spells and agility.

Her agility allows her to easily avoid the opponent's clumsy attacks, and the shadow spells can ignore the opponent's heavy armor and directly affect the black warrior inside.


Otherwise, with her elite-level strength, facing such an ace-level enemy would be a complete waste.

Intelligence is important!

It is precisely because he knows the intelligence of Black Warrior and Sisi that Zhao Hao can respond appropriately.

Otherwise, even if the Shadow Swordsman and the Phantom Shooter were to go together, there would be nothing that could be done against the Black Warrior.

As Sisi took action, with the assistance of shadow spells, she firmly suppressed the opponent.

Seeing that his trump card was ineffective, Weathered could only cast spells and rely on the endless supply of undead to support the battle.

"Isn't it too simple?"

Freya asked with some confusion, feeling that this mission was too easy.

"No, it's just because you met me!"

Zhao Hao rejected this statement.

Because in this mission, if you break in without knowing anything, you will definitely have a narrow escape.

Not to mention other aspects, if you don't know that Soul Binder's weakness is soul fire, the level of difficulty will increase exponentially.

Coupled with the ace-level Black Warrior whose physical attack and defense are almost off the charts, it is definitely a hellish difficulty.

It seems simple because of his intelligence advantage, not because the task is simple.


The ship stopped.

Because the Alexander has arrived.

Looking at the half of the ship in front of him, which was only exposed to the water, Zhao Hao compared his medium-sized transport ship to a small sunken ship, and Zhao Hao felt a little excited.

"Let's go!"

He ignored the fierce battle on the deck and stepped onto the sunken ship.

The enemy can be dealt with later, but the skeleton must be obtained first, otherwise he will have no place to cry if it is destroyed for some reason.

Of course, you can also see what the treasure is first.

The biggest danger on the sunken ship is the necromancer Weathered. Now that he is dragged outside, it is an opportunity to defend against the void.

When he saw Zhao Hao taking Freya and Nini onto the sunken ship, Weathered, who was being hunted, became anxious.

"Shameless intruder, I will never allow you to taint my Alexander!"

"I will extract your soul and torture you forever!"

"I curse you!"

The opponent's words were flying.

It's a pity that there is no time to cast the spell. Ellie with the Shadow Swordsman will not give him a chance.

The opponent's strongest trump card, the ace-level Black Warrior, was suppressed by Sisi. She couldn't protect herself at all, so she was incompetent and furious.

Before entering through the hole in the hull, Zhao Hao complained in a low voice.

"Tch, my soul has been targeted by the Lord of the Abyss. If you want it, you must make an appointment!"

Not to mention that the player's soul is protected by rules. Breaking through the rules is not something the opponent can do. Even if there is no protection by rules, do you really think that the abyss gaze on you is fake? .

Because Ellie leads the troops to stop the opponent, there is no need to worry about the front foot entering and the back foot being blocked as in some bloody plots.

After entering Shenban, green light filled the area, and the field of vision was not bad.


After walking a few steps, Zhao Hao felt that he had kicked something.

When he lowered his head, he discovered that there were white bones at his feet, and it was his white bones that he kicked away.

Kick your head like a ball.jpg

This is normal in a shipwreck.

If you encounter an intact corpse, the first thing to do is to keep your distance, because the other party has definitely become an undead.

In the three-person team, Freya walked in the front, Zhao Hao walked in the middle, and behind was Winnie, the Naga Siren.

Squeak, squeak!

The loose wooden boards kept making noises, as if to alert some being of their arrival.

Suddenly, a violent chill surged over him.


Zhao Hao reminded him loudly.

Because this is not a drop in temperature, but the unique smell of death of undead creatures.

Just like living beings have fiery blood, the undead, an existence that is completely opposite to living beings, naturally brings a coldness that directly touches the soul.

Humanoid shadows passed through the ship's planks, blocking the passage ahead.


Freya slashed out with her sword, and the weapon passed through the shadow's body without causing any damage.

[Wraith Spirit]: Eighth-level undead!

Zhao Hao gave a reminder.

"With dragon breath attack!"


Fierce golden flames ignited on Freya's two fang daggers, and then she swung them out again.


This time, the short sword blessed with dragon's breath easily chopped into pieces and ignited the resentful spirit, without giving the opponent any chance to escape.

With the dragon's breath blessing and the double swords opening the way, these nearly physically immune ghosts were directly killed out of a passage, and Zhao Hao also saw the mission reward.

There was something in it that made his expression subtle.

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