The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 684 The murderer turned out to be this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes! (Thanks for sub

Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the heavy sound of hoofbeats, a minotaur with red eyes and heavy breathing rushed into the battlefield with a battle ax in hand.

"How is this going?"


"Should we avoid it?"

"Do you want to give the key to these Minotaurs?"

The adventurers are in a dilemma at this time.

If forced to do so, who knows who the thousands of Minotaurs are.

But he would not be willing to retreat.

Because if you want to clear the maze through this shortcut, you need the key from the maze breaker, not to mention the treasure guarded by the other party.

"Do some monsters dare to come and steal my prey?"

The beasts were unhappy and directly commanded three of the dozen giant beasts under their command to turn around and face the charging Minotaurs.

The ultimate nine-headed monster!

The body was as huge as a mountain and several tonnages larger than the dragon.

It looks like a lizard with nine snake heads with bone spurs on its body. It is as ferocious as you want, enough to scare some timid people to tears.

However, unlike its appearance, this is a champion-level monster that bullies the weak and fears the strong.

If the Bone Dragon is a disgrace to the champion, then the Ultimate Nine-Headed Monster is no better.

Facing someone of the same level, he would be submissive, but facing a lower level, he would strike hard.

The ultimate Hydra has nine snake heads as thick as a train, the kind with fangs that can easily swallow a Minotaur several meters high.

hiss! !

Amidst the cold hissing sound, the ultimate nine-headed monster began its feast.

It was indeed a feast for these three ultimate nine-headed monsters. The Minotaur's meat was highly nutritious and chewy, making them extremely excited.

As for the opponent's counterattack? .

The attack power of the battle ax is indeed not low. Each blow can break through the thick scales and cause many shallow wounds.

But the ultimate nine-headed monster, as the champion unit template of the fortress camp, is not without its advantages.

Rough skin, thick flesh + powerful in group combat + extremely fast recovery!

These are its characteristics.

The injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which did not affect its mad devouring of the Minotaur.

To be honest, a pure champion-level professional would not be enough to be attacked by the Minotaurs.

But a large champion-level monster can easily defeat the Minotaur.

This proves that the larger the body, the better it is for group fighting.


A Minotaur who was more than a head taller than the other Minotaurs and whose muscles were as hard as steel swung his battle ax at high speed.

The air was cut, and the huge snake head of the ultimate nine-headed monster was cut off.

Countless green blood poured out like a fountain, corroding the Minotaur that everyone was attached to, leaving no bones left.

Yes, the blood of the ultimate nine-headed monster is poisonous and extremely corrosive.

hiss! !

The eight remaining snake heads of this ultimate nine-headed monster were raised high, staring at the Minotaur who had cut off one of his heads.

The Ultimate Nine-Headed Monster is not a good-tempered monster. Instead, it is extremely vindictive. How could a guy who cut off its head not hate it?

The eight snake heads began to attack, completely trying to keep up with the Minotaur's relentless rhythm.

Judging from the scene.

It was this Minotaur, who was over five meters tall and looked like a small giant, who had the upper hand. He even cut off two snake heads in succession, cutting off one-third of the head of the ultimate nine-headed monster.

But actually it's a different story.

For this result, the Minotaur himself suffered several attacks, and was also drenched in green poisonous blood, which turned his skin into extremely rotten.

That is to say, the body is strong, otherwise it would be like an ordinary Minotaur, corroded to the point where no bones are left.

With only six heads left, the ultimate nine-headed monster's offensive became more and more fierce, and it also took the time to swallow some ordinary minotaurs to replenish nutrition.

Thousands of Minotaurs were mostly blocked by three ultimate nine-headed monsters.

The beasts stood on the back of a giant lizard, looking at the battlefield with their arms folded, then turned to look at the Blazing One suspended not far away.

"Hypocritical guy, you don't want your prey to be robbed, so why don't you take action?"

Even if he still has the energy to spare, he will not continue to take action.

After all, the enemy is not coming for him, but for their common prey, and he doesn't want to do it alone.


The Blazing One also understands that if he doesn't take action, the other party will really turn against him, so he has no choice but to take action for the sake of the overall situation.

He carefully took out a wing-shaped prop and crushed it heartbrokenly.


A loud hymn sounded, and a golden light door opened.

Heaven's Gate!

The classic Holy Light summoning spell.

However, some people can only summon cannon fodder, and some can summon big bosses. Just like in the battle to snatch the first generation of Dragonborn, the Is family of the Wolf Principality summoned an extremely powerful boss.

Ho, ho!

Platinum-gold lions sprang out from the gates of heaven.

It is as tall as a giant elephant, with claws as long as sharp blades, and looks majestic.

Celestial Lion!

An extraordinary creature that lives in the plane of heaven and can also use some simple holy light spells.

The emphasis is on quantity.

More than a hundred of them came out at once.

It’s easy to imagine how precious an item that can summon so many celestial lions at once is, and it’s no wonder that the Blazing One feels heartbroken.

With the help of the Celestial Lion, the remaining Minotaurs were finally stopped.

However, these Minotaurs were not to be trifled with, and they continued to launch counterattacks.

Don't look at the fact that Zhao Hao was flying a kite before, you just think that the opponent is weak.

In fact, the Minotaur's weakness lies in its mobility and methods. You will only understand how difficult it is when you actually fight.

High morale, large numbers, strong attack, high defense, long endurance... In terms of close combat, there are almost no obvious weaknesses.

The perfect infantryman on the battlefield!

It's a pity that this is not a battlefield, and adventurers are facing endless means.

Moreover, the Blazing One not only summoned the Celestial Lion, but also went out to kill the champion Minotaur himself, showing no martial virtue at all.

The beasts may have stronger group fighting ability, but their single-point killing ability is not strong. Both of them have their own strengths.

Just in the corner of the fierce battlefield, there was a team watching the excitement.

"Tsk, tsk, these two guys are hiding too deeply. No wonder the two alchemists died inexplicably!"

Bai Ze's low sigh reached the ears of Zhao Hao, who had just arrived.


He was immediately interested.

Because the two high-level spellcasters are not weak alchemists. If they really go all out, they will not be unable to fight back even if they face the epic level, but they sound like they are being tricked to death.

"In the hands of the beasts, there is a war beast that can use magic-breaking arrows. The Blazer protected the last alchemist, but the other alchemist died 'accidentally' in the battle!"

There was deep malice in Bai Ze's words.

Demon-breaking arrow!

On the first floor of the mage tower, one of the three alchemists died on it.

Everyone doubted it at that time, but absolutely no one doubted the beasts.

But I didn't expect this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes to be the murderer. It was really unexpected.

As for the unexpected things that happened when joining the Blazer team, this is not surprising.

Smiling tiger!

This guy is not as stubborn as other paladins. Anyway, Zhao Hao and the others don't believe that it was an 'accident'.

At this point, the three alchemists, who should have the highest combat power, all knelt down when they joined forces.

And this is the world of heroes.

It is not as exciting and interesting as in the story books and legends. Instead, it is both cruel and insidious.

However, they are not good people either, and they also tricked each other.

Next, they just need to wait for the opportunity. Whether they can gain weight depends on whether the plan goes smoothly.

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