The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 687 Kill all the beasts!

Tactical roll!

Faced with a blow to the face from the Blazing One, Zhao Hao did not open his shield, but dodged directly.

If the shield is opened, the opponent may find that it cannot be broken in a short time, and may change the target, so Zhao Hao would rather take some risks himself and delay for more time.

But don't forget that with the blessing of the intermediate dragon king's body, his body is not inferior to that of the same level warriors, and he has no shortage of combat experience. The reborn man himself is a melee knight.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising to deal with the opponent a few times.


The Blazing One let out a light sigh after seeing Zhao Hao dodge his attack.

Even if the opponent used the shield he had used before, it would still feel more reasonable to him than this dodge.

Judging from the opponent's performance, it is completely a standard summoning route of the necromancer, with no melee capabilities at all.

But now that he has shown such a skill, it is really surprising.

The war hammer hit hard again.


However, Zhao Hao got up and got out of the way in his extreme state, causing the opponent's war hammer to hit the ground beside him, stirring up countless rubbles and shooting around like explosives.

After the blessing state, every move of the Blazing One carries terrifying power and is completely unstoppable.

That is to say, Zhao Hao relied on the data to transform into a body, so he dared not to rush to open the shield. If it were a flesh and blood body, he might have to kneel down with a hammer.

The body of the Intermediate Dragon King!

Not only does it make him stronger and faster, but it also makes him feel sharper, otherwise he wouldn't be able to dodge these two attacks.


A halo of light spreads from the Radiant's feet.


Paladin's clearing and control skills.

Once a flaw is exposed, the Paladin will launch a violent attack.

Zhao Hao really had no way to dodge the magic of stepping on the floor without any blind spots, so he could only resist it forcefully, and he felt extremely sore.

It was as if the whole body was swept by extremely hot flames, and the pain was not compromised at all.

Yes, the pain caused by the power of the Holy Light is not weakened by the rules.

Just like the ultimate transformation technique, the pain is not discounted. As the saying goes, there are gains and losses. The strength of the necromancer increases very quickly. At the same time, there is also the natural enemy of the Holy Light.


Suddenly, Zhao Hao felt like he was flying up, as if he had been hit by a heavy truck.



The five-digit damage made his scalp feel numb.

This damage is a bit too exaggerated.

I know that the Holy Light can restrain the Necromancer, but I have never heard of it being so restrained. The damage is almost as much as a strike from a ballista.

And it's still a level A attack. If it's a skill, the damage will only be more exaggerated.

At the same time, it’s not just people flying in the air. The Blazing One will not waste this opportunity and throws out a holy light weaving hammer.

Hammer of Holy Light!

Career control skills.

It seemed that he was preparing a set of skills to deal with Zhao Hao, without giving him any chance to make a comeback.



Although the Hammer of Holy Light does damage, it is always focused on control, so the damage is not exaggerated. Otherwise, if the skill of a powerful person is targeted at the Necromancer, it will fail if the damage does not exceed 10,000.


Zhao Hao's eyes were confused, as if he was in a dizzy state.

The golden light on the Blazer's war hammer surged.

"Blazing Hammer!"

The title skill was used directly.

The war hammer was enveloped in blazing light as hot as the sun, and the power of this blow was definitely at a steady epic level.


It’s because it can deliver epic level damage or epic abilities at critical moments, but it’s not stable.

If Zhao Hao has been controlled, it wouldn't be surprising if he was taken away by the other party.

The problem is that he was just pretending to be faint.

Don't forget, among his talents, he is immune to mental and spiritual abilities. He is not immune to the damage of the Hammer of Light, but he can resist the stun. It's just that he used a trick to pretend to be stunned.

When the opponent hit him with all his strength, he suddenly took action.


A translucent shield woven with starlight surrounded him, just in time to collide head-on with the blazing hammer.

The star shield that Zhao Hao was so proud of was twisted as if a bubble had been deformed by a hammer.

You know, in the offensive and defensive battle of the main city of Shenmu Castle, the quasi-epic Phantom Dancer's ultimate move could be easily blocked, but the opponent's attack almost broke the shield, which shows how exaggerated the power is.

It’s not that the Blazing One is stronger!

It's just that one is a swordsman who takes the direction of speed, and the other is a paladin who takes the direction of strength. The strength is equal, but it does not mean that the attack power is equal.

Fortunately, this blow never broke the shield, which once again showed how exaggerated the defensive power of the Star Shield was.

Ordinary high-level shields may have been broken by a single blow.

After managing to block a blow, the Star Shield became much dimmer, giving people a shaky feeling.

The good news is that the Radiant isn't having it easy either.

Do you really think it is easy to perform such an epic level attack? .

At this time, not only was the power of the Holy Light in his body exhausted, but the light wings behind him also disappeared. He also lost a lot of physical strength. Even Zhao Hao could hear his breathing.

"How can it be!"

he muttered.

Yes, how is that possible? .

When Zhao Hao opened the shield before, he used a flat A attack. It was normal that the shield was not broken.

But this time, just to be on the safe side, he went all out and even used his title skills.

The blazing one!

He had just won the title with this move, but he still didn't break the shield, which naturally made him extremely puzzled.


The demon wings spread out behind Zhao Hao, taking the opportunity to distance himself.

In a melee fight with a paladin, he would only do it if his IQ was eaten away by a troll.

The reason why he didn't take off just now was because his death would be worse if he took off. Now that the opponent's light wings have disappeared, he will naturally take the opportunity to take off and distance himself.

The Blazer looked at Zhao Hao who spread his wings and took off into the sky, feeling a little desperate.

Even his strongest attack can't threaten the opponent. Now that his flying ability is temporarily lost, there is no hope of victory at all.

Ho, ho!

At this moment, the remaining giant beasts not far away from the siege of violent hatred also became violent.

It turned out that Freya succeeded.

Nonsense, open the field, there is no way to use the blazing one who specializes in melee combat and wears heavy armor, but to deal with the beasts under his command that are dragged down by the violent hatred, even if the opponent has a lot of life-saving abilities, it can be quickly solved.

Facing Freya who opened the realm, all the beasts had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to the earth. They were ignited by the flames of the dragon flames.

Even if he is at the quasi-epic level, it is not surprising that he fell into the hands of Freya after he had used up a lot of trump cards before being dragged down by his beasts.

After solving the beasts, Freya immediately closed the golden realm.

Although she could still drive for a little longer, she was unwilling to completely exhaust her energy and strength.

If she were to turn it off directly, she could still maintain some basic combat power, at least able to hold back the Blazing One in this state.

Zhao Hao in mid-air began to prepare for the death curtain.

As long as this spell can be used smoothly, the battle situation will be completely locked.

Of course, he may not have the intention to continue fishing. He still has a broken shield on his body and still has a lot of health. It would be good to be able to trick out some skills.

Unfortunately, after several fishing trips, the enemy's cards had long been exhausted by him.

At most, it was the last priest who was being besieged. Before he died, he shot a spear of light, which did not even break the remaining shield on his body.

"Welcome death!"

Zhao Hao shouted in a low voice and used the prepared Death Canopy.

It's time to end the fight.

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