The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 706 Archangel Annihilation Battle!


Zhao Hao reminded his troops.

Not far away, there were shadow swordsmen falling under the archangel's sword one after another, surrounded by sparse trees.

Nor did he look at the royal gryphon in the sky.

Although it was a sixth-level unit with tens of thousands of units, it was not taken seriously by him at all.

At the same time, Zhao Hao also used the spiritual connection with his family members to give orders to Bailong dozens of kilometers away.


The bomb flying dragons were shot out at high speed.

Tens of thousands of bomb flying dragons flew towards the ambush point at full speed.

And it's more than that.


The silver pegasus flapped its wings and lifted into the sky.

Hoo, ho!

At the same time, Green Wing and four other enhanced golden dragons also took off.

Silver Pegasus + Golden Dragon, the only two flying units, will naturally follow suit this time.

As for the bomb dragon?

That's not considered a flying unit, it can only be considered an offensive weapon.

A few minutes later!

Zhao Hao first activated the treasure ability.

Morale is high!

He directly used the active effect of the third-level treasure Niu Nuotao's Horn to increase the morale of his troops by 2.

Morale is a hidden attribute that cannot be seen in the attribute interface, but it is extremely important.

This hidden attribute determines the unit's attack speed...aggression, etc. If the morale is too low, there may even be a state of 'morale collapse' and deserters will appear directly.


Zhao Hao suddenly gave an order when he saw that all the Shadow Swordsmen who were used as bait were lost.

Following his order, the air suddenly swayed among the surrounding tree crowns and tree shades, and elves wearing green leather armor and cloaks, holding wooden bows, appeared out of thin air.

Phantom shooter!

It is still the kind that has been strengthened using the Dragon Blood Altar.

The quantity is 8995 units!

With so many phantom shooters, you can imagine how much damage they can do when firing at full strength.

You must know that the lethality of these phantom shooters strengthened by the Dragon Blood Altar, with the blessing of Zhao Hao, can catch up to the ace level or above.

Each phantom shooter has hundreds or thousands of damage, and even some small champion-level damage is only that.


Arrows shot out of the air and shot from all directions towards the 300 units of Archangels in the center.


The archangels dodged with all their strength.

There is no need to doubt the reaction speed of these small champions. Swords and arrows are just ordinary operations.

But that refers to ordinary arrows. Facing the phantom shooter who has been strengthened by the Dragon Blood Altar and whose attacks are comparable to heavy sniper rifles, it is not that easy to block. Rows of archangels fell down after being struck by arrows.

Health, defense!

This may be the Archangel's greatest weakness.

Since there is no size bonus, the archangel has only tens of thousands of health points, and its defense is not high. After all, it is not a heavy armor type.

One of the archangels turned into corpses and fell to the ground in the fire caused by the arrows.

At least more than half of the archangels fell directly to this round of long-range attacks.

It looks like the Archangel is in dire straits! .

But in fact it is not even a serious injury.

Because a champion-level unit like Archangel has an extremely important ability.


Ability to resurrect companions.

Therefore, all archangels have two lives. To relax just because one life is lost is to commit suicide.

Obviously, Zhao Hao will not relax.

The endless stream of arrows did not give the surviving archangels a chance to cast resurrection spells, and shot them to the ground one by one.

300 Archangels!

If they fight openly and honestly, the phantom shooter will not be able to withstand the slaughter of the opponent.

But after setting up the trap, one round of long-range concentrated fire easily killed most of them. Even if the remaining archangels escaped by chance, they would not have the chance to use the resurrection spell to resurrect their dead companions.


Amidst the ear-piercing cries, the royal griffons circling in the sky surged down.

"Natural barrier!"

Zhao Hao directly activated his ultimate move.



Health points are consumed crazily, causing surrounding plants to grow at a high speed and blocking the sky.

Plant growth will make it difficult for aerial raptors such as royal griffins to get close to the ground easily.

That's right, the purpose of Zhao Hao's natural barrier is not to cause damage, but to better assist and cover the phantom shooter.

We cannot give the Archangel a chance to resurrect!

If we really want to resurrect all 300 units of archangels, we will be in big trouble.

Fortunately, there is another force besides the Phantom Shooters.


A famous shadow swordsman used shadow jumping to stop the living archangels.

The combat effectiveness of the Shadow Swordsman is definitely far inferior to that of the Archangel, but at this time, there is no numerical disadvantage, there is no pressure at all to block for one or two times, and delaying time is not a problem at all.

And when the Archangel is fighting the Shadow Swordsman, he must also be careful of the cold arrow attacks from the Phantom Archers around him.

The archangel who fell into the trap was completely trapped in a fight between beasts.

If you stay and resurrect your dead companions, you might still have hope of a comeback, but if you retreat directly, there will naturally be no hope of a comeback.


At this moment, a buzzing sound sounded in the northern sky.

The bomb dragons are here! .

If the archangels were intact, the bomb dragon would not pose any threat at all, because with the speed of the archangels, they could easily dodge the attack.

But if the bomb flying dragon attacks the archangel corpse on the ground, then the situation is different.

Corpses don't dodge!

If the living archangel wants to intercept, the prerequisite is that the phantom shooters agree. Once the opponent chooses to intercept, they will be attacked by concentrated fire, and they will only die faster.

Even the champion troops will be so powerless if they fall into the trap.

Faced with the double strangulation of the Shadow Swordsman and the Phantom Shooter, the number of Archangels not only failed to recover, but instead continued to decrease.

There was no chance to use the resurrection spell, and he was constantly being killed. How could the number increase?

The bomb dragons faced the royal griffon and exploded to clear the way.

Boom, boom!

Explosions and flames exploded in the sky.

The sixth-level royal griffon was unable to withstand the attack from the explosive flying dragon, and was directly blasted out of a passage in the air.

The remaining bomb dragons, numbering several thousand, rushed into the ground battlefield.


Astonishing explosions and flames shot into the sky, directly turning the battlefield into a sea of ​​fire.

The phantom shooters have already retreated in advance, but the shadow swordsmen have no intention of retreating at all. They are dragging the archangel to death together.

If not for this, with the speed of the Shadow Swordsman, it would not be impossible to leave before the bomb flying dragon attacks.

The extremely hot temperature made Zhao Hao subconsciously retreat a long distance.

The attack of the Bomb Dragon is too exaggerated! .

Each explosive bomb is more powerful than the fireball spell. Thousands of them explode at the same time, and the power can be imagined.

Of course, for this reason, thousands of units of shadow swordsmen were sacrificed by this blow. Coupled with the previous losses that were used as bait, most of the penumbra swordsmen were already dead.

But compared with the results, it is extremely worthwhile.

All 300 units of Archangels have been killed.

First, they were ambushed by Phantom Shooters, and most of them were killed. Then they were intercepted and consumed by Shadow Swordsmen. Finally, they were attacked by Explosive Flying Dragons indiscriminately. Naturally, they died.

Even though Zhao Hao could easily defeat the archangel, that was because he had a phantom shooter in his hand whose lethality was as lethal as that of a champion.

Without these enhanced phantom shooters, there would be no way to severely damage the archangel immediately, so it would be a complete dream to deal with the opponent later.

Now, after the archangels were completely wiped out, it was the Royal Griffin's turn.

Roar! !

In the sky, Green Wing and other four golden dragons and silver Pegasus had already arrived and began to intercept and kill these sixth-level flying units.

As long as the Royal Griffin is eliminated, Zhao Hao will be free to do whatever he wants in the sky.

It was precisely with this in mind that he deliberately lured out the Archangel and the Royal Griffin to deal with them first.

Now it seems that achieving this tactical goal is no longer a problem.

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