The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 719 Just because I'm slow doesn't mean you can attack!


The phantom archers opened fire, and a torrential rain of arrows was shot towards the archangel in the rear.

Compared with the results of the attack on the Royal Griffin, which often resulted in thousands of units, the Archangel's casualties, which barely exceeded a hundred units, were completely different.

But there is no way. Not only does the archangel have a one-handed shield, but he is also small in size and highly mobile. Coupled with the health value of a champion, it is normal for there to be so few casualties.


It's still the old rule, some archangels activate their abilities to resurrect dead archangels.

With an average of two lives, the archangel is extremely difficult to deal with.

Zhao Hao directly activated his ability.

Morale is high!

This third-level treasure, the Minotaur Horn, has its own abilities activated.

+2 morale!

It seems inconspicuous, but it is strengthened in all aspects, allowing the Phantom Shooter's damage and shooting speed to be increased.

After the morale surged, the Phantom Archer moved slightly faster and the arrow damage was higher. This can be seen from the record.

In the second round of shooting, hundreds of units of archangel damage were directly caused.

It looks like the results were the same as in the previous raid.

But at this time, the archangel is in a blessed state, and is stronger in all aspects than then, but he can still deal this damage, which already explains the problem.

"Use most of your magic value to activate Angel Barrier!"

Zhao Hao did not let Eve spend only the minimum magic points to activate Angel Barrier like before.



Most of the liquid representing magic power in the elemental pool was consumed instantly.


Layers of illusory and huge white wings emerged, and then enveloped the Storm, forming a barrier-like shield.

Angel Barrier!

One of the two abilities from the fourth-level treasure.

The effect is explosive!

The basic defense power of the high-level shield, combined with the huge magic value of the elemental pool, has resulted in a qualitative change in the defense effect.

Vigorously miracle.

With a total of six million magic points, the defensive power of the Angel Barrier is hopelessly high.

Facing the attack of 1,500 units of Archangel, it was extremely stable and there was no sign of fluctuation at all.


The phantom shooters did not miss this golden opportunity and started shooting with full firepower.

With high morale and at such a close distance, each round of long-range attacks could kill hundreds of Archangels. If the opponent hadn't kept using resurrection spells, they would have finished the Archangels long ago.

But it's okay. The resurrection spell can only be used once. As long as it is used up, it will cause real casualties.


Suddenly, a shocking water column rose in front of the Storm.

"what happened!"

Zhao Hao quickly looked around.

The first suspected target was the five steel warships in the rear, but they were still five nautical miles away, and the distance had not changed.

In other words, this soaring water column was not caused by the artillery that he was most worried about.


Zhao Hao suddenly saw something in his eyes.

Several figures riding griffons appeared in sight.

Just now, all the attention was focused on the Archangel, and he did not notice the other party. Only now did he discover the existence of the other party.

And these gryphon knights held disc-shaped metals and threw them into the water in front of the Storm.

"Kill them!"

Zhao Hao immediately ordered.


The phantom shooters immediately executed the order and killed it with random arrows, but the opponent also seized the opportunity and smashed the metal disc into the sea in front of the Storm.

Boom, boom!

The dull explosion made Zhao Hao feel a little bad.

Because these explosions were not like the previous explosions, but rather like the Storm hitting something.


And Eve also expressed a meaning to him.

That is, the speed of the magic battleship is greatly affected, as if it is restrained by something.

‘You really underestimated the methods of these aborigines! ’

Zhao Hao instantly understood the reason.

It must have been caused by the things thrown by those gryphon knights.

It seemed that the enemy used even the Archangels as bait, just to make themselves ignore these gryphon knights.

"It's just!" He looked back at the five steel battleships that quickly closed the distance. "Just because I'm slow doesn't mean you can attack!"

Yes, he understood the opponent's plan, which was to slow down the Storm and then use artillery to solve it.

The problem is, the opponent must be alive to fire! .

Explosive Dragon!

The more than 10,000 bomb flying dragons released just now have already reached the opponent.

Injuring each other is not just about letting the Storm bear a severe beating from the other party.

Although the Archangel was faster and reached them first, the Explosive Flying Dragons were not too slow and they also reached the opponent at this time.

"Fire, don't let the opponent get close!"

Simon's voice sounded, causing the long-range troops to open fire.

As long as it can survive this round of attacks, the enemy whose speed has slowed down will enter the range, and then defeat can be turned into victory.

Hope was right in front of him, and he couldn't blame him for being excited.

Unfortunately, this excitement was quickly extinguished by the cold reality.

Because of the group of bomb dragons, there were too many to break through the long-range fire blockade.

After all, there is no air force interception this time! .

If it only has long-range firepower, it will not be very effective against the fast, large number, and small size of the bomb flying dragons.

The key point is that the steel battleship has limited tonnage and cannot accommodate many long-range troops, resulting in slightly weak air defense firepower.

The good news is that there are many strong people on the five steel battleships.

Both spellcasters and physics professionals use their skills or spells with all their strength, rushing to kill the Explosive Dragon before it hits with explosive bombs.

The vitality of the bomb flying dragon is not weak, that is for ordinary people.

For a strong person, it is not much different from a bug and can be easily solved.

Boom, boom!

However, the bombs also exploded before the bomb dragon died, causing a lot of obstacles to the interceptors.

Continuous explosions and flames began to submerge the five steel battleships.

Steel cannot be enchanted and can only be resisted. At the same time, there is no need to worry about catching fire like ordinary wooden ships.

It's just that the flames of explosive bombs are not ordinary. They can burn for a while even if there is no burning substance.

Explosions, flames!

Five steel battleships were quickly swallowed up.

If the bomb flying dragon attacks the powerful person on the battleship, it will definitely fail or even be killed casually.

But the attack target is a warship, which is different. It will not fail at all.

The continuous explosions and flames caused the nearby sea water to boil.

Because the explosion and flames were too strong, the remaining bomb flying dragons could not get close at all, so they had no choice but to stop their attack.

Nearly half of the tens of thousands of bomb dragons were killed by the opponent's long-range firepower. Of the more than five thousand bomb dragons left, two thousand carried explosive bombs for bombing, and the remaining three thousand stood apart in mid-air.

A few minutes later!

The smoke and flames slowly dispersed, allowing people to see the sea surface clearly.


It's too awful.

At this time, there was only a small wooden boat like a survival boat on the sea, and Barr and a group of noble children stood on it.

As for the five steel battleships? .


Its wreckage can be seen everywhere, and because of its steel hull, it sank very quickly, so there are not even many wreckage.

It’s just that there are many strong people who survived.

After all, they don't have the ability to protect ships, but they do have the ability to protect themselves, and it's pretty big.

The problem is that after there are no ships in the sea, we are completely like meat on the chopping block and can only be slaughtered by others.

Five steel battleships were directly blown to pieces under the saturation bombardment of two thousand bomb flying dragons, leaving not even a large fragment behind.

So what if the other party carefully calculated to significantly reduce the speed of the Storm? .

The artillery had no chance to fire and was broken in advance.


A group of more than 3,000 bomb flying dragons on standby in the air, under the fearful gaze of the strong men on the surface, flew towards the remaining warships and transport ships in the rear that had begun to turn and were preparing to escape from the battlefield.

Yes, Zhao Hao is not ready to let any ship of the Bucks Fleet leave.

As a sacrifice for the birth of the aircraft carrier stream, no one can be missing! .

Under the desperate gazes of countless people, three thousand bomb flying dragons easily turned the battleships and transport ships without the escort of flying troops into pieces.

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